







汉语拼音:guā cā






  1. 牵连。

    《儿女英雄传》第三六回:“自己待要开言解劝,听得 张姑娘 才説了一句,索性连他嬷嬷爹 华忠 也刮擦上了,却也防一説吃个钉子。”



  1. Unexplained noises can be cause by anything as simple as a tree scratching against your window to the wind.


  2. The wind booms down the curved length of the trailer and under its roaring passage he can hear the scratching of fine gravel and sand.


  3. The only sound was a slight scraping noise from the rooftop, where the weather-vane swung back and forth.


  4. A scratch-resistant 7-inch color display takes up the front, while the back is covered in a soft-touch paint that feels almost like rubber.


  5. In the area of the body the optics can be turned and parked to provide protection against dust and scratching.


  6. What better way to get out of an embarrassing scrape or a sensitive situation than by letting off a loud fart?


  7. Do not get the surface scratched.


  8. The invention discloses a polypropylene material with low density, high rigidity and scratch resistance and a preparation method thereof.


  9. A wooden spatula is more practical for stirring than a wooden spoon; its flat surfaces are easily scraped off on the side of a pan or bowl.


  1. 这个过程称作刮擦。

    The process is called scratching.

  2. 我感到它刮擦着我的胳膊。

    I feel it scraping my arms.

  3. 钥匙锁刮擦车得侧面从而破坏车。

    Muggins here locked his keys in the car!

  4. 钥匙锁刮擦车的侧面从而破坏车。

    Muggins here locked his keys in the car!

  5. 发刺耳刮擦声发出难听, 刮擦般的声音

    To make a harsh, grating sound.

  6. 你的裤扣就会刮擦我的脸蛋。

    My right ear scraped a buckle.

  7. 单纯基于轮胎刮擦痕迹的车速估计

    Velocity Estimation Fully Depend on the Scraped Marks of Tire

  8. 由于刮擦或刮削而产生的粗糙的声音。

    A harsh noise made by scraping.

  9. 用钥匙锁刮擦车的侧面从而破坏车。

    Vandalize a car by scratching the sides with a key.

  10. 这时后院走廊上传来一阵刮擦的声音。

    There was a scraping noise on the back porch.

  11. 这时后院走廊上传来一阵刮擦得声音。

    There was a scraping noise on the back porch.

  12. 切勿使用尖锐物品刮擦太阳能电池板表面。

    Do not use sharp objects to scratch or scrape the surfaces of the solar panels.

  13. 锉声尖利,擦刮般的声音用爪子刮擦着冰层。

    A harsh, grating sound. and scratched the ice with his class.

  14. 与蚀刻素描不同的是,他们的技术不需要刮擦。

    Unlike the Etch A Sketch, their technique did not involve scraping.

  15. 这能防止其被刮擦,扯裂并污垢的堆积。

    This prevents scratching and tearing as well as grease and grime build up.

  16. 弹膛后切口刮擦痕迹在认定发射枪支中的作用

    Role of Scratch on the Back Slit of Chamber in Identifying Shooting Gun.

  17. 在它的使用过程中会充满跌落,冲撞和刮擦。

    It will be dropped, bumped, and scratched over its lifetime.

  18. 全膜电容器低熔点刮擦焊料性能的研究

    Research on the Low Melting Point Solder Used With the Aluminium Foil Scraped and Rubbed for All Film Capacitors

  19. 每次操作锋利的阀座边缘都可以把球体刮擦干净。

    Can swipe the spheroid clean on the sharp valve seat edge at the time of each operation.

  20. 每次操作锋利得阀座边缘都可以把球体刮擦干净。

    Can swipe the spheroid clean on the sharp valve seat edge at the time of each operation.

  21. 这所房子寂静无声,只听见树枝刮擦着石板瓦吱吱作响。

    The house was silent but for the scraping of a branch on the slates.

  22. 这些白点通常是由于指甲根部受到碰撞和刮擦引起的。

    These spots are usually caused by bumps and scrapes to the base of your nails.

  23. 这些白点通常是由于指甲根部受到碰撞和刮擦引起得。

    These spots are usually caused by bumps and scrapes to the base of your nails.

  24. 碘熏法显现压痕字迹和擦刮痕迹的原理探讨

    Argumentation on Visualizing Impressed Handwriting and Scratching Mark Through

  25. 一根十二月里的光秃秃的无花果枝丫擦刮着玻璃窗。

    Now a nude December fig branch grates against the window.

  26. 涂布完感平胶后,一定给把刮斗擦肮脏。

    After you have finished photoptic rubber coating, be sure to clean the scrape.

  27. 他每天早晨都刮脸, 擦鞋。

    Each morning he shaved and polished his shoes.

  28. 轻擦沿一平面擦或刮的动作。

    The act of brushing or scraping along a surface.

  29. 沙粒磨擦、刮削、割切着吹过的岩石。

    Abrasive for cutting and grinding wheels The particles of sand rub, scratch and cut the rocks against which they are blown.

  30. 发刮擦声发出刮东西的声音

    To utter in a grating voice.


  1. 问:刮擦的拼音怎么拼?刮擦的的读音是什么?刮擦的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刮擦的的读音是guā cā de,刮擦的翻译成英文是 abraded

  2. 问:刮擦式防尘圈拼音怎么拼?刮擦式防尘圈的读音是什么?刮擦式防尘圈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刮擦式防尘圈的读音是guā cā shì fáng chén quān,刮擦式防尘圈翻译成英文是 wiper scraper seal