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The young man answered the strangers kindly, as if he had spoken to good friends.
年青人友好地回答陌生人的问题,就好像在和好朋友说话。"My money has finished and my friends have gone, " said the young man. "What will happen to me now? "
年青人说:“我的钱花光了,我的朋友也离开了我。下来还会有什么事发生呢?”That afternoon I stood in the hall with a great number of young interviewees. We were waiting for our turns to be interviewed.
那全国午我和很多年青的应试者一块儿站在大厅里,等着口试。She did not believe she had ever read any of the young author's works, nor that she had ever heard of him.
她不相信她曾经读过这个年青作家的作品,也从来没听说过他这个人。Young warrior ought to ask young girl; no make young girl speak first. Mingo girls are too shame for that.
年青的战士应当向年轻的姑娘求爱,不能让年轻的姑娘先开口,明哥姑娘也不好意思这样做的。Dr. Gidley is always on the up and up, with his young wife, his two little boys at the right school and his practice desirably situated.
吉德利大夫有位年青的妻子,两个孩子上了正规的学堂,自己的开业地点又十分理想,因此小日子过得一步一层楼。On the Children'S Day a young woman from America goes to Beijing Zoo with her little son .
儿童节那天,一位来自美国的年青妇女带着她的小儿子去北京动物园。A white young man, as if unaware of the racial conflicts that tore apart America in the 60's, stopped to help her.
一个白人年青男子不顾那时蔓延全美的种族矛盾,停下来帮助她。Before I am allowed to alight, several young Papuans scout the area, to see that nobody is watching us.