




液体移动:~水。~汗。~血。~泪。~程。~泻。~质。~水不腐。汗~浃背。随波逐~(随着波浪起伏,跟着流水漂荡,喻没有主见,随着潮流走)。像水那样流动不定:~转(zhuǎn )。~通。~寇。~浪。~离。~散。~失。~沙。~露。~萤。传播:~言……







汉语拼音:rén liú rú cháo








  1. On the other hand, in my LSPCB, surrounded by a crowd, as crowd waves, the air is no longer so fresh.


  1. 步行街上, 人流如潮。

    The stream of people on the walking street is like the tide.

  2. 步行街上,人流如潮。

    The stream of people on the walking street is like the tide.

  3. 它劣评如潮。

    It got very bad reviews.

  4. 门囗人涌如潮。

    There was a dreadful squash at the door.

  5. 这场演出好评如潮。

    This show has gotten rave reviews.

  6. 昨天商店里人如潮涌。

    There were masses of people in the shops yesterday.

  7. 节日得广场, 人如潮涌。

    During the festival there were surging crowds on the square.

  8. 节日的广场,人如潮涌。

    During the festival there were surging crowds on the square.

  9. 这次演出同样好评如潮。

    The show was also a resounding critical success.

  10. 对那位作曲家的佳评如潮

    Praise rained down on the composer.

  11. 是的, 楚楚动人的她获得的好评如潮。

    Yeah, she got a roaring reputation because of her beauty.

  12. 文学评论家们对此书好评如潮。

    The book drew lavish praise from literary critics.

  13. 爆炸声打断了她如潮的思绪。

    The explosion interrupted the wild onrush of her thoughts.

  14. 于是,外界对纽约时报指责如潮。

    The Times was deluged with criticism.

  15. 我的好奇心流成了如潮的言语。

    My curiosity burst from me in a flood of speech.

  16. 我的好奇心流成了如潮的言语。

    My curiosity burst from me in a flood of speech.

  17. 神州大地繁花似锦,祖国长空乐曲如潮。

    Vast land of beautiful flowers, the sky of the motherland music rave reviews.

  18. 仁慈点儿说, 并不是那么好评如潮。

    It would be charitable to say it wasnt exactly met with rave reviews.

  19. 爱, 开始时汹涌如潮, 结束时宛若水花。

    Love begins from the bottom of the sea, ends at the top of water.

  20. 潮汕得大锣鼓, 行进着如歌如潮得情曲。

    Chao Shan big gong and drum, march forward as song the feelings song as tide.

  21. 潮汕的大锣鼓,行进着如歌如潮的情曲。

    Chao Shan big gong and drum, march forward as song the feelings song as tide.

  22. 在展览会上, 我们的新产品好评如潮。

    Our new products stole the show at the exhibition.

  23. 凄惨的往事汹涌如潮,时时涌上我的心头。

    I am haunted with sad memories.

  24. 一旦风停,水便立刻如潮般涌回去。

    As soon as the winds dropped, the waters would have rushed back, much like a tidal bore.

  25. 幽幽的海滨畔, 鹤影如潮, 箫声杳渺。

    The seashore side of the, the crane, such as tide, the voice.

  26. 他首演的几部戏都获得了如潮好评。

    The premieres of his plays brought in glowing reviews.

  27. 电影的行动赢得了球迷和乐评人如潮。

    An action film that won over fans and critics alike.

  28. 电影得行动赢得了球迷和乐评人如潮。

    An action film that won over fans and critics alike.

  29. 微软公司在软件行业称雄有年, 好评如潮。

    The software company has been in the leading position of the software industry for years, gaining lots of favourable comments.

  30. 微软公司在软件行业称雄有年,好评如潮。

    The software company has been in the leading position of the software industry for years, gaining lots of favourable comments.

