







汉语拼音:miàn páng








  1. 面孔;脸的轮廓。

    《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二三:“合家听説,个个惊骇,看他身体面庞,是 庆娘 的;声音举止,却是 兴娘 。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·婴宁》:“因审詰面庞,誌赘,一一符合。” 叶紫 《星》第一章:“ 梅春姐 觉得那淤积的心血,是怎样地热烘烘地涌上了她的面庞。她渐渐地把头低下来了。”



  1. Her traditional garb and weathered face, however, indicated that she was one of the many women who work the fields near the springs.


  2. So, the next time you see a withered hand extended in need, or peer into the eyes of a lonely aging face don't run or look away.


  3. In the wind, I drilled at the new leaves of a cherry tree, waves heaters to be left on the branches of the petals breeze on my face.


  4. If he was brought up in a Christian way, it's the photo where he is young which is good, they instantly see in it the face of Christ!


  5. His face, which had grown thin, and was covered with a thick, short, black heard, looked wrathful .


  6. Daisy took her face in her hands as if feeling its lovely shape, and her eyes moved gradually out into the velvet dusk .


  7. Just the loneliest guy in the town, looking for a friendly smile, but all that I could see were faces.


  8. If all the skies were sunshine, Our faces would be fain To feel once More upon them The cooling splash of rain.


  9. And lo, the beast looked upon the face of beauty. And it stayed its hand from killing. And from that day, it was as one dead.


  1. 微风轻拂我的面庞。

    The breeze caressed my face gently.

  2. 我们的面庞便会情愿

    Our faces would be fain

  3. 仔细凝望四月的面庞

    Look deep into the April face

  4. 她的面庞宛如娇艳的花朵

    Her face it bloomed like a sweet flower

  5. 用喜悦点亮你的面庞。

    Light up your face with gladness.

  6. 他的面庞亮如旭日。

    His face shone like the sun.

  7. 苍白开始袭上他的面庞。

    A pallor began to steal over his features.

  8. 苍白开始袭上他的面庞。

    A pallor began to steal over his features.

  9. 浮现眼前难以入眠的面庞,

    A face that bids my eyelids not to sleep

  10. 浮现眼前难以入眠得面庞,

    A face that bids my eyelids not to sleep.

  11. 我看见不是为我微笑的面庞。

    I can see smiling faces but they are not for me.

  12. 浓密的黑发衬托着他的面庞。

    A dense mass of black hair framed his face.

  13. 苍白开始袭上他得面庞。

    A pallor began to steal over his features.

  14. 胜利的微笑浮现在他们的面庞上。

    The smile of triumph was on their faces.

  15. 柔和的灯光映照着她美丽的面庞。

    The soft lighting is shining upon her beautiful face.

  16. 一丝痛苦的表情掠过她的面庞。

    An expression of pain flitted across her face.

  17. 那个娇嫩得苍白面庞总是缠着她。

    The pale, delicate face haunted her.

  18. 那个娇嫩的苍白面庞总是缠着她。

    The pale, delicate face haunted her.

  19. 轻过面庞, 不再看白日刺眼的光芒

    Turn your face away from the garish light of day

  20. 轻过面庞,不再看白日刺眼得光芒

    Turn your face away from the garish light of day

  21. 我阴沉着脸,瞪着他完美无瑕的面庞。

    I scowled at his perfect face.

  22. 感受到雪花飘落在她面庞上的感觉

    felt the touch of snowflakes on her face.

  23. 雨水冲刷了猪倌得面庞, 猪倌变成了英俊得王子。

    The rain washed the dirty swineherds face, and he turned into the beautiful prince.

  24. 雨水冲刷了猪倌的面庞, 猪倌变成了英俊的王子。

    The rain washed the dirty swineherd's face, and he turned into the beautiful prince.

  25. 啊,花一样的面庞里藏着蛇一样的心!

    O serpent heart, hid with a flowering face!

  26. 那时的我,冷地无法记起某个人的面庞。

    I in those days, cannot recall coldly the face of a certain person.

  27. 他的面庞很大,具有感人的力量,生得很端正

    It was a big face, impressive, well modeled.

  28. 她们天真的面庞露着又惊又喜的神气。

    Their innocent faces were two delighted surprises.

  29. 看到所有那些微笑的面庞,这么做是值得的。

    It was worth it to see all those smiling faces.

  30. 卡利克斯塔面庞炙热满头大汗。

    Her lips were as red and moist as pomegranate seed.


  1. 问:面庞拼音怎么拼?面庞的读音是什么?面庞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面庞的读音是miànpáng,面庞翻译成英文是 face; visage; contours of the face




【读音】miàn páng


【出处】《初刻拍案惊奇》卷二三:“合家听说,个个惊骇,看他身体面庞,是庆娘的;声音举止,却是兴娘 。”

【示例】清·蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·婴宁》:“因审诘面庞,志赘,一一符合。”