




1. 读 [dú]2. 读 [dòu]读 [dú]依照文字念:~数。~经。~书。宣~。朗~。范~。看书,阅览:阅~。速~。默~。~者。求学:走~。字的念法:~音。~破。读 [dòu]旧指文章里一句中间念起来要稍稍停顿的地方:句~。……



汉语拼音:kè dú







  1. 谓进行教学活动,传授知识。

    清 昭槤 《啸亭续录·张夫子》:“公独处萧寺中,聚徒课读。” 徐自华 《九日闲兴》诗:“懒携樽酒登高去,课读儿曹昼掩扉。”

  2. 谓接受教育,学习知识。

    《儿女英雄传》第十八回:“ 纪太傅 听説无法,便留 纪望唐 一人课读,打算给 纪献唐 另请一位先生,叫他兄弟两个各从一师受业。”



  1. The book is suitable as an accompanying text or recommended reading for a graduate course in quantum mechanics.


  2. Do you need to take a course, read a book, make a phone call, create a proposal, or write a letter?


  1. 讲读课中的段落教学探究

    Exploration on Paragraph Teaching in Instructional Reading Lesson

  2. 在一节课中读另一节课的功课等于是拆东墙补西墙

    Trying to study a lesson for one class during another class is like robbing Peter to pay Paul.

  3. 继续读第三课。

    Go on reading lesson 3.

  4. 继续读第二课。

    Go on reading Lesson Two.

  5. 读第一课三遍。

    Read lesson One three times.

  6. 我们正在读第一课。

    We are reading the first lesson.

  7. 我正在读第六课。

    I'm reading Lesson Six.

  8. 他继续读第六课。

    He went on reading lesson six.

  9. 我们接着读第二课。

    We went on to read Lesson Two.

  10. 大学英语读写课教学

    the teaching process of College English reading and writing

  11. 在你们上了这些课之后,读它将会带给你们愉悦。

    After you have had these lectures, it will be a joy to read.

  12. 他读完第二课后,接着读第三课。

    After he reading Lesson Two, he went on to read Lesson Three.

  13. 读完第一课后,他继续读第二课。

    After finishing reading lesson one, he on to read lesson two.

  14. 读完第一课后, 我们又接着读第二课。

    After reading Lesson One, we went on read Lesson Two.

  15. 他写完信后, 接着读第一课课文。

    After he finished writing the litter, he went on to read the text of lesson one.

  16. 课堂上练习口语的机会很多,即使在读写课上也一样。

    The classroom are many opportunities for oral practice, even in the reading and writing class, too.

  17. 阅读第四课五遍,读懂每一句话。

    Read unit 4, five times. have to understand every sentences.

  18. 这是第一个小班课我在伯克利读。

    This is the first small class I'm taking in Berkeley.

  19. 我没有去上这些课,而是自己读课本,学数学。

    I skipped the courses, instead reading texts and studying math.

  20. 我不习惯上这么多的讨论课, 而且要读很多东西。

    I'm not used to having so many seminars, and there seems to be so much reading.

  21. 你会读这一课吗?

    Can you read this book?

  22. 让我们读一下第七课这篇优美的散文。

    Let's read the seventh lesson that is a beautiful prose.

  23. 上钢琴课,去夏令营,读最好的大学。

    Piano lessons and summer camp and the best colleges.

  24. 开发利用阅读课文本资源,以读促写

    Making Use of Text Resources of the Reading Course for the Improvement of Writing

  25. 哲学原理课教学如何指导学生读点原著

    How to Direct Students to Read Origianl Work in Philosophy Education.

  26. 俄语速读课教学软件的开发

    Developing on teaching software of Russian fast reading

  27. 这些孩子们被禁止 读报,听广播 或是 读课外书。

    These children are explicitly forbidden from reading newspapers, listening to radio, reading any books that the teachers do not prescribe them.

  28. 我知道, 她的儿子哈里在威尔逊大学读您开的一门课。

    I understand her son Harry is enrolled in one of your courses at Wilson.

  29. 继续读第课。

    Go on reading Lesson Three.

  30. 听读本课的歌谣。

    A Listen to a rhyme and learn to say it.