


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……





汉语拼音:bù chì









  1. 不仅;何止。

    《书·多士》:“尔不克敬,尔不啻不有尔土,予亦致天之罚于尔躬。” 孔 传:“不但不得还本土而已,我亦致天罚於汝身。”《后汉书·冯衍传上》:“四垂之人,肝脑涂地,死亡之数,不啻太半。” 宋 楼槃 《霜天晓角·梅》词:“月淡风轻,黄昏未是清。吟到十分清处,也不啻、二三更。” 清 平步青 《霞外攟屑·斠书字典未收字》:“岂知书成而不传於后,亦不啻 恆河 沙数。”

  2. 无异于,如同。

    唐 元稹 《叙诗寄乐天书》:“视一境如一室,刑杀其下不啻僕畜。” 宋 陈亮 《送韩子师侍郎序》:“后来者咎其徒之不合舍去,责誚怒駡,不啻仇敌。”《西湖佳话·白堤政绩》:“ 樊素 善于清謳,每歌一声,而齿牙鬆脆,不啻新鶯。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第四部十二:“ 唐仲笙 这么一说,不啻迎头给 江菊霞 泼了一盆冷水。”

  3. 只有,不过。

    北齐 颜之推 《颜氏家训·文章》:“且《太玄》今竟何用乎?不啻覆酱瓿而已。”

  4. 不如,比不上。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·促织》:“举家庆贺,虽连城拱璧不啻也。” 清 王韬 《淞滨琐话·李延庚》:“生细视,女冰雪为肌,琼瑶作骨,两颊薄晕,如泛朝霞,真神仙不啻也。”



  1. This episode is a wake-up call to any company perceived to be hostage to one person alone. Even if it is true.


  2. Mr Ozawa has one more means of destruction: the nuclear option of leading his true supporters out of the party.


  3. With such ecological diversity, incredible natural beauty, and so much to do, it's no wonder that the falls are a wonder.


  4. You might as well throw your money into the sea as lend it to that rascal.


  5. What Edison does is nothing less than to banish the darkness.


  6. If you've never done it before, attempting to use a real guitar, even as a game controller, is a physically wrenching learning experience.


  7. The impact of the everyday things that he does is like a freight train running head on into the core of my being.


  8. As for the growing enterprises, capital almost to be the first problem should be resolved for its' survival and development.


  9. If the LifeStraw can get into the hands of those needy people, it would be refreshing news indeed.


  1. 不啻沧海一粟

    like a drop in the ocean.

  2. 这个数字不啻一声惊雷。

    That number came as a shock.

  3. 矫枉纠偏, 不啻双重补赎。

    Nor double penance, to correct correction.

  4. 这样的婚事绝无可能,不啻白日做梦。

    It was hopeless even as a daydream.

  5. 无神论不啻是希望的死亡,灵魂的自杀。

    Atheism is the death of hope, the suicide of the soul.

  6. 而还要付钱则不啻为疯狂的行为。

    But to have to pay for it is madness.

  7. 每节,安娜贝尔李提到不啻一次。

    With every stanza, Annabel Lee is mentioned more than once.

  8. 金融危机不啻是对这两个假设的无情嘲笑。

    The financial crisis made a mockery of both assumptions.

  9. 这些失败对索恩来说不啻是一大挫折。

    These defeats came as a particular setback for thorne.

  10. 这不啻是人类得福音, 更是吾国吾民之幸。

    This not only is evangel to mankind, but also is great for our nation and people.

  11. 这不啻是人类的福音,更是吾国吾民之幸。

    This not only is evangel to mankind, but also is great for our nation and people.

  12. 这话不啻是针对自己的病症,所下的一剂猛药。

    The sage's words were not only a strong potion for his own disease.

  13. 对于一个已陷于颓败情绪中的国度而言,这不啻雪上加霜。

    For a country already in a declinist mood, this was a blow.

  14. 渴望成为世界上最伟大的舞蹈演员,这不啻为痴人说梦。

    And his yearning to become the world's greatest dancer seemed but a pipe dream.

  15. 对于这位72岁的演员,卡林的书不啻是个天赐良机。

    Carlins book came as a godsend to the 70yearold actor.

  16. 当然,对经理人本身来说,这一机制不啻是超级福音。

    Of course, this system is extremely good news for the managers themselves.

  17. 他的决定对于那些试图要说服他的人不啻是一记耳光。

    His decision was a slap in the face to those who had tried to change his mind.

  18. 等待铃响不啻是一种折磨,这种焦急等待状态真让人揪心

    Waiting for bells to ring is a torment. The suspense claws at my heart.

  19. 他们说去跳就已经够蠢了,而还要付钱则不啻为疯狂的行为。

    They say to jump is foolish enough, but to have to pay for it is madness.

  20. 这听起来不啻于挑衅。

    it sounds like a provocation.

  21. 工程所需,不啻万金。

    The project requires a tremendous amount of money.

  22. 他之逃亡不啻自认犯罪

    His flight amounts to a confession of guilt.

  23. 爱迪生所做的不啻于永远驱逐了黑暗

    What Edison does is nothing less than to banish the darkness.

  24. 因此,一些人会不啻于全球化,担心其相当于美国化。

    Therefore some people turn their noses up at globalization fearing that it is in fact equivalent to Americanization.

  25. 这里名胜古迹荟萃,不啻是一座露天的文化史博物馆。

    For this reason, Mount Li can literally be called a museum of history with its brilliant assemblage of places of historical interest.


  1. 问:不啻拼音怎么拼?不啻的读音是什么?不啻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不啻的读音是búchì,不啻翻译成英文是 not less than; as good as; like


