


1. 亲 [qīn]2. 亲 [qìng]亲 [qīn]有血统或夫妻关系的:~属。~人。~缘。双~(父母)。~眷。婚姻:~事。因婚姻联成的关系:~戚。~故。~邻。~朋。称呼同一地方的人:乡~。本身,自己的:~睹。~聆。~笔。感情好,关系密切……


1. 临 [lín]临 [lín]从上向下看,在高处朝向低处:照~。~渊羡鱼(看着深潭里的鱼,很希望得到;喻只作空想,不做实际工作)。到,来:光~。莅~。亲~。遭遇,碰到:~时。面~。挨着,靠近:~近。~街。~终。~危。~阵磨枪。照样子摹仿……



汉语拼音:qīn lín







  1. 亲自莅临。

    《后汉书·梁统传》:“建塋於 恭怀皇后 陵傍。帝亲临送葬,百官毕会。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第九四回:“到了那天,却也热闹异常,便是抚院也亲临吊奠。” 茅盾 《子夜》十九:“他觉得坐在后方等消息,要比亲临前线十倍二十倍地难熬。”



  1. Unfortunately I wasn't able to make it to the game last night as my doctors advised against the travel and stress it would take to be there.


  2. He gave her some advice, and told her that she should add a note to the posters, "My teacher will be there and will play the last piece. "


  3. A visit to Japan may not be necessary to understand how inundated Japanese pop culture is with Western Culture.


  4. First of all, I will not be able to attend the Conference in Nanjing, at least in the "physical form" in April.


  5. Provincial leaders and their British and American backers have had to fly in to try and deal with the crisis.


  6. Thus, although her parents did not visit Masters booth, their child gave them the most precious gift at the event.


  7. the company takes customer as god and welcome you to inquire , visit and guide us.


  8. On top of that, they rarely inspect the construction itself, leaving that to contractors and construction workers.


  9. He is known as "Grandpa Wen" for his benevolent demeanour and his role in visiting scenes of disaster and discomfort.


  1. 他亲临现场。

    He appeared in person.

  2. 首相亲临会议。

    The Prime Minister made a personal appearance at the meeting.

  3. 他的大驾亲临

    his corporeal presence

  4. 亲临一线的总理。

    Attend personally a glimmer of premier.

  5. 哈珀亲临北极捍卫领土

    Harper set out Arctic sovereignty tour

  6. 你能赏脸亲临晚会吗?

    Could we have the honour of your presence at the party

  7. 他再三拜请老师亲临指导。

    He politely asked for his teacher's instructions.

  8. 他再三拜请老师亲临指导。

    He politely asked for his teacher's instructions.

  9. 当时书画名家亦常常亲临指点。

    Chinese paintings are also often visit was pointing.

  10. 欢迎传真, 电邮, 邮寄及亲临报名。

    Fax, Email, Post and on site application is acceptable.

  11. 我选择亲临现场, 而非避而远之。

    I chose to come here rather than stay away.

  12. 我只想去事件发生地去亲临体验

    I just wanted to be in the center.

  13. 贝卡尔特亚洲总裁亲临现场祝贺

    Congratulation. Sheep. We are win!

  14. 如此美丽的体验,亲临由内而外的美丽。

    You're invited to experience such beauty, Unique beauty from within.

  15. 欢迎建筑, 装饰业及石材同行亲临参观。

    Welcome construction, decoration and stone counterparts to visit in person.

  16. 是呀, 能亲临其境有多高兴啊!

    Yes, it was delightful to be really in an abbey!

  17. 你问我连长是不是可以不亲临火线?

    You ask if I could keep from opening fire?

  18. 她已经亲临现场, 干劲十足地做组织工作。

    She was already on the ground, energetically organizing.

  19. 我们还能监测森林的成长,不需亲临现场。

    Also we can monitor the growth of this forest without being on site.

  20. 真诚欢迎国内外广大用户亲临指导和鞭策。

    Whole heartfelt welcome internal and external consumers to our corporation to direct and spur on our work.

  21. 欢迎感兴趣得批发商来电询问和亲临本公司。

    Welcome are interested customer call in for more information.

  22. 热忱欢迎您亲临晨人参观考察,交流洽谈。

    We welcome your visit a morning person study tours, exchange of negotiations.

  23. 就连亲临现场的袁隆平院士也连连点头。

    Even in person at the scene of Yuan Longping, academician also nodded again and again.

  24. 让繁忙的国际商旅客拥有亲临办公室的别样感受。

    To provide busy international travelers with an Office away from the office.

  25. 如以现款支付,请亲临本中心交与负责人。

    Payment by cash to be made only at the Centre.

  26. 保罗自己的亲笔赋予他的书信读之如同亲临的感动。

    Paul's own handwriting gave the letters a personal touch.

  27. 这是台湾光复后首次有领导人亲临孔庙参与祀典。

    This is time after recovery of Taiwan leader personally involved in the Confucius Temple Sidian.

  28. 大量订购 或亲临本中心选购,可获折扣价优惠。

    Bulk order or direct purchase at Centre will enjoy the provided discounts.

  29. 大量订购 或亲临本中心选购学报,可获折扣优惠。

    Direct Purchase at Centre or Bulk Order will enjoy discounts.

  30. 对战场有亲临的了解有助于一位将军拟定进攻计划。

    Visual knowledge of a place of battle helps a general to plan his attack.


  1. 问:亲临拼音怎么拼?亲临的读音是什么?亲临翻译成英文是什么?

    答:亲临的读音是qīnlín,亲临翻译成英文是 go to a place personally; come in person


