




1. 繁 [fán]2. 繁 [pó]繁 [fán]复杂:~杂。~乱。删~就简。~难。~嚣。多:~多。~重(zhòng )。纷~。频~。~星。~忙。~芜。~博。兴盛:~茂。~荣。~华。生物增生新个体:~殖。~育。~衍。繁 [pó]〔~台〕中……



汉语拼音:fēn fán





多而复杂: 头绪~。



  1. 多而杂。

    三国 魏 曹丕 《善哉行》:“有客从南来,为我弹清琴。五音纷繁会,拊者激微吟。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·邮政下》:“局既林立,支用纷繁,安保不入不敷出乎?” 鲁迅 《书信集·致增田涉》:“十月一日惠函早已收到,因俗事纷繁,迟至今日奉覆,甚歉。”



  1. As summer holiday is around the corner, a great number of children will have to devote themselves into cram schools.


  2. Look at the many advertisements around you. What comes to your mind when you think of a particular brand of beer?


  3. There is no need to tell President Barack Obama that the world is messy and complicated or to list the many things that need to be done.


  4. You know, for as complicated as economy can be, The Economist seems to be a excessive China fanboy.


  5. By and large, though, the myriad maps of a new global order are turning out to be as ephemeral as the couturiers' spring collections.


  6. We're looking at at least another two or three years of very troubling fiscal signals for cities and municipalities.


  7. The world pattern appeared to be a complicated multipolar tendency of development, since the Cold War, when the confrontation between, U.


  8. A voyage can be like a mirror held up to modern life with all its variety.


  9. Well, life is complicated as if an everlasting journey with countless beautiful sceneries, numerous lonely and sad things!


  1. 死刑的执行方式纷繁多样。

    Methods of execution vary widely.

  2. 盛夏的大地热闹纷繁。

    Summer is in riotous profusion.

  3. 心绪纷繁但往往如过往烟云

    The moods were many and transient

  4. 这案件头绪纷繁,很是搔头。

    This case is most complicated and perplexing.

  5. 我思绪纷繁,辗转不能成眠。

    With one thing and another, I could hardly fall asleep.

  6. 一大堆纷繁复杂的规章制度

    a maze of regulations

  7. 当今的世界纷繁复杂, 变化多端。

    At present the world situation is complicated and changeable.

  8. 人口普查表格的纷繁难懂之处

    The intricacies of a census form.

  9. 人生的内容十分丰富, 人生的现象纷繁复杂。

    The contents of life are very rich while the phenomena of life are complex.

  10. 霍斯怎能测量入梦者纷繁复杂的情感?

    How was Hoss able to gauge the dreamer's turmoil

  11. 中学教育管理工作面临纷繁复杂的冲突问题。

    Education and management in the middle school work in the complicated conflict.

  12. 一个愚昧时代的种种纷繁复杂的谬论和诡辩。

    The complex falsities and sophistries of an unwise age.

  13. 霍斯怎能测量入梦者纷繁复杂得情感 呢

    How was Hoss able to gauge the dreamer's turmoil

  14. 人类信仰、文化和语言纷繁多样,必须相互尊重。

    Human beings must respect each other, in all their diversity of faith, culture and language.

  15. 它奠定地球上现今存在的纷繁复杂的生命形式。

    It produced the wide spectrum of life forms found on the earth today.

  16. 这孩子被那头绪纷繁的故事弄得迷惑不解。

    The child was perplexed by the intricate plot of the story.

  17. 当前, 国际形势纷繁复杂, 国际格局正在经历深刻调整。

    The international situation is now very complex, and the global pattern is undergoing profound readjustment.

  18. 金融创新的迷人之处在于标新立异和纷繁复杂。

    The bewitching thing about financial innovation is its novelty and its complexity.

  19. 金融创新得迷人之处在于标新立异和纷繁复杂。

    The bewitching thing about financial innovation is its novelty and its complexity.

  20. 很容易被纷繁的社交活动缠得脱不开身。

    Its easy to get caught up in the social whirl.

  21. 单一的军事手段不足以应对纷繁复杂的安全挑战。

    Military means alone have proved inadequate in meeting massive and complicated security challenges.

  22. 如同那些蝌蚪一样,我们长大后跳进了纷繁世界。

    Like those tadpoles, we grew legs and hopped off into the world.

  23. 手头的事情又总是纷繁复杂,理不出个头绪来。

    All the things in my hand seem disorderly and unsystematic.

  24. 开展一项新业务时需要面对一堆纷繁的法律法规。

    There was a tangle of regulations and rules in starting a new business.

  25. 开展一项新业务时需要面对一堆纷繁的法律法规。

    There was a tangle of regulations and rules in starting a new business.

  26. 不管这些故事如何纷繁多变,但它们总是以笑为生命。

    No matter how colourful or changeable, jokes always enliven with laughter.

  27. 华尔街受涨价趋势的影响, 股票在纷繁的焦虑声中下滑。

    Wall Street slid amid a cacophony of worries about the effects of rising prices.

  28. 我们看到, 国际和平与安全领域的挑战是纷繁复杂的。

    As we have seen, the challenges in the area of international peace and security are numerous and complex.

  29. 他给戏剧性的演绎凹凸不平,纷繁美丽景观,展现了西部。

    He gave dramatic interpretations of rugged, intricate beauty found in the Western landscape.

  30. 但此经以官职纷繁, 文字多古, 聚讼日久, 向称难治。

    However, this the numerous in, text more ancient Jusong the course of time, to that intractable.


  1. 问:纷繁拼音怎么拼?纷繁的读音是什么?纷繁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:纷繁的读音是fēnfán,纷繁翻译成英文是 numerous



fēn fán 纷繁(纷繁) 多而杂。 三国 魏 曹丕《善哉行》:“有客从南来,为我弹清琴。五音纷繁会,拊者激微吟。” 郑观应 《盛世危言·邮政下》:“局既林立,支用纷繁,安保不入不敷出乎?” 鲁迅《书信集·致增田涉》:“十月一日惠函早已收到,因俗事纷繁,迟至今日奉覆,甚歉。”