


1. 跑 [pǎo]2. 跑 [páo]跑 [pǎo]奔,两脚交互向前迅速跃进:~步。奔~。赛~。很快地移动:~动。逃:~出笼子。漏泄:~电。~气。为某种事物奔走:~买卖。~外的。~堂。~码头。~单帮。跑 [páo]走兽用脚刨地:~糟(牲口……





汉语拼音:pǎo tí








  1. 离开正题。

    刘亚舟 《男婚女嫁》第七章:“别跑题呀,同志们!大家谈谈,看我那主意行不行,没意见,就这么定啦!”



  1. Write one run acting as immature of question a bit, the above-mentioned characters are enough to see my mood orbit for a long time.


  2. Or maybe the law it ensures that the sunrise every morning actually has a bit of a dogleg in it.


  3. The result sometimes seems to be a level of public debate that has become less intelligent and relevant as the contest continues.


  4. Experiment shows that this method can identify essays off the topic effectively with a reasonable threshold value of content similarity.


  5. Found to promote their own category for each article written, easy to stray from the point total.


  6. Ask him a technical question in an interview and he will launch into an off-topic reminiscence about one of the former greats he has taught.


  7. I think you're getting a bit off the track there, Jim, in you speech. Why don't you stick more to the topic for our audience's sake.


  8. This may be a bit off topic, but you were born in Okinawa, right?


  9. I'm afraid we're getting a bit off the point.


  1. 不要跑题。

    Dont digress from the point.

  2. 不过,我跑题喽。

    But I digress.

  3. 我们跑题了

    Okay, we're losing the thread here.

  4. 唷, 我们跑题了。

    But we digress.

  5. 唷,我们跑题了。

    But we digress.

  6. 我跑题得远了。

    Now I'm not going to go any further.

  7. 你讲课时不要跑题。

    Don't digress when you give a lecture.

  8. 你讲课时不要跑题。

    Don't digress when you give a lecture.

  9. 让我再跑题一下。

    Hes created an increasing level of anxiety and catastrophe with this, but that fifth seal theres kind of a digression.

  10. 那说明,很明显我跑题了

    It means I'm clearly losing it.

  11. 我想,他的回答跑题了。

    His reply was rather off the point, I thought.

  12. 现在跑题跑得越来越远了。

    Originally posted by qrui this is getting farther and farther away.

  13. 这篇文章中没有跑题的内容。

    There is nothing unthematic in this composition.

  14. 这篇文章中没有跑题得内容。

    There is nothing unthematic in this composition.

  15. 这篇文章中没有跑题的内容。

    There is nothing unthematic in this composition.

  16. 你又离题,请千万不要跑题。

    You are wandering off the point again, do please try to keep to the subject.

  17. 别跑题了,咱在说大麻的事

    Let's not lose focus. This is about the weed.

  18. 你又要离开正题了,请不要跑题。

    You're wandering from the point again, so please keep to the subject.

  19. 假如我喝了酒,我往往会走神跑题。

    If I dont think alcohol, I tend to wander off the subject.

  20. 她本该谈论销售数字, 但她老是跑题。

    She was supposed to be speaking about sales figures, but she kept wandering off the subject.

  21. 你已经完全跑题了,请不要再说了。

    You are absolutely beside the point. Please stop talking about it.

  22. 别跑题,否则你会把我搞糊涂的。

    Let's keep to the subject, or you'll get me too confused.

  23. 我不知道我们的争论跑题到哪儿了。

    I don't know where this argument is going.

  24. 看我说的跑题了,你的故事写的怎么样了?

    But I digress, what is your management story

  25. 我觉得我们在跑题并已陷入尴尬境地。

    I could tell that we were getting off the subject and into deep water.

  26. 题纲能帮你打基础,而且能确保你不跑题。

    It's going to help ground you, and make sure that you don't get off track.

  27. 呵呵,有点跑题,从吃蟹跑到看海了。

    I love eating Crab, and I love the sea.

  28. 或者法则确保太阳每天都升起, 有点跑题。

    Or maybe the law it ensures that the sunrise every morning actually has a bit of a dogleg in it.

  29. 有创意的人时常会跑题, 因为他们有很多主意。

    Creative people sometimes go off on a tangent because they have many ideas.

  30. 不就是讨论一次家庭旅行。不是了我们早跑题了!

    We're talking about a family vacation. Not anymore, we are not!


  1. 问:跑题拼音怎么拼?跑题的读音是什么?跑题翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跑题的读音是pǎotí,跑题翻译成英文是 stray from the topic

  2. 问:跑题了!拼音怎么拼?跑题了!的读音是什么?跑题了!翻译成英文是什么?

    答:跑题了!的读音是Pǎo tí le!,跑题了!翻译成英文是 That's off the subject!



作者:赵冬妮 跑题封面出版社:广西师范大学出版社; 第1版 (2009年7月1日)平装:334页正文语种:简体中文开本:16ISBN:7563387528条形码:9787563387526商品尺寸: 22.8 x 16.4 x 1.6 cm商品重量: 399 gASIN:B0043RF1GO