如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
汉语拼音:chóu suàn
亦作“ 筹筭 ”。古时刻有数字的竹筹。
《汉书·货殖传》:“致之 临卭 ,大憙,即铁山鼓铸,运筹算。” 晋 葛洪 《抱朴子·杂应》:“仰观天文,俯察地理,占风气,布筹筭。” 南朝 宋 刘义庆 《世说新语·文学》:“重问曰:‘圣人如柱邪?’ 王 曰:‘如筹筭。虽无情,运之者有情。’”
《隋书·李密传》:“ 密 多筹算,才兼文武,志气雄远,常以济物为己任。”《新唐书·李勣传》:“其用兵多筹算,料敌应变,皆契事机。” 明 沉德符 《野获编·列朝二·工匠见知》:“而木匠 徐杲 以一人拮据经营,操斤指示,闻其相度时,第四顾筹算,俄顷即出。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三三回:“我也筹算过来,我们既然沾了手,万不能半途而废,一定要弄他个水落石出纔好。”
Use the front and rear and is the difference between the two locations are used to calculate the actual distance between the anchors.
用后、后两个场所之间差值用于筹算不退位标志之间本质间隔。Staff should be aware of a variety of printed business card printing and membership card-making machine and the computation of his wages.
印制职员答不懂百般制卡和会员卡制作机的不梢能机能及工价的筹算尺度。In the select a stored image equipment must be guaranteed to work with a computer system's compatibility.
在拔取保存图象的摆撤时,一定给包管与筹算机编制的兼容性。Calculation of requirements forced the watermark must be simple, but this simplicity may significantly decrease against deletion capability.
筹算上的给求迫使水印务必单一,但这栽单一性或者会澄辉贬矮抗简略节略本领。Because Iintend to be a good student. I wish to render service to my country.
为什么?由于我筹算做一个好学生,但愿将来为国度服务。The plates lay a skin pass die block, at least to measure the thickness of the three places and calculates the average value.
不兵印版陡不收在一个裂缝台面上,起码丈量不一处的厚量并筹算陡均值。First, you can calculate the business card printing factory himself out of the film.
首先可以筹算制卡厂自己不入胶片的环境。Embedded technology guarantees that the font is not installed on the computer to the original format use the original font for printing.
嵌入技艺可包管未安撤响应字体的筹算性能以原方式搁置原字体打印。iterative method is an iterative process of algorithms, it requires more than once for comparison to obtain optimal for halftone images.