




事物发生的枢纽:生~。危~。转(zhuǎn )~。契~。对事情成败有重要关系的中心环节,有保密性质的事件:军~。~密。合宜的时候:~会。~遇。时~。由许多零作组成可以做功或有特殊作用的装置和设备:~器。~动。~关。有生命的生物体器官的作用:……



汉语拼音:xīn jī








  1. 心思,计谋。

    南朝 梁 何逊 《穷鸟赋》:“虽有知於理会,终失悟於心机。” 唐 张籍 《寄梅处士》诗:“扰扰人间足是非,官閒自觉省心机。” 明 罗贯中 《风云会》第三折:“能用兵,善为将,有心机,有胆量。” 鲁迅 《三闲集·无声的中国》:“我们不必再去费尽心机,学说古代的死人的话,要说现代的活人的话。”

  2. 机巧之心。

    五代 齐己 《静坐》诗:“日日只腾腾,心机何以兴。”《古尊宿语录·洞山第二代初禅师语录》:“悟了始知言无异,休将功妙用心机。”



  1. After all, Mary's running away had been genuine enough; though it had the results that any calculating woman could have foreseen.


  2. After two years of cajoling Israelis and Palestinians to engage in direct talks, virtually no progress has been made.


  3. From ancient to modern times I do not know how many people on it had great efforts, but to little effect.


  4. The cover story the spy told her was that he was a newspaper reporter .


  5. Your efforts in trying to reach a logical solution in matters are offer futile.


  6. All of your efforts have been in vain, for the draining of the World Tree has already begun. Soon the heart of your world will beat no more.


  7. This was a profound and significant personal sacrifice - but, what the hell, it seemed the human thing to do.


  8. Charles asked his brother to teach him math. but he is barking up the wrong tree . his brother isn't good at math at all.


  9. He learned the truth, in anger depart, and he is but want to marry a woman without scheming.


  1. 她枉费心机。

    She racked her brains in vain.

  2. 费劲了心机

    And then some.

  3. 枉费心机的愿望

    an idle wish

  4. 钢坯气动定心机

    air hammer

  5. 我们白费心机了

    we drew a blank

  6. 那尝试白费心机。

    The attempt was made without result.

  7. 这个人心机很重。

    This guy's trouble, but as bad as he is.

  8. 我恐怕你会枉费心机。

    I'm afraid you're going on a fool's errand.

  9. 她的谨慎只是枉费心机。

    Her caution was thrown away.

  10. 溺水者白费心机地呼救。

    The drowning man called in vain for help.

  11. 管坯液压定心机的改进

    Improvement of hydraulic centre mechine with tube blank

  12. 这是枉费心机的,无可奈何的循环。

    It was a fruitless, harassing round.

  13. 他试图欺骗双亲, 但白费心机。

    He sought to deceive his parents but in vain.

  14. 要想改变他,简直是枉费心机。

    I racked my brains in vain trying to change him.

  15. 她年龄不大,但很有心机。

    Young as she is, she has a mind of her own.

  16. 无论你做什么都是白费心机。

    Nothing you do could ever break that up.

  17. 我企图说服她,但白费心机了。

    I sought to convince her, but in vain.

  18. 因为大多数人的我们都有心机。

    Because many of us we have agendas.

  19. 我想引起他的注意,却枉费心机。

    I tried to attract his attention, but failed.

  20. 他试图欺骗他的父母,但是白费心机。

    He sought to deceive his parents but in vain.

  21. 要想使他改变主意真是枉费心机。

    Trying to make him change his mind is just knocking your head against a brick wall.

  22. 我衷心机你成功,亲爱的木偶。

    I wish you all good luck, dear Marionette.

  23. 我想要引起她的注意,却枉费心机。

    I tried to attract her attention, but failed.

  24. 哦 天 你这小泼妇 颇有心机嘛。

    Oh, why, you conniving little shrew.

  25. 谁想到天真无邪也会富于心机

    Even innocence itself has many a wile,.

  26. 我想我也不必为你再费心机了。

    I saw no reason why I should bother with you any more.

  27. 毕竟他们做这些商品花了不少心机

    Because they have to do it hand on heart and everything.

  28. 他企图贿赂老师让他过关却白费心机。

    He tried in vain to get to the teacher to pass the test.

  29. 这是徒劳无益的,告诉你,你在枉费心机。

    It is all to no purpose,I tell you that you are ploughing the sand.

  30. 他想在我们中间挑拨离间,结果是枉费心机。

    He tried in vain to sow dissension among us.


  1. 问:心机拼音怎么拼?心机的读音是什么?心机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:心机的读音是xīnjī,心机翻译成英文是 thinking



“心机”是个多义词,它可以指心机(心机), 心机(汉语词语), 心机(汪宛夫著图书), 心机(陈思进小说作品)。