


















  1. 网络
  2. hia gu doi gu

  1. 我们爱骑牛。

    We just love to ride that bull.

  2. 我就是来骑牛的。

    Oh,yeah.I'm here to ride this bull.

  3. 我就是来骑牛的。

    Oh, yeah. I'm here to ride this bull.

  4. 而我是来骑牛的。

    And I came here to ride the bull.

  5. 而我是来骑牛的。

    And I came here to ride the bull.

  6. 然后她就去骑牛了。

    And then she went to ride the bull.

  7. 最终,我找到了一个骑牛人,两年前。

    Finally, I did find a bull rider, two years ago.

  8. 自信?噢,我认为骑牛 需要更多的决心而不是自信。

    Confidence? Well, I think I ride more out of determination than confidence.

  9. 我们找到下个骑牛者了

    Whoo!We got another one to ride the bull!

  10. 我们找到下个骑牛者了!

    Whoo! We got another one to ride the bull!

  11. 骑牛用带面罩的防护头盔标准规范

    Standard Specification for Protective Headgear with Faceguard Used in Bull Riding

  12. 来个飞吻, 骑牛远去。摇滚吧, 疯狂的摇滚。

    Blow a kiss and Ride away. Do the rock, The crazy rock.

  13. 来个飞吻,骑牛远去。摇滚吧,疯狂得摇滚。

    Blow a kiss and Ride away. Do the rock, The crazy rock.

  14. 他们养马和牛,前者供骑乘,后者供食用。

    They keep horses and cattle, the former for riding, the latter for food.

  15. 韩佳大牛, 你这骆驼骑得还挺好。

    Daniel, you are quite good at camel riding.

  16. 他们养着马和牛,前者供乘骑,后者供食用。

    They keep horses and cattle, the former for riding, the latter for food.

  17. 公牛正跨骑在母牛上。

    The bull was riding the cow.

  18. 乔整天骑在马上看管牛群。

    Joe was riding herd during the day.

  19. 骑马人驱赶着的一群牛

    some cattle being driven by a man on a horse

  20. 骑马人驱赶著的一群牛。

    Some cattle being driven by a man on a horse.

  21. 罗伊试着骑到牛背上以示自己胆大。

    Roy tried to ride on a cow for a dare.

  22. 牛仔们有的赶着大篷车,有的骑着马,抛套索捕牛。

    Cowboys drove covered wagons and rode horses, lassoing cattle.

  23. 放牛人骑着马把那头公牛从牛群里赶了出来。

    The cowherd rode the bull out.

  24. 织女被迫返回天庭, 但是牛郎骑着一头神牛在后面追赶。

    Zhinu was forced back to heaven, but Niulang pursued her with the help of a magic ox.

  25. 骑马快到终点的时候, 父亲和曼牛尔感到筋疲力尽。

    Near the end of the ride, both my father and Manuel began to feel very tired.

  26. 骑马快到终点得时候,父亲和曼牛尔感到筋疲力尽。

    Near the end of the ride,both my father and Manuel began to feel very tired.

  27. 一个放牛的人骑马把那头公牛从牛群里赶了出来。

    The cowherd rode the bull out.

  28. 几乎每年夏天,他都要到外祖父在得克萨斯的牧常他在那里骑马,给牛群烙印,修理风车,帮助外祖父开一辆陈旧的卡特彼勒牌拖拉机。

    Almost every summer, he headed for his grandfather's ranch in Texas where he 'd ride horses, brand cattle, fix windmills and help his grandpa keep an old Caterpillar tractor operating.