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亦作“艷羡”。见“ 艳羡 ”。
亦作“ 艳羡 ”。亦作“艷羡”。喜爱;羡慕。
明 胡应麟 《诗薮·六朝》:“ 元子 心非王室, 越石 才谢匡时,俱迥不侔,何庸艳羡?” 清 戴名世 《邻女说》:“世之所艳羡者,真为美矣!”《官场现形记》第三四回:“ 王慕善 听了,不胜艳羡。” 鲁迅 《坟·从胡须说到牙齿》:“我实在艳羡他们的健康。”
His words seemed to be saying he was envious, but I could see in his eyes, as they looked at my penis, that he wasn't envious at all.
他的话似乎是说他艳羡不已。但我从他盯着我老二的眼睛里可以看得出来,他一点都不羡慕我。I was perhaps a little lonely, and it was with a touch of envy that I thought of the pleasant family life of which I had had a glimpse.
我也许感到有一点寂寞,回想我刚才瞥见的这种幸福家庭生活,心里不无艳羡之感。Be the first to see upcoming Sex Survey results by signing up for amazing offers, jobs and free stuff.
先一睹为快即将出炉的性行为调查结果吧,这些结果可都是由令人艳羡的的录用机会、职位和免费物品换来的哦。eg. She is blessed with a strict training at an early age, which enables her to have an advantage over other players.
令人艳羡的是,她从小就接受严格训练,这使得她比其他选手有优势。" It 's a jewel, " one person close to the company said . "And it has a global footprint that people will die for . "
一位熟悉吉百利的人士表示:“它是一块宝石。它的全球影响力令人艳羡。”If not, the declining unions of the developed world may begin to look jealously at the achievements of their less privileged equivalents.
如果不这么做,发达国家日渐没落的工会,或许会开始用艳羡的目光看着不那么有特权的同行取得成就。The cat is now the proud owner of cash, shares and a property empire which includes flats and houses in Rome and Milan and land in Calabria.
这只猫现在拥有让人艳羡的金钱、股份和一个地产王国,包括罗马和米兰的公寓和房屋,以及在卡拉布里亚的土地。Thanks to such rapid advances, many of the developing world's champions have risen from zero to hero in just a couple of decades.
由于增长迅速,许多发展中国家的佼佼者仅仅在二十年当中,从当初一穷二白的穷国发展成为世人艳羡的英雄。Reversals of Fortunes : Carrie stands in front of her original apartment closet ; not the coveted walk -in closet of the film .