


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……





汉语拼音:dà xiá








  1. 指名气大的侠客。

    《史记·季布栾布列传》:“ 汝阴侯 滕公 心知 朱家 大侠,意 季布 匿其所。”《后汉书·王丹传》:“时 河南 太守同郡 陈遵 , 关西 之大侠也。” 明 宋濂 《瑞安吴门三贞母墓版文》:“逮 荃 六岁,天下绎骚,大侠聚兵,阴窃生杀之权者甚众。”



  1. Do not know will not be a generation Ouyang Feng-errant, impenetrable .


  2. Let a person feel interesting is, the master and the evil forces to call back, but a philosophical issues, he's biggest enemy is yourself.


  3. Properly, then they will discuss good discussions, which you brought me here to Murong heroes, I will discuss with him a good discussion.


  4. But I believed that I may certainly solve this problem. do not trouble, not right?


  5. Looked at the stage of "Dragon heroes" beings, the children in the audience are also attractive.


  6. From this comparison, the United Kingdom is not hard to see the separation of powers is not complete!


  7. I had thought a fierce fight was inevitable. However, much to my astonishment, Master Miao left when he heard the baby's cry.


  8. Crocodiles: Well, if it isn't the world-famous Mantis. Guess you were so fast you forgot to check for traps.


  9. Unlike Emma and Daniel, Tom began acting at the age of 8. He performed as supporting role in films like Anna and the King and The Borrowers.


  1. 我现在是牛大侠。

    I'm Gallant Niu from now on.

  2. 小妹配不上大侠?

    She's not a good match for you?

  3. 到垃圾库吧!各位大侠

    Into the garbage chute, wise guy.

  4. 先探大侠的脸太不恭敬。

    It's not respectful to touch your face first.

  5. 我要进去看神龙大侠啊!

    I'mgoing to see the Dragon Warrior!

  6. 请问大侠们,第2步中间折成直角

    Will the heroes who step 2 Zhongjian folded angle

  7. 我要去看真龙大侠的比武!

    I'm going to see the dragon warrior.

  8. 我就是想看看谁是神龙大侠。

    I just wanted to see who the Dragon Warrior was.

  9. 一年不见, 大侠风采依旧, 健谈依旧。

    One year does not see, chivalrous person elegant demeanor as before, talkative as before.

  10. 每个大侠都要有人为他牺牲。

    Every great man needs others to sacrifice for him.

  11. 你怎么把这身肉变成神龙大侠?

    How can you change this into dragon warrior?

  12. 我感觉到神龙大侠就在我们中间。

    I sense the Dragon Warrior is among us.

  13. 哼哼, 我哪敢欺负你秦朝大侠啊!

    Hum, I which dare to humiliate your big Xia as Qin Dynasty!

  14. 不知各位大侠有木有碰到这种情况啊。

    If you heroes have encountered such a situation.

  15. 别动!别动!我要去看真龙大侠的比武!

    Stop! Stop! I'm going to see the dragon warrior.

  16. 那个熊猫!大师那熊猫根本就不是神龙大侠。

    The panda? Master, that panda is not the Dragon Warrior.

  17. 我找不到, 求个位大侠指点, 小弟感激不尽!

    I could not find, seek a bit heroes pointing, brother grateful!

  18. 并且虚拟机死机,请教大侠这个问题怎么解决?

    Kernel panic No init found. Try passing init option to kernel.

  19. 这位大侠有一身武艺,在局子里走镖。

    The swordman is very experienced in fighting and works for a professional armed escort establishment.

  20. 请问原始游戏关盘在哪里找啊请大侠们指点指点。

    Please insert the original game disc.

  21. 古代的大侠扬善除恶,个个都是英雄豪杰。

    Chivalrous men in ancient times did good deeds and destroyed evil, all of them were heroes.

  22. 古代的大侠扬善除恶,个个都是英雄豪杰。

    Chivalrous men in ancient times did good deeds and destroyed evil, all of them were heroes.

  23. 因为秦王认为其实无名大侠是想要杀他的。

    He believes that the hero indeed wishes to kill him.

  24. 传奇故事传颂一位传奇大侠,他的功夫无人能敌的传奇。

    Legend tells of a legendary warrior whose kungfu skills were the stuff of legend.

  25. 他从小就希望成为一名大侠,一个人啸傲江湖。

    He always dreams of being a great swordsman who lives a free life alone.

  26. 他从小就希望成为一名大侠,一个人啸傲江湖。

    He always dreams of being a great swordsman who lives a free life alone.

  27. 不知哪位大侠可以帮我为此刀条加柄,加档吗?

    Wonder who can give me a hand and add hilt and block on this blade?

  28. 就算螳螂大侠当初只是个小虫子时, 身手也是非常敏捷

    Even when Master Mantis was but a wee bug, he was fast.

  29. 这是请各位大侠帮忙翻译成英语句子要口语化哦

    Called upon to help errant translated into colloquial English sentences to be oh

  30. 请问大侠,怎么求给定信号与小波滤波器之间的互相关系数?

    Compute the cross correlation coefficient between ECG signal and selected wavelet filter.


  1. 问:大侠拼音怎么拼?大侠的读音是什么?大侠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:大侠的读音是,大侠翻译成英文是 swordsman



“大侠”是个多义词,它可以指大侠(刘德华演唱歌曲), 大侠(女作家笔名), 大侠(词语解释)。