







汉语拼音:xīn kǎn








  1. 胸口;心口。

    《水浒传》第十三回:“征旗蔽日,杀气遮天。一个金蘸斧直奔顶门,一个浑铁枪不离心坎。” 萧红 《生死场》七:“服毒的母亲眼睛始终是张着……口吐白沫,她心坎尚有一点微微跳动。”

  2. 心中;内心深处。

    元 郑光祖 《倩女离魂》第四折:“只听的花外杜鹃声,催起归程,将往事从头省,我心坎上犹自不惺惺。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·玉公子》:“公子闻此説,打入心坎,羞愧不復能对。” 老舍 《樱海集·牺牲》:“ 老梅 也许是顺口地这么一说,可是正说到我的心坎上。”



  1. A woman's kingdom is the home and her throne is in the heart of her husband.


  2. HeXi spring, the wind into your room, let the snow flying into your room, let my New Year's wishes, float into your heart.


  3. He paused long enough to allow that to sink in -give Clyde the feeling that he was an interloper indeed.


  4. The faith waiting in the heart of a seed promise a miracle of live which it cannot prove at once.


  5. At each moment her beauty became more revealed, and her expressive eyes appealed more directly to the heart than the songs of the slaves.


  6. Friendship is no longer on friendship, deep cracks will lie with my heart from here, stranger.


  7. Maybe someone has been foredoomed to get into your heart. The only thing you need to do is to make a space to lay it!


  8. Life is a wind-bell tied to the heart, and only through constant baptisms can it play moving music.


  9. A holiday morning, a card falling on your desk, a normal night, I heard greetings from the telephone arrived in Cabanatuan your heart.


  1. 我是们心坎的愤激。

    I am the rage in your heart.

  2. 我从心坎里感谢你。

    I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  3. 我从心坎上感谢你。

    I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  4. 鸠尾骨,鸠尾,心坎,心坎骨

    xiphoid process

  5. 他把手放在心坎儿上。

    He laid his hand on his heart.

  6. 我愿意把他珍藏在我的心坎。

    I will wear him in my heart's core.

  7. 这是你的休息妇女的心坎上。

    That's how you break women's hearts.

  8. 正合我心意, 说到我心坎去了

    Touch me at the core of my heart

  9. 我会在心坎的最深处记着你。

    I'll remember you in my heart of hearts.

  10. 你是我眼睛里的光明, 心坎里的希望。

    You are the light of my eyes and the desire of my heart.

  11. 应该像阳光, 温暖在群众的心坎坎。

    Should resemble sunshine, warmth pits in the bottom of one's heart of masses.

  12. 说得对,兄弟,说到我心坎上了!

    That's right! You said it, brother!

  13. 这好消息使我从心坎里感到高兴。

    The good news rejoiced the cockles of my heart.

  14. 服从的观念已深深刻在她的心坎上。

    She was evidently impregnated with the idea of submission.

  15. 服从得观念已深深刻在她得心坎上。

    She was evidently impregnated with the idea of submission.

  16. 这些念头在她脑子里心坎里闪过。

    These thoughts flashed through her mind and heart.

  17. 一支部队在老百姓的心坎上, 一支可观的力量?

    A force in people's hearts, a force of impressive power?

  18. 有时月亮又大又亮,别在我的心坎上。

    Sometimes the moon greatly shines, don't in mine pit of the stomach.

  19. 一连串的话从他心坎里滔滔不绝地倾泻出来。

    The words rushed from his heart.

  20. 我将记得你, 我的伴侣, 永远记在心坎里。

    I'll hold the memory of you, my friend, in my heart forever.

  21. 冰冷的刀刃深深地砍在布兰文的心坎上。

    The cold blade cut down, deep into Brangwen's soul.

  22. 我只谈他的责任,我想我的规劝已打动了他的心坎。

    I spoke to him plainly of his duty, and I think I drove the nail home.

  23. 祝你家里,心坎里都回荡着佳节的快乐声音。

    May your heart and house the joyful sounds of the holiday season.

  24. 女人的王国就是家, 她的宝座就在丈夫的心坎里。

    A woman's kingdom is the home and her throne is in the heart of her husband.

  25. 男人得怒气,吹进女人得心坎,会摧残参天大树。

    Man's anger,blows woman's pit of the stomach,can devastate the towering big tree.

  26. 男人的怒气,吹进女人的心坎,会摧残参天大树。

    Man's anger, blows woman's pit of the stomach, can devastate the towering big tree.

  27. 她现在没有在这个世界上身体, 但她在我们的心坎上。

    She is not now in this world physically but she is in our hearts.

  28. 可可粉能够释放心坎里的欲望,并且揭示命运的归宿。

    Cocoa can release your desire and reveal your destiny.

  29. 而这些建议也正中老百姓的心坎, 说出了公众的心里话。

    But these suggestion also center common people's pit of the stomach, said public's words at heart.

  30. 此时此刻,我将永远把广大官兵的话语牢记在心坎里!

    At this moment, I will always remember the words to the officers and men in my heart!


  1. 问:心坎拼音怎么拼?心坎的读音是什么?心坎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心坎的读音是xīnkǎn,心坎翻译成英文是 the bottom of one’s heart



[the bottom of one's heart] 内心深处