


窃取,趁人不知时拿人东西:~窃。~吃。小~儿(t島r )。行动瞒着人:~~。~看。~听。~渡。~袭。~税。~天换日(喻暗中改变重大事物的真相以欺骗别人)。抽出时间:~空儿。~暇。~闲。苟且:~安。~生。~幸。~合苟容(苟且迎合别人的意思以求……









汉语拼音:tōu shēng pà sǐ








偷生怕死 [tōu shēng pà sǐ]
  1. 苟且:得过且过;偷生:苟且地活着。得过且过,勉强活着。



  1. na.
  2. cling to life and be scared of death;live dishonourably for fear of death

  1. 今天冒死偷拍的绝世美女!

    Steal unique beautiful woman risk of death today!

  2. 冒死偷拍黑枪交易全过程!

    ZT Steal beat gun business entire proceeding the risk of death!

  3. 我睡觉时把钱放在枕头下,生怕贼偷了去。

    I slept with all my money under my pillow for fear of thieves.

  4. 我睡觉时把钱放在枕头下,生怕贼偷了去。

    I slept with all my money under my pillow for fear of thieves.

  5. 不能去!穷死, 不偷!

    No, no, he'd starve to death rather than steal!

  6. 她得偷食物才不至于饿死。

    She had to steal food just to stay alive.

  7. 他宁愿饿死也不愿偷窃。

    He would starve before stealing.

  8. 他宁可饿死也不会去偷东西。

    He will starve before he will steal.

  9. 父亲告诉孩子们他就是饿死也不会去偷。

    Father told the children that he would die of hunger before he would steal.

  10. 他宁愿饿死, 也不愿去偷。

    He will die of hunger before he will steal.

  11. 是他偷了她的药啊, 她病死的啊!

    Be the medicine that he stole her, of her die in one's bed ah!

  12. 是他偷了她得药啊,她病死得啊!

    Be the medicine that he stole her, of her die in one's bed ah!

  13. 或许还能偷吃颗葡萄。我饿死了。

    And maybe rip a grape off a stem. I'm starving.

  14. 杀死哈默得那个人,把他得车偷了。

    The killer took Homer's pickup truck.

  15. 杀死哈默的那个人,把他的车偷了。

    The killer took Homer's pickup truck.

  16. 有人试图偷车时可以将车锁死的装置。

    A device that immobilize the car if anyone tries to steal it.

  17. 只要想想可能是梅林偷了它,就气得要死。

    If I thought Merlin had stolen it, I would be angry.

  18. 他企图勒死一名边防警察并偷走他的枪。

    He tried to strangle a border policeman and steal his gun.

  19. 可怜飞狗狗。偷走的人,最好吃豆腐时被哽死。

    Cox so many dogs in my mother in law hse ler.

  20. 昨天我的钱全部被偷了。如果我的贷款不获准,我会死。

    All my money was stolen yesterday. I will die if my loan does not come through.

  21. 有人把他活活打死然后偷走了一大堆档案。

    Someone beat him to death, and stole a bunch of files.

  22. 美国军队在偷油冲突过程中杀死7名伊拉克人

    US Military Kills 7 Iraqis in Clash over Oil Theft

  23. 他们中的一个人说这两名开偷来的车去兜风的人死得活该。

    One of them said the two dead joy riders got what they deserved.

  24. 竟然有人偷了我的手机,真是气死我了!买新手机花了好几千,还交了2年的使用违约金。

    Pissed that someone jacked my phone last night! I had to cough up 600,000 won for a new one and had to pay the cancellation fees for my 2-year contract.