




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:zǎi zi









  1. 孩子;儿子。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·滱水》:“至若孌婉丱童及弱年崽子,或单舟採菱,或叠舸折芰。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部四:“‘崽子’,母亲一边擦眼睛,一边说:‘你要能长大成人,可别忘了你爹是怎么死的呀。’”

  2. 幼小的鸟兽。

    《红楼梦》第四三回:“方纔你们送来野鸡崽子汤,我嚐了一嚐,倒有味儿。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第二部二四:“这马硬实,口又轻,肚子里还带个崽子,开春就是一变俩,你牵上吧。”

  3. 詈词。


  4. 娈童。

    清 陈贞慧 《书事七则·防乱公揭本末》:“ 鋮 归,潜跡南门之 牛首 ,不敢入城。向之裘马驰突,庐儿崽子,焜燿通衢,至此奄奄气尽矣。”



  1. But, boy, she had a thousand years of magic stored in her head.


  2. In a basket swung from his neck cowered a dozen very recent puppies of an indeterminate breed.


  3. Female anteaters usually give birth to only one baby a year. It rides on the mother's back for several weeks after it is born.


  4. At first, when the poor beast began to sicken, we Tiger cubes set up a great roaring and ranting.


  5. The poor cub still clutched at her teat , sucking greedily at the blood-stained nipple that yielded no milk.


  6. The Bengal tiger, extinct for over a century, is making a comeback. These cloned tiger cubs at the Beijing Zoo are.


  7. Yup, every single one of us. We often joke that my mother didn't have babies. She had a litter!


  8. How did that little yutz get a girl on his own?


  9. The boy had lived with my daughter a while ago, parted amicably, never made any trouble.


  1. 你个狗崽子

    Son of a bitch!

  2. 熊及其崽子

    a bear and her young.

  3. 笑吧,死鱼崽子

    Smile, you son of a fish!

  4. 来这里找茬,崽子?

    Come here start something, dawg ?

  5. 去死吧,你这狗崽子!

    You're going down, you son of a bitch!

  6. 你这厚脸皮的猴崽子!

    You cheeky monkey!

  7. 这群小崽子烦死我了!

    The kids are driving me potty!

  8. 猪崽子担心地绞紧双手。

    Piggy clasped his hands in apprehension.

  9. 猴崽子你哪根筋不对?

    What is your malfunction, you fat barrel of monkey spunk

  10. 你们这些狗崽子赚了一顿阿。

    One of you dogs earned a treat.

  11. 你这个该死的小崽子!关上窗户!

    you stinking little runt ! roll up the window

  12. 狼崽子们应该更多的打篮下。

    Teen Wolf should drive the basket more.

  13. 无礼的崽子!你以为你可以胜过我?

    Rothschild Insolent whelp! Think you've outwitted me.

  14. 奶崽子的骆驼三十只, 各带著崽

    Thirty milch camels with their colts, forty

  15. 猪崽子带着很不满得眼光看着他。

    Piggy watched him in disgust.

  16. 猪崽子带着很不满的眼光看着他。

    Piggy watched him in disgust.

  17. 这狗崽子便是她唯一钟爱得人了!

    This whelp is the only person she loves!

  18. 这狗崽子便是她唯一钟爱的人了!

    This whelp is the only person she loves!

  19. 我完全不知道该把这个崽子怎麽办

    I have no idea what to do with this whelp.

  20. 和这些熊崽子玩不会有危险。

    There is not any danger playing with these cubs.

  21. 我完全不知道该把这个崽子怎么办。

    I had no idea what to do with this whelp.

  22. 普利策奖是发给那些乳臭未干得小崽子得。

    The Pulitzer is for the birds.

  23. 普利策奖是发给那些乳臭未干的小崽子的。

    The Pulitzer is for the birds.

  24. 你和这些熊崽子玩不会有危险。

    You can play with these cubs quite safely.

  25. 猪崽子没来得及脱身就给团团围住了。

    Piggy was surrounded before he could back away.

  26. 猪崽子就坐在身边, 并没有给他出主意。

    Piggy was sitting near but giving no help.

  27. 我杀了郡长, 又杀了副官, 今朝我要杀你这狗崽子!

    I shot the Sheriff, and the Deputy, and your wee doggy TOO!

  28. 我杀了郡长,又杀了副官,现在我要杀你这狗崽子!

    I shot the Sheriff, and the Deputy, and your wee doggy TOO!

  29. 猪崽子看到微笑, 却误以为是友好得表示。

    Piggy saw the smile and misinterpreted it as friendliness.

  30. 猪崽子看到微笑,却误以为是友好的表示。

    Piggy saw the smile and misinterpreted it as friendliness.


  1. 问:崽子拼音怎么拼?崽子的读音是什么?崽子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:崽子的读音是zǎizi,崽子翻译成英文是 bastard; cub; whelp