







汉语拼音:yú yǐ









  1. 犹言于何。在何处。


  2. 犹言于何。用什么。

    《诗·邶风·击鼓》:“于以盛之?维筐及筥。于以湘之?维錡及釜。” 南朝 宋 颜延之 《阳给事诔》:“皇上嘉悼,思存宠异。于以赠之?言登给事。”

  3. 犹言至于。

    《文选·郭璞<江赋>》:“阳鸟爰翔,于以玄月。” 李善 注引 郭璞 曰:“《国语》云‘至于玄月’也。”

  4. 犹是以。

    宋 王禹偁 《大阅赋》:“御幄立而天开,教场平而霜劲。雷动风行,千骑万乘,于以威八荒,于以安百姓。” 宋 王禹偁 《日月光天德赋》:“观其日之始也……龙吐焰而氛霾荡尽,乌腾晶而魑魅潜藏。于以瑞呈五色,于以明列三光。”

  5. 因此;是以。

    明 方孝孺 《祭王文节公》:“先生平生大节因得陈於殿陛,而达於旒扆之前。於以有学士之赠,於以有文节之謚。”



  1. I feel be you of friend, I should make it a rule to carry on the exchanges by you.


  2. Any search for extraterrestrial life relies on Earth-based assumptions, and those the researchers made are at least sound, she said.


  3. The Leases are not subject to any options or rights of preemption or first refusal in favour of any third parties.


  4. She 's learned to say thing with her eyes that others waste time putting into words.


  5. Although an immersive application tends to be focused on providing diversion, its appearance still needs to integrate with the task.


  6. So far, the U. S. and its allies have preferred to shore up the political arm of Syria's opposition.


  7. It tends to magnify, to an unusual degree, human managerial talent - or the lack of it.


  8. Parallelism handles complexity better than traditional supercomputers made of one huge, incredibly fast serial computer.


  9. The Google+ project, which we launched in June, is the beginning of our effort to put people at the center of all Google products.


  1. 人口趋向于以指数比率增长。

    Populations tend to grow at an exponential rate.

  2. 专门致力于以冲浪板滑水的人。

    someone who engages in surfboarding.

  3. 习惯于以武力获得所渴望的东西。

    given to taking by force what is desired.

  4. 以或类似于以圆周或螺旋的形式转动

    to revolve in or as if in a circle or spiral

  5. 适用于以合众国为一方当事人的争讼。

    To controversies to which the United States shall be a party.

  6. 鲍勃说他是小偷,无异于以五十步笑百步。

    Bob's calling him a thief is the same as the pot calling the kettle black.

  7. 保险趋向于以非常大的比例放大管理人才的效果。

    It tends to magnify, to an unusual degree, human managerial talent or the lack of it.

  8. 不同于以乐器演奏为主,我们更著重于歌唱的表演。

    We focus on singing performances rather than playing instruments.

  9. 这些规则普遍适用于以这种形式提供语法的架构。

    These rules are also generally applicable to schemas providing syntax details in this form.

  10. 我觉得作为你得朋友,我应该习惯于以你得方式进行交流。

    I feel be you of friend, I should make it a rule to carry on the exchanges by you.

  11. 我觉得作为你的朋友,我应该习惯于以你的方式进行交流。

    I feel be you of friend, I should make it a rule to carry on the exchanges by you.

  12. 这一次, 炒作集中于以更精准的方式销售商品。

    This time, the hype centers on more precise ways to sell.

  13. 外语教学的发展越来越趋向于以学生为中心的学习方式。

    The learning mode in foreign language teaching tends to be student centred.

  14. 切莫对任何习俗执迷不悟以致于以真理的代价来崇拜它。

    Be not so bigoted to any custom as to worship it at the expense of truth.

  15. 一种适用于以太网接收器的均衡器结构及其实现

    Design of an equalizer in an ethernet receiver and its implementation

  16. 这种着重于以按穴恢复能量脉流的分支就是指压按摩。

    The branch devoted to the use of pressure points to restore energy flow is called the practice of acupressure.

  17. 他来往于街道以炫耀自己。

    He paraded up and down the sidewalk.

  18. 矩阵除, 等价于乘以逆阵

    Binary matrix division equivalent to multiple inverse

  19. 对事物倾向于抱以赞许的态度的人。

    A person disposed to take a favorable view of things.

  20. 以占有为要件的物权优先于不以占有为要件的物权。

    property interest with important document of appropriation takes precedence of it that is not with.

  21. 施惠于人以怀着优越感态度对待人

    To deal with people in a patronizingly superior manner.

  22. 我于星期一以最快投递邮件寄出包裹。

    I sent the package first class on Monday.

  23. 全套样品已于昨天以航空特快寄给贵方。

    A complete range of patterns was sent to you by express airmail yesterday.

  24. 狡猾的精通于或以阴险,肮脏或欺骗手段为特征的

    Skilled in or marked by underhandedness,deviousness,or deception.

  25. 郭以宏才渊识,使得进忝风议于,以挽靡救变。

    Guo Yihong only then the deep pool knowledge, causes the shame wind to discuss, pulls rescues changes waste.

  26. 用十指赋于面团以灵气,三寸面人与他相伴半个世纪

    Making vivid dough figuring for over 50 years with his fingers

  27. 惯于争论或者以争论为特点。

    given to or characterized by argument.

  28. 通奸的关于,倾向于,或以通奸为标志的

    Relating to, inclined to, or marked by adultery.

  29. 藏起来, 置身于视线之外以寻求安全。

    Be or go into hiding, keep out of sight, as for protection and safety.

  30. 国家服务于个体并以提升公共福利为目标。

    The State is at the service of the individual and its goal is to promote common welfare.