







汉语拼音:guàn cháng








  1. 习以为常,经常。

    《白雪遗音·南词·醉归》:“劝君此地休来到,此处是,弃旧迎新是惯常。” 茅盾 《霜叶红似二月花》二:“一种惯常袭来的厌倦与无聊的情绪又淹没了他的身心。” 魏巍 《东方》第四部第六章:“大妈和 李能 两边一挤,急得 王老好 直抓脖子,这是他遇到难题时的惯常表现。”



  1. It would have been easy to conclude that the tide of history was simply resuming its usual flow towards greater inequality.


  2. We have codes and standards that tell us that the lights should be so much lux and of great uniformity.


  3. The machine was used in a cave near the sea-shore where - it is said - pirates used to hide gold.


  4. First things first: The attempt to create a common European currency was one of those ideas that cut across the usual ideological lines.


  5. It showed that he had been used to being petted and noticed by his master.


  6. Frankly, I'm skeptical that productive use can be made of them in Afghanistan but that seems to be the way the political winds are blowing.


  7. The romance of the French, the usual coffee with a bowl of milk (Oulei coffee), continued to play up a happy mood throughout the morning.


  8. The habitual mask of the pessimist is similar to that of the depressive: a fixed frown of discontent and unhappiness.


  9. Mr Ghosn admits that it is hard to overcome the "engineering bias" that is often the enemy of efficient scale in the industry.


  1. 农夫惯常早起。

    Farmers are habitual early risers.

  2. 我惯常的位子

    My habitual place.

  3. 商人惯常法

    law merchant.

  4. 惯常居所地法

    law of the place of habitual residence.

  5. 这不是出于惯常原因。

    This was not for the usual reason.

  6. 他惯常起得很早。

    He was wont to rise early.

  7. 他惯常按日出租汽车。

    He used to let out cars by the day.

  8. 但是这不是惯常的跑步。

    but it's not your ordinary run.

  9. 泉水发出惯常的潺潺声。

    The fountain babbled its familiar music.

  10. 他像惯常那样准时到达。

    He arrived with his customary promptness.

  11. 惯常或特有的精神态度。

    A habitual or characteristic mental attitude.

  12. 他惯常喜欢跟女人调情。

    He was habitually addicted to making love to ladies.

  13. 这便是他们惯常得作风。

    Such was the usual tenor of their way.

  14. 这便是他们惯常的作风。

    Such was the usual tenor of their way.

  15. 这是他就寝的惯常时间。

    This is his accustomed hour to go to bed.

  16. 她坐在她惯常坐的地方读书。

    She sat in her accustomed place reading.

  17. 你是否在香港有惯常住所

    Whether your habitual residence is in Hong Kong

  18. 他惯常坐在桌旁的位子。

    his habitual place at the table

  19. 她像惯常一样起得很早。

    She got up early, as was her wont.

  20. 以他惯常那种平稳的步子

    At his usual steady pace

  21. 他用惯常的辱骂指责她的烹调

    insult He made the usual insults about her cooking

  22. 我惯常随和得性情变得暴躁了。

    My normally easygoing personality turned pugnacious.

  23. 旧式演员惯常高谈阔论他们的台词。

    The oldfashioned actors used to spout their lines.

  24. 他惯常能够找到什么活就干什么活。

    He used to do such work as he could pick up.

  25. 按照惯常的程序行事是很重要的。

    Its important to follow the regular procedure.

  26. 吃完晚饭,我们惯常去公园散步。

    After dinner, we usually take a walk to the park.

  27. 你可能惯常地跳过一个步骤。

    You may be routinely skipping a step.

  28. 他以惯常的从容自若神态说话。

    He spoke with accustomed ease.

  29. 按惯常做法, 货物己保水渍险。

    As usual, the goods have been insured on WA terms.

  30. 给人送生日礼物是惯常的事。

    Its customary to give people gifts on their birthdays.


  1. 问:惯常拼音怎么拼?惯常的读音是什么?惯常翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惯常的读音是guàncháng,惯常翻译成英文是 Accustomed to; Often.

  2. 问:惯常于拼音怎么拼?惯常于的读音是什么?惯常于翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惯常于的读音是,惯常于翻译成英文是 inure

  3. 问:惯常犯拼音怎么拼?惯常犯的读音是什么?惯常犯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惯常犯的读音是guàn cháng fàn,惯常犯翻译成英文是 persistent offender

  4. 问:惯常的拼音怎么拼?惯常的的读音是什么?惯常的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惯常的的读音是guàn cháng de,惯常的翻译成英文是 habitual

  5. 问:惯常险拼音怎么拼?惯常险的读音是什么?惯常险翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惯常险的读音是guànchángxiǎn,惯常险翻译成英文是 customary risk

  6. 问:惯常交易拼音怎么拼?惯常交易的读音是什么?惯常交易翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惯常交易的读音是guàn cháng jiāo yì,惯常交易翻译成英文是 course of dealing

  7. 问:惯常居所拼音怎么拼?惯常居所的读音是什么?惯常居所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惯常居所的读音是guàn cháng jū suǒ,惯常居所翻译成英文是 usual place of abode

  8. 问:惯常履行拼音怎么拼?惯常履行的读音是什么?惯常履行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惯常履行的读音是guàn cháng lǚ xíng,惯常履行翻译成英文是 course of performance

  9. 问:惯常联系拼音怎么拼?惯常联系的读音是什么?惯常联系翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惯常联系的读音是guàn cháng lián xì,惯常联系翻译成英文是 Habitual Association

  10. 问:惯常居住地拼音怎么拼?惯常居住地的读音是什么?惯常居住地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惯常居住地的读音是guàn cháng jū zhù dì,惯常居住地翻译成英文是 habitual residence

  11. 问:惯常营业时间拼音怎么拼?惯常营业时间的读音是什么?惯常营业时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:惯常营业时间的读音是guàn cháng yíng yè shí jiān,惯常营业时间翻译成英文是 usual business hours



惯常 guàncháng [usual;habitual]习以为常,经常 手头多留出些现金,他们的客户惯常需要更多的钱