







汉语拼音:hàn dòng







  1. 震动。

    唐 薛用弱 《集异记·沉聿》:“见紫衣贵人寝书案后, 聿 欣有所投,又惧二吏之至,因声气撼动,紫衣遂寤。”

  2. 谓打动人心。

    金 王若虚 《李仲和墓碣铭》:“后去家游京师,徧謁一时鉅公显人,间投之以所业,冀幸撼动,借声势,因有所谐,卒不售也。” 曹禺 《北京人》第一幕:“﹝ 曾皓 ﹞期想更深地撼动她的情感,成为他永远的奴隶。”



  1. In fact, volunteers have little idea how much their painstaking efforts over the last decade have touched Gansu's people.


  2. THE most complete so far in the chain of upheavals to rock the Arab world, Libya's revolution seems to have come surprisingly well packaged.


  3. Visibly shaken, Mr. Berlusconi left the lower house without speaking publicly, while members of the opposition called on him to resign.


  4. Until 1998, Motorola was the world's biggest seller of mobile phones, when Nokia knocked the company out of its number one spot.


  5. And as if all that was not enough, much of the Fund's economic orthodoxy has been shaken by the global financial crisis.


  6. Economists began to doubt the possibility of a financial crisis so severe it would upend the economy.


  7. Mark - Stan: Although the season did not have Posey first, but Celts is still unable in the eastern hegemonic position to shake.


  8. Although Japan is a defeated nation, its head of dragon had never been vibrated before.


  9. The cup- board seemed to groan and reverberate, as if shaken by lightning and thunder.


  1. 决心和恒心撼动世界。

    Determination and perseverance mone the world.

  2. 我撼动了世界之巅。

    I shook up the world.

  3. 一个撼动世界的力量!

    One shakes world strength!

  4. 一个撼动世界的力量!

    One shakes world strength!

  5. 撼动聚集有寂之精华。

    The brilliant essence of existence and peace emanates outwards and is recollected.

  6. 品牌一旦建立就不易撼动。

    Brands, once established, are not easily shaken.

  7. 如果他醒来, 他将撼动世界。

    If he wakes, he will shake the world.

  8. 这部剧撼动了观众的心。

    The audience was jolted by the play.

  9. 这部剧撼动了观众得心。

    The audience was jolted by the play.

  10. 化为风暴撼动着大地保佑之门

    To Storm the Gates of EArthly Bliss

  11. 他们的吼叫简直把墙都撼动了

    The walls fairly shook with their bellowing.

  12. 每个音节寒彻血脉,每个字句撼动心灵。

    Each syllable chills your veins. Each word rattles your mind.

  13. 她哭闹不依,却仍无法撼动他的铁石心肠。

    She is crying not, but still can not shake his heart of stone.

  14. 从今天起,我下定决心,树立信心,撼动世界。

    From today, I'm determined to build up my confidence and shake the world.

  15. 不定词撼动名词还可以作为句子的主词喔。

    II. Either gerund or infinitive could be the subject of a sentence.

  16. 那时的欧洲有着不可撼动的繁华与影响力。

    This was a time when Europe seemed unchallenged in its prosperity and leadership.

  17. 职业、身份和社会角色的稳固根基被撼动了。

    Professions, identities and social roles are shaken from the solid foundations.

  18. 这个结论也许不会撼动世界, 但方法非常重要。

    The conclusion may not shake the world but the method is important.

  19. 新浪作为门户老大得地位很难一时间撼动。

    The position that sina regards a portal as the old is very difficult forshort while shake.

  20. 新浪作为门户老大的地位很难一时间撼动。

    The position that sina regards a portal as the old is very difficult forshort while shake.

  21. 撼动所有成分与冰和应变到冰鲜马提尼玻璃。

    Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into chilled martini glass.

  22. 向他表示他是多大程度地撼动了你的世界。

    Show him how much he rocks your world.

  23. 即便我们击败了托基队也不能撼动足球界。

    It won't shake the football world if we beat Torquay.

  24. 她必降至你的根蒂, 撼动它们对土壤的执著。

    So shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.

  25. 那足以让曼塞尔获得别人无法撼动的领先地位。

    That was enough to give Mansell an unassailable lead.

  26. 所有这些因素, 单独地, 都无法撼动巴希尔先生多少。

    Each of these factors, on its own, would not bother Mr Bashir much.

  27. 至少这是我的想法, 它让我如此虚弱, 我永远无法撼动。

    By the brook, the cook looked through a cookbook before making hooked cookies.

  28. 当无坚不摧之力攻打无法撼动之物时会出现什么情况?

    What happens when The Unstoppable Force hits the Immovable Object?

  29. 但是, 背叛者伊利丹的到来撼动了他对外域的统治。

    And when the time is right, the betrayer will become, the betrayed.

  30. 虽然资本多数决也存在缺陷,其基石地位仍不容撼动。

    Although the capital majority rule has the flaw, its cornerstone status is still unshakable.


  1. 问:撼动拼音怎么拼?撼动的读音是什么?撼动翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撼动的读音是hàndòng,撼动翻译成英文是 vibrate



hàn dòng ㄏㄢˋ ㄉㄨㄙˋ撼动(撼动) 

◎ 撼动 hàndòng1、[shake;vibrate]2、感化,打动人心3、摇动;震动