







汉语拼音:rù shǒu








  1. 到手。

    唐 白居易 《闻杨十二新拜省郎遥以诗贺》诗:“官职声名俱入手,近来诗客似君稀。” 宋 陆游 《长歌行》:“金印煌煌未入手,白髮种种来无情。” 明 李贽 《与焦弱侯》:“然性懒散不收拾,计此书入手,随当散失。” 鲁迅 《华盖集续编·再来一次》:“《晏子春秋》现有 上海 石印本,容易入手的了,这古典就在该石印本的卷二之内。”

  2. 下手;着手。

    元 纪君祥 《赵氏孤儿》楔子:“俺二人文武不和,常有伤害 赵盾 之心,争奈不能入手。” 明 胡应麟 《诗薮·闰余中》:“ 刘坦之 虽识非高邈,《风雅》一编,大本卓尔,初学入手,所当亟知。” 瞿秋白 《饿乡纪程》五:“我呢?以整顿思想方法入手,真诚的去‘人我见’以至于‘法我见’。”

  3. 开始;起头。

    元 曹伯启 《寄高文甫治书略寓自劾之意》诗:“新春将入手,归计定如何?” 清 王士禛 《池北偶谈·王秋涧论文》:“ 元 秋涧 王惲 ,述承旨 王公 论文语曰:‘入手当如虎首,中如豕腹,终如蠆尾。’”



  1. They started by modeling traffic as if it were a fluid, comparing intersections to a network of pipes.


  2. My investigation started with trying to understand the spiral pattern.


  3. This article is trying to carry out the preliminary analyses through the definition of "internet addiction" .


  4. Economics of law is on his way and brings forward many valuable countermeasures from the aspect of benefit's maximum.


  5. Gulliver was as gadgets into a suitcase and taken to the town show the exhibition.


  6. Moreover, if you decide to try solving a performance problem by throwing hardware at it, as is often wise, start by considering more memory.


  7. The new historical approach brought with it the advantage of a more nuanced conception of the art, better suited to a wider public.


  8. Response to such situations in life, is life always seem to be an inert wound, knowing that bad, but do not know where to start to change.


  9. He begins with Tibet, but it isn't hard to see the relevance of his conclusions to the current situation in Xinjiang.


  1. 不知从何入手

    not know where to begin.

  2. 我从下瓣入手

    Okay, I'm tracking one of the bullets.

  3. 所以从医师主任入手么

    Oh,no way.Firing Owen?

  4. 我从那里入手,达芙妮

    I'll take it from there. Daphne.

  5. 调动部属积极性从何入手

    How to Arouse the Enthusiasm of Subordinates

  6. 它们只能从元数据入手。

    They only have metadata to work from.

  7. 这些书可真不容易入手。

    It took me great efforts to get these books in hand.

  8. 年代鉴定可从多方面入手。

    There are many ways for the jewelry dating.

  9. 环境保护, 从全球着眼, 从本地入手。

    Environmental protection, think worldly, act locally.

  10. 他们确实不知道从哪里入手。

    They really don't know where to begin.

  11. 所以我们还是从直升机入手吧。

    So we started with the chopper.

  12. 制定计划要从调查研究入手。

    To work out a plan, one has to start with investigation.

  13. 我该由你的测试结果入手。

    I should start with your test results.

  14. 从行书训练入手的教学法研究

    Study on Teaching Method Starting with Running Hand Training

  15. 从纳税申报入手强化税源管理

    Enhance Tax Source Management, Tax Paying Declare Comes First

  16. 教学应该从培养孩子兴趣入手。

    Education should begin with encouraging the child's interests.

  17. 超声引导,我从腹股沟处入手

    Flip on the echo. I am going up through the groin.

  18. 本文便从此点入手,展开论述。

    This paper will unfold the exposition from this point.

  19. 科学研究正是从这些事实入手的。

    It is with such facts that a scientific investigation must begin.

  20. 现在,让我们从人类文化方面入手。

    Now, let's look at culture, the phenomenon of human culture.

  21. 提高公选质量应从完善体系入手

    Improving the Quality of Open Selecting Should Start with Perfecting the System

  22. 希望发展第二职业,却不知从何入手。

    Want a multiple source of income, but don't know how to start.

  23. 这道题目很难,我感到无从入手。

    This question is so difficult – I don't know how I'm going to tackle it.

  24. 矿工们往往从矿源较丰富的地方入手。

    Miners dig in the better parts of mines first.

  25. 认为消烟除尘必须从燃烧本身入手。

    Combustion itself is key to smoke abatement and dedusting.

  26. 每年这个时候,农民们入手下手犁地。

    At this time of the year farmers stacity in on to plow their fields.

  27. 我尝试着从理解这个螺旋模式入手。

    The company said it had carried out a detailed investigation.

  28. 那么,也许从小问题入手会更容易些。

    Well, maybe it would be easier to start with a smaller problem.

  29. 教堂的钟入手下手敲十二点。

    The church clock began to strike twelve.

  30. 我们正在进一步调查,将从那儿入手。

    We are making further investigations and will take the matter from there.


  1. 问:入手拼音怎么拼?入手的读音是什么?入手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:入手的读音是rùshǒu,入手翻译成英文是 begin





【拼音】rù shǒu

【释义】 1.到手;2.下手,着手;3.开始,起头;4.买入。