


1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……


1. 倒 [dǎo]2. 倒 [dào]倒 [dǎo]竖立的东西躺下来:摔~。墙~了。~塌。~台。打~。卧~。对调,转移,更换,改换:~手。~换。~车。~卖。~仓。~戈。倒 [dào]位置上下前后翻转:~立。~挂。~影。~置。把容器反转或倾……



汉语拼音:dǎ dǎo








  1. 打击使翻倒。

    宋 杨万里 《海岸七里沙》诗:“行人莫近岸边行,便恐波头打倒人。”《水浒传》第二九回:“那厮必然去报 蒋门神 来,我就接将去,大路上打倒他好看,教众人笑一笑。”

  2. 引申为攻击使垮台;推翻。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致章廷谦》:“我常常当冲,至今没有打倒,也可以说是每一战斗,在表面上大抵是胜利的。” 洪深 《劫后桃花》五五:“帝国主义,迟早要被打倒的!”

  3. 方言。退货还钱。

    《醒世姻缘传》第七十回:“一般也还是先年的铜货,偏偏的嫌生道冷起来,生意比往日十分少了九分。这一分之中换了去的,十个有九个来打倒。”亦指讨还已付的钱。《醒世姻缘传》第七六回:“那瞎子最是伶俐,料得是 素姐 与他打倒,站住了不肯进去。 素姐 説他魘镇不效,瞎长瞎短的駡他,又要剥他的衣裳,準那一两银子。”



  1. I do not know, maybe the previous repressed inert now all released. The impact of my life, and I willpower is not strong, was overthrown.

  2. Though my sight is gone, I remember your scent! I shall hunt you down through eternity if I must, until I rid this earth of your foul smell!

  3. He said he could beat any man there single-handed, but he pull in his horns when Jack came forward.

  4. I've been hit, insulted, spat upon, and abused - the only reason I stick around is to see what happens next.

  5. if edgar linton meets me , i shall not hesitate to knock him down , and give him enough to insure his quiescence while i stay.

  6. According to police reports, he barged in and knocked her to the floor, then took off with her car.

  7. He felt ready to leap upon him and fling him to the ground if he dared to lift the gorgeous hanging that concealed the secret of his life .

  8. Superstitious folk believed him invulnerable, for had not thousands of bullets and shells failed to destroy him?

  9. He responded with a defiant speech of his own, declaring that anyone who defied the will of the Iranian people would be "destroyed" .


  1. 打倒贫困!

    Down with poverty!

  2. 打倒暴君。

    Bring down the tyrant.

  3. 打倒独裁者!

    Down with the dictator!

  4. 打倒封建主义!

    Down with feudalism!

  5. 打倒帝国主义!

    Down with imperialism!

  6. 打倒帝国主义!

    Down with imperialism!

  7. 打倒法西斯主义

    to overturn Fascism

  8. 哦!打倒这个!

    Ow! Knock out this!

  9. 打倒孔家店!

    Down with Confucius and sons!

  10. 暴君被打倒了。

    The tyrant was overthrown.

  11. 英雄打倒了坏人。

    The hero rode down the evil villain.

  12. 用自己武器打倒自己。

    IFeel So Funky Get slimed by a charging ghost.

  13. 人被一巴掌打倒

    the prostration of a person by a blow

  14. 他被病痛打倒了。

    He was brought down with an illness.

  15. 打倒贪官污吏新买办!

    Overthrows the corrupt officials new comprador!

  16. 打倒学董!打倒选董!打倒学政!

    Down with the Rector, the electors, and the procurators!

  17. 麦子被雨打倒了。

    The wheat had been beaten down by the rain.

  18. 我们并没有被打倒!

    We do not have been overthrown!

  19. 我们并没有被打倒!

    We do not have been overthrown!

  20. 打倒形形色色的殖民主义!

    Down with colonialism of all shades!

  21. 我一击把他打倒。

    I floored him with a blow.

  22. 麦禾被雨打倒了。

    The wheat had been beaten down by the rain.

  23. 我们能够携手打倒皇帝。

    Together, we can overthrow the emperor.

  24. 猎人打倒了一只鹿。

    The hunter brought down a deer.

  25. 示威者高呼打倒叛徒。

    Demonstrators chanted'down with the rebels'.

  26. 庄稼被暴风雨打倒了。

    The crops had been beaten down by the storm.

  27. 他在图谋打倒他的敌人。

    He is scheming the downfall of his rivals.

  28. 这一击把他打倒了。

    The blow laid him low.

  29. 不要被那道墙打倒。

    Don't give in to the wall.

  30. 一拳就把他打倒了。

    One blow fetched him down.


  1. 问:打倒拼音怎么拼?打倒的读音是什么?打倒翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打倒的读音是dǎdǎo,打倒翻译成英文是 knock down; down with; overthrow

  2. 问:打倒X!拼音怎么拼?打倒X!的读音是什么?打倒X!翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打倒X!的读音是Dǎdǎo X!,打倒X!翻译成英文是 down with X!

  3. 问:打倒男孩拼音怎么拼?打倒男孩的读音是什么?打倒男孩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:打倒男孩的读音是,打倒男孩翻译成英文是 Fall Out Boy