


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……


很短时间的睡眠:打~儿。冲(chòng )~儿。醒~儿。……





汉语拼音:dǎ dǔnr







打盹儿 [dǎ dǔnr]
  1. 闭目小睡。




  1. He often studied from morning till evening, but because he was studying for so long that it was easy to doze off.


  2. At a port of the west coast line in Europe, there was a fishing boat, inside which a man wearing ragged garments was lying, taking a nap.


  3. Most of them appeared to be snoozing contentedly despite the utter lack of privacy or personal space.


  4. Upon arrival at the location, the elders of the family would stretch out on carpets and rugs in the shade of the trees and doze off.


  5. Take a nap. It has been proven that naps are beneficial and help you function better for the rest of the day.


  6. Some listeners, bored by the lengthy talk, closed their eyes and dozed off.


  7. You just don't come out and say that a general was snoozing, but he seemed to agree with the book a lot, because he kept nodding his head.


  8. Of course there is no way of measuring whether allowing naps has made a difference to the business.


  9. Yawning he started to again started to doze only to be awoken by a snap of a twig.


  1. 千万不要打盹儿。

    Never hit snooze.

  2. 站着打盹儿呢

    sleeping on our feet.

  3. 有时老虎也打盹儿呀。

    He's got to sleep sometime.

  4. 在暖暖的太阳下打盹儿

    drowsed in the warm sun.

  5. 他一看书就打盹儿。

    As soon as he started reading he fell asleep.

  6. 他一看书就打盹儿。

    As soon as he started reading he fell asleep.

  7. 他坐在火炉前打盹儿。

    He sat nodding in front of the fire.

  8. 在温暖的阳光下打盹儿

    Drowsed in the warm sun

  9. 不要在开会中打盹儿。

    Do not go doze off in the middle of the meeting.

  10. 小狗躺在门前打盹儿。

    The dog lay dozing in front of the door.

  11. 大人们在打盹儿,而孩子们在玩耍。

    While the adults doze, the young play.

  12. 那位老人在走廊上打盹儿。

    The old man napped on the porch.

  13. 老妇人靠在椅子上打盹儿。

    The old woman leaned back in the chair and took a nap.

  14. 你一打盹儿,它就会吃了你。

    If you doze, it eats you up.

  15. 那个老人坐在扶手椅中打盹儿。

    The old man dozed in his armchair.

  16. 白人小伙子爱说唱而嬉皮士爱打盹儿

    White boys rap and hippies nap.

  17. 布瑞蒂正躺在车后座打盹儿。

    Britty was taking a nap, stretched out along the back seat.

  18. 我在屋子后面发现了他, 正打盹儿呢。

    I found him snoozing out back of the house.

  19. 因为她在办公室里打盹儿被当场抓住。

    One reason was that she had been caught catching forty winks at the office.

  20. 虽然是在大清早, 但没有一个学生在打盹儿。

    Despite the early hour, no one seemed to be asleep.

  21. 因此,有必要发明既不打盹儿,也不睡觉的仪器。

    It was necessary, therefore, to invent instruments that neither slumbered nor slept.

  22. 他们躺在树下打盹儿以此来打发下午时光。

    They lingered away the afternoon napping under a tree.

  23. 他们躺在树下打盹儿以此来打发下午时光。

    They lingered away the afternoon napping under a tree.

  24. 因此,有必要发明一种仪器,既不打盹儿,也不睡觉。

    It was necessary, therefore, to invent instruments that neither slumbered nor slept.

  25. 曾经写文章称赞一本指导如何高效打盹儿得手册。

    Mens Journal has written up a practical guide on how to achieve the mystical power nap

  26. 曾经写文章称赞一本指导如何高效打盹儿的手册。

    Mens Journal has written up a practical guide on how to achieve the mystical power nap

  27. 这当儿,河鼠正暖和舒服地坐在炉边打盹儿。

    Meantime the Rat, warm and comfortable, dozed by fireside.

  28. 我午睡往往不是真正入睡,而只是似睡非睡地打盹儿。

    With me, the noonday nap is often rather a hovering and nodding on the borders of sleep than sleep itself.

  29. 如果你真的需要,那就把打盹儿的时间限制在20分钟内。

    If you absolutely must, limit naps to a power nap of20 minutes.

  30. 当然, 并没有什么办法能够衡量出, 允许打盹儿对公司的影响。

    Of course there is no way of measuring whether allowing naps a difference to the business.


  1. 问:打盹儿拼音怎么拼?打盹儿的读音是什么?打盹儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打盹儿的读音是dǎdǔnr,打盹儿翻译成英文是 doze off; take a nap; snooze




英文:doze off