







汉语拼音:zuò dìng







  1. 犹入座,坐下。

    《战国策·燕策三》:“太子跪而逢迎,却行为道,跪而拂席。 田先生 坐定。”《史记·魏公子列传》:“公子於是乃置酒大会宾客,坐定。公子从车骑,虚左,自迎 夷门 侯生 。”《水浒传》第二十回:“众人扶 晁天王 去正中第一位交椅上坐定。中间焚起一炉香来。” 欧阳山 《高干大》第十五章:“客人们都坐在炕上,干部们都坐在凳子上,大家的神气都很紧张。坐定之后,先由 郭占秀 开口。”

  2. 不费力而决定。

    《孟子·滕文公上》:“经界既正,分田制禄可坐而定也。” 孙奭 疏:“以言其易定也。” 宋 曾巩 《制诏拟词·韩琦制》:“及受末命,戡济艰难,以己徇时,坐定大议。”

  3. 很容易地平定。

    《三国志·魏志·袁绍传》“简精卒十万,骑万匹,将攻 许 ” 裴松之 注引《献帝传》:“ 绍 将南师, 沮授 、 田丰 諫曰:‘师出歷年,百姓疲弊……分遣精骑,钞其边鄙,令彼不得安,我取其逸。三年之中,事可坐定也。’”《晋书·石季龙载记上》:“若遣而果也,则不烦一旅之师而坐定 梁 益 。”

  4. 犹言使稳定;安定。


  5. 一定;肯定。

    《西游记》第五二回:“ 行者 駡道:‘你这泼魔,今番坐定是死了!不要走,吃吾一掌。’”《西游记》第七五回:“既拿倒了 孙行者 , 唐僧 坐定是我们口里食也。”



  1. "Say, " remarked Osterman, as the train pulled out of the Bonneville Station, and the two men settled themselves for the long journey.


  2. nim settled himself in the witness chair , aware that his presentation would be long and arduous.


  3. the woman walked forward among the boxes and bales of the lower deck , and , sitting down , busied herself with chirruping to her baby.


  4. O liver went in and sat down. He looked at Mr Brown low 's serious face in alarm.


  5. The Chinese superstar smiles and shakes hands, takes cigarettes from her jeans, sits by the window, and asks if it's OK to smoke.


  6. For years I would leave the office in the evening and sit down at my laptop to keep working as soon as I got home.


  7. As he got in the driver's seat , he mentioned that the neatly folded Wall Street Journal next to me was for my use .


  8. Clare is already seated in a booth and she looks relieved whenshe sees me. She waves at me like she's in a parade.


  9. By this time we were seated in the cabin and the steward brought in a tray with a bottle and glasses.


  1. 老人坐定下来掌舵。

    The old man settled himself to steer.

  2. 我已经坐定中间的位置了。

    I've earned the center seat.

  3. 客人们坐定以后, 我就倒了茶。

    When the party took their places, I poured out.

  4. 絮凝剂, 酵母酒糟坐定给紧凑。

    The yeast flocculates and settles to give compact lees.

  5. 比赛在我们坐定之前就已经开始。

    The game began before we had got settled in our seats.

  6. 母亲等每个人坐定后就上菜。

    Mother dished up dinner as soon as everyone sat down.

  7. 我感到静不下来,不能坐定读书。

    I feel too restless to sit down and read.

  8. 他们在椅子上坐定下来就开始抽烟。

    They settled down in their chairs and lit up.

  9. 她一下就坐定了,我还没反应过来。

    She sat down so quickly, I didn't know what to say.

  10. 我们的新领导人在掌舵老人坐定下来掌舵。

    Our new leader at the helm The old man settled himself to steer.

  11. 坐定后,取出鱼竿,理好鱼线,下好鱼钓。

    Seated, remove the rod, handle the fishing line, under the good fish catch.

  12. 他在桌前坐定准备计算出准确的数字。

    He settled down at desk to work out the exact figures.

  13. 但是当我坐定思索,想要坚定立场不再转弯。

    Singing in silent swerve a heart is free.

  14. 她因害怕在大庭广众前说话而坐定不动。

    She was rooted to her seat because she was afraid to speak in front of a large group.

  15. 但是当你真的坐定思考的时候,它的感觉迥然不同。

    But when you do sit quiet and think about it, it all feels different.

  16. 关于举办经理人坐定境内已纳税的人拥有领土。

    The holding manager who settles on a territory has to pay taxes to the person that owns that territory.

  17. 卡妙朝我这边移了移, 直到他能坐定并直视我。

    Camus shifted at my side until he was sitting and looking straight at me.

  18. 全家男女老少都穿上节日的盛装,按辈分依次坐定。

    Men, women and children are put on the family holiday attire, followed by the seated position in the family hierarchy.

  19. 尼姆在证人席上坐定,意识到他的陈述将是又长又费劲的。

    Nim settled himself in the witness chair, aware that his presentation would be long and arduous.

  20. 他在公园的长椅上坐定,愁容满面地看广场上成群的鸽子。

    He was seated on park benches, extremely sad to see flocks of pigeons on the square.

  21. 保镖的老关在司机旁边坐定,那汽车就慢慢地开出厂去。

    His bodyguard settled himself in beside the chauffeur, and the car moved slowly off.

  22. 这时, 我们已经在舱里坐定。茶房端来放着酒瓶和杯子的托盘。

    By this time we were seated in the cabin and the steward brought in a tray with a bottle and glasses.




【注音】:zuò dìng

【释义】: 1.犹入座,坐下。 《东周列国志》第一回:“姜后迎入。坐定,宣王遂将群臣之语,备细述于姜后。” 2.不费力而决定。 3.很容易地平定。 4.犹言使稳定;安定。 5.一定;肯定。