







汉语拼音:nián mài








  1. 年老。

    晋 陆云 《赠顾彦先》诗之四:“时过年迈,晻冉桑榆。” 晋 郭璞 《游仙》诗:“临川哀年迈,抚心独悲吒。” 北朝 魏 宗钦 《赠高允》诗之十一:“嗟我年迈,迅踰激电。” 陈毅 《在志愿军司令部度春节·除夕欢饮》诗:“座上更有年迈客,喜他豪饮兴最浓。”



  1. My old father, now, " said Mr Tumnus; " that's his picture over the mantelpiece. He would never have done a thing like this.

  2. Imagine being an elderly mother or father who cannot go out to the cinema or to dinner because there is no one to care for your child.

  3. He said that he loved his parents and felt that it was his duty to look after his aged parents.

  4. It was the kind of card that you used to get from a grandmother or an aging aunt or, in this case, a dying father.

  5. A long time ago, there was an old tiger. He did not often go to look for food himself.

  6. They went this way and that way, finally coming to a kingdom where an old king ruled. He had only one daughter, but she was very beautiful.

  7. Jin Yong once said, he walked behind the ear, the word can be heard, not the hear hear No.

  8. Sites in Togo are the only remaining examples of this tradition, and only a few elderly women hold knowledge of this craft.

  9. The retired department store employee lived with her elderly mother for her entire life in Cadiz, in southern Spain.


  1. 年迈体衰的老人

    a decrepit old man.

  2. 他因年迈而垂头。

    Age had bowed his head.

  3. 日益年迈的摇滚乐歌星

    an ageing rock star

  4. 已故者死于年迈。

    The deceased died of old age.

  5. 他虽年迈,但朝气蓬勃。

    Though old in years, he is young in spirit.

  6. 她因年迈而面容枯槁。

    Old age withered her face.

  7. 他父亲因年迈而身体佝偻。

    His father stoops from age.

  8. 尊重并支持年迈的父母。

    respect and support for elderly parents.

  9. 他悉心照顾年迈的母亲。

    He takes good care of his elderly mother.

  10. 她悉心照料年迈的双亲。

    She gave her aging parents much attention.

  11. 她帮助照料年迈的祖母。

    She helped take care of her aged grandmother.

  12. 我有两个年迈的姑姑。

    I have two rather aged aunts.

  13. 我有两个年迈得姑姑。

    I have two rather aged aunts .

  14. 他父亲因年迈而弯腰驼背。

    His father is bowed with age.

  15. 她十分惦念年迈的老母亲。

    She is very anxious about her dear old mother.

  16. 她花时间护理她年迈的父亲。

    She spends her time nursing her old father.

  17. 他年迈的母亲时刻惦念著他。

    His elderly mother is always taking much think for him.

  18. 要是我不这么年迈就好了!

    Were I not so old!

  19. 听觉因年迈而变得不灵。

    The ear grew dull of hearing from old age.

  20. 为什么?因为他们年迈体弱。

    Why? Because they were old and infirm.

  21. 这老妇人年迈体弱。

    The old woman was suffering from age and infirmity.

  22. 对你年迈的母亲,不可轻视。

    Hearken to thy father, that beget thee and despise not thy mother when she is old.

  23. 她虽已年迈, 但仍很活跃。

    Although advanced in years she is still very much alive.

  24. 这里,年迈的老者共度金色的晚年。

    Where retirees could enjoy their golden years.

  25. 年迈的东巴跳着祭祀的舞蹈,

    An old Dongba priest is dancing a sacrificial dance

  26. 年迈使他不能胜任繁重工作。

    Old age disabled him for hard work.

  27. 约翰和他年迈的母亲一起生活。

    John lives with his ageing mother.

  28. 这里布里安已经相当年迈。

    Britan was now an elderly man.

  29. 约翰是他年迈母亲唯一的依靠。

    John is the sole support of his aged mother.

  30. 翻译乐, 我羡慕年迈的江枫。

    As for the happiness in doing translation, I admire of the elder Jiang Feng.


  1. 问:年迈拼音怎么拼?年迈的读音是什么?年迈翻译成英文是什么?

    答:年迈的读音是niánmài,年迈翻译成英文是 old



年迈,指年老;年岁大。语出晋陆云 《赠顾彦先》诗之四:“时过年迈,晻冉桑榆。”