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1. 石 [shí]2. 石 [dàn]石 [shí]构成地壳的矿物质硬块:~破天惊(喻文章议论新奇惊人)。指石刻:金~。指古代用来治病的针:药~。药~之言(喻规劝别人的话)。中国古代乐器八音之一。姓。石 [dàn]中国市制容量单位,十斗为……
汉语拼音:luǎn shí
冰心 《六一姊》:“有时拾些卵石放在小铜锣里,当鸡蛋煮着。” 王西彦 《乐土·官吏》:“三个人三根手杖,在卵石大路上敲出嘹亮的节奏。”
梁启超 《国家思想变迁异同论》:“顽錮者流,墨守十八世纪以前之思想,以欲与公理相抗衡,卵石之势,不足道矣。”
A warm breath and a rub on her pants later, a small black pebble, oval like a river rock, charred and smooth, was freed of ice.
在她呵完热气,并在裤子上擦拭一番后,黑色小石子上的冰层就被除掉了,这块像河滩卵石一样的椭圆形石头已被烧焦,但表面很光滑。When he was about to give up, an idea came to him. He took a pebble and dropped it into the pitcher.
当他想放弃时,他的脑子里现出了一个主意。他叼来一个卵石,然后把它仍进罐里There was no other sound save the sound of a wave fretting the smooth pebbles below.
此外,便只有下头海浪冲刷卵石的声响。The way these pebble bed reactors work is the helium comes in up the side and down through the pebble bed. It's not a fluidised bed.
这些卵石层反应堆运作的方式是,氦从这面的上面进来,然后,通过这个卵石层再出去,这不是液化层。Put forward a concept of macro-cohesive strength, witch could be obtained by back-analysis of the auto stability of the sandy pebble soil.
针对成都砂卵石地层提出了宏观内聚力的概念,指出可通过反分析的方法取得宏观内聚力的取值。Walls covered with coralline 'flowers', enormous boulders, refined columns, and a variety of stalactites and stalagmites are just stunning!
墙体被珊瑚覆盖,巨大的卵石,精致的石柱,各式各样的钟乳石和石笋令人心神震动!For cobble stone made foundation, a transition layer is built to avoid infiltration. The surface has a protecting layer.
填筑铺盖前必须清基,在砂卵石地基上应设置过渡层,以防渗透破坏,顶面应设保护层。Place medium size stones around the perimeter of the desert garden. Leave a few inches of space between each rock.
将装饰用卵石铺设在花园周围,注意每颗卵石之间要留一定的距离。It was a sheer drop of ten or twenty metres, with boulders at the bottom.