如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 觉 [jué]2. 觉 [jiào]觉 [jué]人或动物的器官受刺激后对事物的感受辨别:感~。知~。触~。视~。~察。醒悟:~悟。~醒。“~今是而昨非”。觉 [jiào]睡眠(从睡着到睡醒):午~。睡了一大~。……
1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……
汉语拼音:jué dì
Where he HAD been or how he HAD returned to his room unnoticed was a mystery he made no attempt to explain.
他刚才上哪去了,他又怎么会神不知鬼不觉地回到了自己的房间里?这是一个谜,他也无意作解释。Give him a time, place and rough personal description and he will come to draw you -- although you might never realize.
只要写下时间、地点与大略的个人描述,他就会神不知鬼不觉地抵达会面地点,为名人作画。Revenge is like a poison . It can take us over before you know it , it can turn you into something ugly .
仇恨就像一瓶毒剂。它会神不知鬼不觉地侵蚀我们,它能将你变得面容狰狞。Barbara felt slightly sick. She caught Teddy Osch's eye. Barely perceptibly, the creative director shook his head.
巴巴拉稍有点恶心,她看到了特迪·奥许的眼色,创作部主任简直是神不知鬼不觉地摇了摇头。Besides, the truth of great music sticks to memory, penetrating the ear with facility and parting the memory with difficulty.
不仅如此,内存真理的伟大音乐作品总让人永志不忘,让人不觉地听入耳里而久久不离。My leisure, sleep in a bed, hand since unknowingly touched a book, just look at a few pages, in which the hero deeply attracted me.
我闲暇下来,睡在床上,手不自不觉地触碰到了一本名著,随便翻看了几页,里面的主人公深深的吸引了我。Used to cloak himself while infiltrating enemy ranks and eliminating targets without detection.
可以使自身隐形,从而渗透进敌方并神不知鬼不觉地消灭目标。He worked his ideas into the business without letting anyone realize what he was doing.
他神不知鬼不觉地把他的想法渗透进这项生意。After settling on the right price, you are led out of China on a secret path that lies beyond the knowledge of humans and ghosts.
Extension T Heres a common sense for you.
Third brother, please don't read any more, chuehhsin begged.
We may sleep with a light heart tonight!
你该早点好好地睡一觉, 明天照相时才会神采奕奕的。
Come now, don't get into a tantrum. You must beauty sleep for the photographer tomorrow.
I had a sweet sleep last night.
Draw on the eyepatch to have a good sleep.
he lay awake all night worrying
he lay awake all night worrying
舒适地睡了一觉以后, 我感到好多了。
After a good sleep I felt much better.
Ill sleep up when I finish my work.
爽快地睡过一觉后, 他又恢复精神了。
After a refreshing nap he was again his own man.
I am so exhausted that I just want to have a sound sleep.
An excellent dinner. A good sleep.
我不得不停下来去冲个凉, 然后美美地睡上一觉。
I have to stop to have a bath and have a good sleep.
And then be constantly aware of it, because it can exist only if you are unaware.
但是, 我最后总算朦朦胧胧地睡着了, 一觉睡到天亮, 万事不知。
But somehow I dropped off at last, and knew nothing more till break of day.
同是一样的人生, 忽地觉不一样了。
With the same life, suddenly feel not the same.
And we should also aware each inhalation and each exhalation!
他态度随便, 我也就不再痛苦地觉着拘束。
The ease of his manner freed me from painful restraint.
同时, 他比从前更加分明地觉出, 他为什么恨她。
Better than before, moreover, he realized why it was that he hated her.
Freedom is found in the choiceless awareness of our daily existence and activity.
Her mother surveyed her admiringly, conscious of her imperious mood.
We returned without incident and slept safely in our own chamber.
Although the mahjong tiles were still clicking in Chuehhsin's room, they were not nearly so noisy.
Although the mahjong tiles were still clicking in Chuehhsin's room, they were not nearly so noisy.
It is burnt in the fire of awareness automatically.
他神不知, 鬼不觉地离开了。
His departure passed unnoticed.
We'll be there and back before anyone knows we're even gone.
He slipped away without being noticed.
Let heaven and earth today make glad prophetically.