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1. 综 [zōng]2. 综 [zèng]综 [zōng]总合:~合。~括。~述。~览。~核名实(综合事物的名称和实际,加以考核)。错~复杂。综 [zèng]织布机上带着经线上下分开形成梭口的装置。……
1. 观 [guān]2. 观 [guàn]观 [guān]看,察看:~看。~止(赞叹所看到的事物极端完美,无以复加)。~风(a.暗中察看动静,以定行止;b.观察民间风俗习惯,生活状态)。~阵。~赏。~察。~感。参~。看到的景象或样子:~瞻……
汉语拼音:zōng guān
清 陈田 《<明诗纪事己籤>序》:“综观七子之诗, 沧溟 律絶,足以弹压一世。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文·<木刻纪程>小引》:“本集即愿做一个木刻的路程碑,将自去年以来,认为应该流布的作品,陆续辑印,以为读者的综观,作者的借镜之助。”
She regretted that she had not gone to her room to strengthen herself with a review of her situation.
她后悔自己没有回到自己的房间,综观一下她所处的形势以加强自己的力量。Select a template of your choice from the resources provided or from your own source, for the general look for a layout you would like.
选择你选择,从所提供的资源或从自己的源,给你想要的布局综观模板。Now most TV personalities would be quickly moving onto the next point , reading a cue card, looking at the monitor, checking time cues .
现在大多数电视台人物将很快走上下一点、阅读提示牌综观监测、核查时间线索。Finally, I research these four words generally and think dispersively to explore reasons and universal law of these network words.
最后,变分散考察为综合考察,综观这四个网络翻新词语,探讨和揭示新词语翻新使用背后的原因,分析得出普遍规律。Throughout most of our short history, the United States and the American people have provided moral leadership for the world.
综观我们建国后短暂的历史,美国和美国人民已经为世界提供了道德的引领。Looking at the world, real estate credit operations in such a short time, to the fast pace of development is so rare.
综观世界各国,房地产信贷业务在这么短的时间内、以这么快的速度发展是少有的。Application of a comprehensive developmental view to developing the economy concordance in "Pan-Pearl- River-Delta cooperation"
用综观发展观推进“泛珠三角区域合作”的经济协调发展But most of the listed futures contracts are agricultural products and energy, Fuel Oil is the only Energy Futures.
但是综观我国上市的期货品种,主要以粮食和金属品种为主,能源期货品种很少,目前只有燃料油。Looking at the recent Olympic Games in Beijing to the theme of the exhibition, stimulates economic growth engine already visible.