




1. 见 [jiàn]2. 见 [xiàn]见 [jiàn]看到:看~。罕~。~微知著。~义勇为。~异思迁。接触,遇到:怕~风。~习。看得出,显得出:~效。相形~绌。(文字等)出现在某处,可参考:~上。~下。会晤:会~。接~。对事物观察、认……




1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……



汉语拼音:guǎn jiàn suǒ jí







  • 【解释】:管见:从管子里看东西,指见识浅陋。谦虚的说法,表示自己见识不广,意见未必正确。
  • 【出自】:《抱朴子·勤求》:“故世间道士知金丹之事者万无一者。而管见之属,谓仙法当具在于纷若之书,及于祭礼拜伏之间而已矣。”


  1. na.
  2. limited outlook;in my humble opinion;in the light of my limited experience;see from one'

  3. s humble point of view;the view of sth. as seen through a tube

  1. 记忆所及,没有。

    I can recall none.

  2. 尽我能力所及

    to the best of my ability

  3. 就我记忆所及

    to the best of my recollection

  4. 伸手所及的地方

    within the reach of sb.

  5. 就我臂长所及

    as far as my arm can reach

  6. 超出他所及的范围

    without his reach

  7. 听力所及之范围, 声音所及的距离

    The range within which the unaided voice may be heard earshot hear ken see

  8. 我爱你直到我的灵魂所及的深度,

    I love thee to the depth and breadth and height

  9. 超过常人或常人所及的不可思议或超自然的

    Above or beyond the human preternatural or supernatural.

  10. 玄冥中神的存在和美好所及。

    For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.

  11. 白天, 太阳照耀, 眼睛所及, 一切尽收眼底。

    When the sun shines during the day, everything is visible as far as the eye can see.

  12. 就我的记忆所及, 他从不打网球。

    So far as I can remember, he never plays tennis.

  13. 群星任我所及。我已拥有信念, 心中的信念。

    I can reach any star. I've got faith, faith of the heart.

  14. 根据我的观察所及, 白湖的情形也如此。

    The same is true, as far as my observation goes, of White Pond.

  15. 陆地国家的权力以其武器所及的范围为限

    terrae potestas finitur ubi finitur amorum vis

  16. 凡你目光所及的一切土地,都是赐给你的。

    All the land you see is given to you.

  17. 在此仅就自己视线所及谈几个问题。

    Far as his line of sight in this reach of a few issues.

  18. 可以进行软件包降级, 但这非本说明所及。

    It is possible to downgrade packages, but that is not covered here.

  19. 我爱你直到灵魂所及的深度, 广度和高度。

    I love you to the depth and breadth and height.

  20. 就我记忆所及,这是最热的一个夏天。

    This has been the hottest summer within my memory.

  21. 就我记忆所及,他曾开过一张200美元的支票。

    To the best of my memory, he wrote a check for 200.

  22. 就耳目所及,只觉得这几年的变化可真不小。

    From what I hear and see, things have changed a lot in these last few years.

  23. 她的目光所及已从玄幻转换到日常生活的情景之中。

    Her focus has now shifted to scenes from the daily life.

  24. 这方面的规定包括证监会,联交所及中央结算的规则。

    This includes the rules of SFC and the Exchange and of the Clearing House.

  25. 超越自己得能力所及吧, 你会猛然发觉自己能做那么多。

    Gobeyond what you know you can do, and suddenly you'll know you can domuch, much more.

  26. 超越自己的能力所及吧,你会猛然发觉自己能做那么多。

    Gobeyond what you know you can do, and suddenly you'll know you can domuch, much more.

  27. 就我知识所及,鱼是最好的补脑食品这种看法是荒谬的。

    To the best of my knowledge, it is not absurd to have the idea that fish is the best nourishing food for the brain.

  28. 据我的记忆所及,贵公司起初是1978年创办的一家小工厂。

    TO the best of my knowledge, your company was originally a small workshop set up in1978.

  29. 据我得记忆所及,贵公司起初是1978年创办得一家小工厂。

    TO the best of my knowledge, your company was originally a small workshop set up in1978.

  30. 由你身边的事物开始, 把这观念套用在你目光所及之物。

    Begin with the things that are near you, and apply the idea to whatever your glance rests on.

