


1. 射 [shè]2. 射 [yè]3. 射 [yì]射 [shè]放箭:~箭。后羿~日。用推力或弹力送出子弹等:~击。扫~。发~。~程。~手。气体或液体等受到压力迅速流出:喷~。注~。放出光、热、电波等:~电。辐~。~线。照~。反~。有……


建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……



汉语拼音:shè mén







  1. 进行足球、手球、水球等比赛时,把球射向对方球门。

    晓黎 《中锋之路》:“他们讲究技术,漂亮的过人,恰当的传递,惊人的速度,合理的冲撞,准确的射门,动作的衔接和每项技术的完成几乎达到完美程度。”



  1. Messi nearly scored again when he forced his way past two defenders but curled his shot wide in injury-time.


  2. It was a brilliant cross from Ryan and I managed to head the ball back for David to score so everyone was really happy at the end.


  3. He made his third stunning save of the match when he kept out a Crouch effort with his elbow in the second half.


  4. Schevchenko thought it was so easy to put the ball into the net and that's why he did what he did.


  5. Claude Makelele played all but the last two minutes and Didier Drogba had a fine game and several good efforts on goal.


  6. Richardson 's second free kick, after the interval, was more straightforward as he drilled his shot past Schwarzer.


  7. "With him in defence, we could play Arthur Askey in goal. " Bill Shankly after signing Ron Yeats.


  8. Anyone would be delighted to be allowed to play alongside a player like Vieira and I'm going to give it my best shot.


  9. Raul Garcia 6 - In a scrappy midfield display by Atletico he rarely put his foot on the ball, although could have scored with a good drive.


  1. 射门成功率

    shooting successive rate.

  2. 前锋射门。

    The striker hadtook a shot at goal, ie tried to score.

  3. 罚点球射门

    penalty shot.

  4. 杰出射门手

    a prolific goalscorer.

  5. 射门非常准。

    The shot was extremely accurate.

  6. 加油啊,射门,射门

    Oh, come on, make the kick, make the kick.

  7. 多棒的射门!

    What a goal!

  8. 成为射门至尊吧!

    Shooting refueling become supreme ah!

  9. 转换射门得分方法。

    Conversion kick Method of Scoring.

  10. 射门, 简, 射门!射中了!

    Shoot, Jan, shoot!It's a goal!

  11. 射门能力相当差劲。

    The ability to score goals is quite poor.

  12. 他连续射门了6次。

    He’s made 6 shots in a row.

  13. 他左右开弓凌空射门。

    He shot first with his right foot and then with his left.

  14. 那次射门的确漂亮。

    That shoot was really something.

  15. 中场队员佯装射门。

    The midfielder feinted to shoot.

  16. 析头球射门的特点

    Discussin the Trait of Head Shot of Soccer

  17. 他的射门偏右了。

    His shot went to the right of the goal.

  18. 那次射门得确漂亮。

    That shoot was really something.

  19. 他本该射门, 不该传球。

    He should have shot instead of passing.

  20. 他在中线位置射门得分。

    He scored from the halfway line.

  21. 能射门得分的快速边锋

    a pacy winger who can also score goals

  22. 那个足球队员飞脚射门。

    The footballer took a strike at the goal.

  23. 守门员视线受阻时的射门

    Shoot past the unsighted goalie

  24. 想象自己射门得分的画面

    is picture yourself scoring that goal.

  25. 第三, 射门能力相当差劲。

    Thirdly, the ability to score goals is quite poor.

  26. 传球真棒,就快射门了

    The snap is good, kick is up.

  27. 如果你有一个建议, 射门!

    If you have a suggestion, shoot!

  28. 他用头球射门,得了一分。

    He headed a goal and scored.

  29. 射门训练增加射门,远射,镇定。

    The shooting training category covers a players finishing, long shots and composure.

  30. 失掉一次射门得分的机会

    miss a goalscoring opportunity


  1. 问:射门拼音怎么拼?射门的读音是什么?射门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:射门的读音是shèmén,射门翻译成英文是 shoot

  2. 问:射门区拼音怎么拼?射门区的读音是什么?射门区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:射门区的读音是shè mén qū,射门区翻译成英文是 striking circle

  3. 问:射门得分拼音怎么拼?射门得分的读音是什么?射门得分翻译成英文是什么?

    答:射门得分的读音是shèméndéfēn,射门得分翻译成英文是 to score a goal  

  4. 问:射门意识拼音怎么拼?射门意识的读音是什么?射门意识翻译成英文是什么?

    答:射门意识的读音是shè mén yì shí,射门意识翻译成英文是 sense of goal – kick

  5. 问:射门路线拼音怎么拼?射门路线的读音是什么?射门路线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:射门路线的读音是shè mén lù xiàn,射门路线翻译成英文是 shooting lane

  6. 问:射门过高拼音怎么拼?射门过高的读音是什么?射门过高翻译成英文是什么?

    答:射门过高的读音是shè mén guò gāo,射门过高翻译成英文是 high shot; sky

  7. 问:射门三角形拼音怎么拼?射门三角形的读音是什么?射门三角形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:射门三角形的读音是shè mén sān jiǎo xíng,射门三角形翻译成英文是 shooting triangle

  8. 问:射门命中率拼音怎么拼?射门命中率的读音是什么?射门命中率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:射门命中率的读音是shè mén mìng zhòng lǜ,射门命中率翻译成英文是 shooting average

  9. 问:射门有利地区拼音怎么拼?射门有利地区的读音是什么?射门有利地区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:射门有利地区的读音是shè mén yǒu lì dì qū,射门有利地区翻译成英文是 slot


