


1. 有 [yǒu]2. 有 [yòu]有 [yǒu]存在:~关。~方(得法)。~案可稽。~备无患。~目共睹。表示所属:他~一本书。表示发生、出现:~病。情况~变化。表示估量或比较:水~一丈多深。表示大、多:~学问。用在某些动词前面表示客气……





汉语拼音:yǒu děng







  1. 有些,有的。

    元 无名氏 《冻苏秦》第一折:“如今街市上有等小民,他道俺秀才每穷酸饿醋,几时能勾发跡?” 明 张居正 《请申旧章饬学政以振兴人才疏》:“近来有等奸徒,利他处人才寡少,往往诈冒籍贯,投充入学。”《警世通言·旌阳宫铁树镇妖》:“有等居民,闻得此信,皆来小神庙中,叩头磕脑,叫小神保他。”



  1. " Here, let me do it, " he took the ticket out of my hand before I could stop him.


  2. In the days that followed, college students did not wait to ask "What can we do? "


  3. Time did not wait for me, it is you, who forgot to take me with you.


  4. The next moment, before he had time to realize what was happening, he was hit over the head.


  5. He did not wait to absorb the shock of his landing but used the bounce for his charge.


  6. Across large parts of Japan's disaster zone, nearly a week after a gigantic earthquake and tsunami, aid isn't getting through.


  7. According to the law, the accuser, the accused, and the judge were each allowed to talk for the same length of time.


  8. Hurstwood listened to its progress, wondering when Carrie would come on. He had not long to wait.


  9. The beauty of life is only made by walking, did not wait out brilliant.


  1. 免费空间,免费域名,有免费的这里就有等。

    Free space, Free domain name, Has free here to have and so on.

  2. 囚犯有等量的食物、睡眠和运动。

    The prisoner receives the same amount of food, sleep, and exercise.

  3. 你有等量的电子给体和受体。

    You have equal numbers of donors and acceptors.

  4. 我想只有等到后半夜我才能见到你了?

    I guess I'm not gonna see you till late tonight?

  5. 那你有更好的建议吗?有 等器官共享网络

    Well, you have a better idea? I do. waiting for u. n. o. s.

  6. 精密锁紧螺母在圆周上有等距离的三个锁紧销。

    Precision lock nuts have three locking pins equally spaced around the circumference.

  7. 我知道自己的位置,在你我之间只有等号,只能这样。

    I know their position in between only you and I equate this only.

  8. 这些深层牙印只有等恐龙死了时候才有可能被留下。

    These could only have been made after the dinosaur was dead.

  9. 当前房贷还款方式主要有等额本金和等额本息两种。

    The current mortgage repayment methods are equal principal and principal and interest equal two.

  10. 我们只是在等有人带头。

    We're just waiting for someone to lead us.

  11. 对真菌, 白色念珠菌等有抑制作用。

    Pairs of fungi such as Candida albicans inhibit.

  12. 对于人的滥用和错误等有抵抗力的。

    Proof against human misuse, error, etc.

  13. 芒种, 是麦类等有芒作物成熟的意思。

    Grain in Ear, is a Mount crops such as wheat mature meaning.

  14. 芒种,是麦类等有芒作物成熟得意思。

    Grain in Ear, is a Mount crops such as wheat mature meaning.

  15. 等有收获了就会知道自己是有用的!

    And so on are harvested will know that they are useful!

  16. 等有收获了就会知道自己是有用得!

    And so on are harvested will know that they are useful!

  17. 红色等有卧铺或靠背可放下的坐席。

    The Red level offers either a tiny sleeping alcove or a reclining seat.

  18. 由极软至极硬等有多种不同的软硬度

    Variable grades of closure force from very soft to very firm

  19. 说实话吗,等有一天我在浴缸找到她

    Honestly? For the day I find her dead, bloated body.

  20. 有上等得好酒?

    The cat Good wine for me?

  21. 对金属,塑料,玻璃,木材等有较好粘结力。

    IIgood adhesive power to metal, plastics, glass wood, etc.

  22. 对百日咳,肺结核,慢性支气管炎,蛲虫病等有疗效。

    Besides, it has curative effect on chincough, phthisic, chronic bronchitis, and enterobiasis.

  23. 甘蔗和小麦等有价值的作物全部被水浸泡。

    Valuable crops like sugar cane and wheat are under water.

  24. 总有一天等到你


  25. 没等有机会起脚射门, 他就被对方阻截了。

    He was tacked before he had a chance to shoot.

  26. 乘传通常有四等。

    Cheng Chuan usually had four grades.

  27. 成虫有趋光等习性。

    The adult was phototactic.

  28. 我有马车等在外面。

    I have a carriage waiting outside.

  29. 我有古书卷等珍品。

    I have ancient scrolls and other rarities.

  30. 接待室有客人等你。

    You have some guests in the reception room.


  1. 问:有等级的拼音怎么拼?有等级的的读音是什么?有等级的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有等级的的读音是,有等级的翻译成英文是 gradational

  2. 问:有等高线平面图拼音怎么拼?有等高线平面图的读音是什么?有等高线平面图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:有等高线平面图的读音是yǒu děng gāo xiàn píng miàn tú,有等高线平面图翻译成英文是 plan with contour lines