







汉语拼音:guǎi piàn







  1. 用欺骗手段弄走人或财物。

    明 王元寿 《异梦记·空访》:“一生别无活计,全凭拐骗为生。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·逃难》:“想也乘机拐骗,四散逃走了。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三一回:“后来却被我考了出来,明明是假的,他仗着这个法子去拐骗金银,又乐得人人甘心被他拐骗,这才是神乎其技呢!” 陈建功 《丹凤眼》:“他妈说:‘我让你拐骗人去了?’”



  1. Her relatives do not know, after the abduction of a woman that I am not in trouble?


  2. It was heavily concerned with jamming, spoofing, and intercepting and analyzing the enemy's radar signals.


  3. The Lyons once joined words to go, was to meditation of he abducts her scene, 2 people all have no again speak.


  4. Detectives are questioning a woman about the child's abduction .


  5. While defenders were occupied by intercepting this bogus formation, other formations, flying low, could come in and decimate them.


  6. The kidnapping gangs bought and sold people; it was like its own terrible ecosystem.


  7. Only a few days ago, I learned from newspaper that a boy who had kidnapped a two-year-old child for money was arrested.


  8. The organization recently held workshops for civil society and lawmakers on the various ways in which trafficking may occur.


  9. They may also be the rover who unfinished the compulsory and deletion of home educations.


  1. 被拐骗儿童

    children in abduction.

  2. 时刻反对坑蒙拐骗。

    Oppose cheating and dishonesty at all time.

  3. 流氓拐骗姑娘的钱财。

    The hooligan swindled money out of the girl.

  4. 她在上海被拐骗了。

    She was shanghaied in Shanghai.

  5. 解放前他被拐骗到非洲。

    He was shanghaied to Africa before liberation.

  6. 我们不想让你去坑蒙拐骗

    What we do not want is you stealing and lying.

  7. 也许拐骗了一狗票的人

    Maybe scrounge a couple of bucks.

  8. 在拐骗儿童案件中,处罚加倍。

    And in the case of the abduction of children, the penalty shall be doubled.

  9. 几天前一个男孩被拐骗。

    A child was kidnapped several days ago.

  10. 我年轻时,从未听说过拐骗犯罪。

    When I was young, I had never heard of the crime of kidnapping.

  11. 拐骗相信本身的人是罪上加罪。

    Deceiving those that trust us is more than a sin.

  12. 被拐骗的姑娘终于被救出了火坑。

    The abducted girl was at last rescued from that living hell.

  13. 天啊, 这孩子也太容易被拐骗了啊。

    Day, this child is too easy also by abduct ah.

  14. 这个年轻人拐骗他朋友的妻子潜逃了。

    The young man absconded with his friend's wife.

  15. 汤姆小时候被拐骗并被送到了北美。

    When Tom was a boy, he was shanghaied and sent to North America.

  16. 大喊、尖叫、搏斗和逃离可能的拐骗者。

    Yell, scream, fight and run from any potential abductor.

  17. 抢劫、拐骗、强奸、谋杀都是重罪的例子。

    Robbery, kidnapping, rape, and murder are all examples of felonies.

  18. 他们为了打动客户不惜坑蒙拐骗,因而声名狼藉。

    They are notorious for resorting to trickery in order to impress their clients.

  19. 国际儿童拐骗事件的民事问题海牙公约

    Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abductio

  20. 还有一些关于拐骗,特别是民兵拐骗的特别报告。

    There were also some specific reports of abductions, particularly by the Janjaweed.

  21. 她因受到拐骗和侵犯人身的指控而出庭。

    She appeared in court on charges of kidnapping and assault.

  22. 那只是对儿童被拐骗即时反应的指导方针。

    Carp is just a guideline for immediate response to child abduction.

  23. 国际儿童拐骗事件的民事问题海牙公约草案

    Hague Draft Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction

  24. 他呀,早被人拐骗到外国做猪仔去了!

    Long ago, he was abducted to labor in foreign countries.

  25. 他呀,早被人拐骗到外国做猪仔去了!

    Long ago, he was abducted to labor in foreign countries.

  26. 我曾听见贝茜讲过许多孩子被拐骗的故事。

    I had heard about children being stolen in many of Bessie's stories.

  27. 他坑蒙拐骗,无恶不做,迟早是要进监狱的!

    He will be imprisoned sooner or later for committing swindles and every crime imaginable.

  28. 他坑蒙拐骗,无恶不做,迟早是要进监狱的!

    He will be imprisoned sooner or later for committing swindles and every crime imaginable.

  29. 侦探们正在盘问一个妇女关于孩子被拐骗的事。

    Detectives are questioning a woman about the child's abduction.

  30. 乔结交了坏朋友,他们总谈论偷抢拐骗的事情。

    Joe made bad friends, who were always talking about stealing.


  1. 问:拐骗拼音怎么拼?拐骗的读音是什么?拐骗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拐骗的读音是guǎipiàn,拐骗翻译成英文是 swindle; abduct

  2. 问:拐骗罪拼音怎么拼?拐骗罪的读音是什么?拐骗罪翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拐骗罪的读音是guǎipiànzuì,拐骗罪翻译成英文是 kidnapping



拐骗guǎipiàn[swindle] 用欺骗手段弄走人或财明 王元寿 《异梦记·空访》:“一生别无活计,全凭拐骗为生。” 清 孔尚任 《桃花扇·逃难》:“想也乘机拐骗,四散逃走了。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第三一回:“后来却被我考了出来,明明是假的,他仗着这个法子去拐骗金银,又乐得人人甘心被他拐骗,这才是神乎其技呢!” 陈建功 《丹凤眼》:“他妈说:‘我让你拐骗人去了?’”拐骗钱财[abduction] 以婚姻或不合乎道德性交为目的带走妇女或儿童或受监护的人