







汉语拼音:lì zhì








  1. 树立志向;下定决心。

    《左传·襄公二十七年》:“志以发言,言以出信,信以立志,参以定之。”《后汉书·列女传·阴瑜妻》:“我本立志与 阴氏 同穴,而不免逼迫,遂至於此,素情不遂,奈何?” 宋 陈亮 《上孝宗皇帝第二书》:“论治则曰立志,论事则曰从权。”《红楼梦》第一一八回:“如今姑爷癆病死了,你 史妹妹 立志守寡,也就苦了。”

  2. 坚强独立的意志。

    《孟子·万章下》:“故闻 伯夷 之风者,顽夫廉,懦夫有立志。” 明 陶宗仪 《辍耕录·狷洁》:“﹝ 郑所南 ﹞刚介有立志,会天兵南,叩闕上疏,犯新禁,众争目之。”



  1. It was at this point that she became interested in possibly collaborating with the school and contributing to the new location.

  2. of the year or years past and all that such experiences has taught oneself as a spiritual aspirant.

  3. Growing up in Prague, Mr Hodac did not set out to become a lobbyist.

  4. So unless you plan to make a career out of data mining, the "good enough" is likely all that you need.

  5. The British government, for one, seems determined to put a satellite tracker in every vehicle in the country.

  6. He stars in a popular Chinese version of 'The Apprentice, ' in which he dispenses advice to entrepreneurs who aspire to be like him.

  7. The interior is bright airy and the restaurant aim to be considered the best by many in all-day dining category.

  8. Increased purchasing power was one of his rallying cries.

  9. The new Laker's Barcelona roots reveal a man who knew early in life where he wanted to go (the NBA) and would let nothing stand in his way.


  1. 立志拥有某物

    to set one's sights on something

  2. 他立志做律师。

    He s ambitious to go to the bar.

  3. 我立志成为作家。

    I aim to be a writer.

  4. 他立志要做医生。

    He aspired to become a doctor.

  5. 我立志要读大学。

    I made my way through the univesity.

  6. 他立志成就一番事业。

    He aspires to succeed in his career.

  7. 他立志当一名医生。

    He at becoming a doctor.

  8. 哈利立志做个医生。

    Harry aims to become a doctor.

  9. 学生立志海外布道运动

    Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions

  10. 他立志当一名海军。

    He is determined to become a naval captain.

  11. 他立志当一名海军。

    He is determined to become a naval captain.

  12. 他立志当一名科学家。

    He aims at becoming a scientist.

  13. 我兄弟立志当小说家。

    My brother aims to be a novelist.

  14. 詹森立志要当宇航员。

    Jason aims at becoming an astronaut.

  15. 他立志成为一个音乐家。

    He designs to become a musician.

  16. 我弟弟立志要当工程师。

    My brother designs to be an engineer.

  17. 她立志攀登事业的顶峰。

    She was aiming for the top in her career.

  18. 哈利立志做一名医生。

    Harry aims at becoming a doctor.

  19. 他立志要当一名教授。

    He aimed at becoming a professor.

  20. 他立志要当一名宇航员。

    He is determined to become an astronaut.

  21. 你长大以后立志要做什么?

    What do you make up your mind to be when you grow up?

  22. 她立志成为一个物理学家。

    She designs to become a physicist.

  23. 立志者天下无不成之事。

    A strong will is the key to success.

  24. 小女孩立志要做一名科学家。

    The young girl aspired to be a scientist.

  25. 立志难也,不在胜人,在自胜。

    It is very difficult to make resolutions in that it is to overcome ourselves but not others.

  26. 她立志要成为摇滚乐队的领唱。

    She ambitions to beome a lead vocal for a rock band.

  27. 她立志要成为摇滚乐队的领唱。

    She ambitions to beome a lead vocal for a rock band.

  28. 男儿立志, 要建百世之功。

    A man should have the ambition to do something that changes the world for the better and benefits generations after him.

  29. 他年轻时立志当一名漫画家。

    As a youth, he chose to be a cartoonist.

  30. 男儿立志,要建百世之功。

    A man should have the ambition to do something that changes the world for the better and benefits generations after him.


  1. 问:立志拼音怎么拼?立志的读音是什么?立志翻译成英文是什么?

    答:立志的读音是lìzhì,立志翻译成英文是 be determined



立志(lì zhì),是指立下志愿,树定志向 。出自《左传·襄公二十七年》:“志以发言,言以出信,信以立志,参以定之。” 宋 陈亮 《上孝宗皇帝第二书》:“论治则曰立志,论事则曰从权。”《孟子·万章下》:“故闻 伯夷 之风者,顽夫廉,懦夫有立志。”