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亦作“ 方陈 ”。方形之军阵。古代阵法有方、圆、雁行、钩行等多种。见《孙膑兵法·十阵》。
《国语·吴语》:“十旌一将军,载常建鼓,挟经秉枹,为万人以为方陈。”《晋书·石季龙载记下》:“ 恪 乃以铁锁连马,简善射 鲜卑 勇而无刚者五千,方阵而前。”旧题 唐 李靖 《李卫公问对》卷上:“ 诸葛亮 以石纵横布为八行,方陈之法即此图也。” 清 魏源 《圣武记》卷七:“临敌亦不方阵进,呼聚啸散。”
茅盾 《小圈圈里的人物》:“似乎她们四位所需要的张子都彼此缠住了,或者是躲在方阵的最后几排内去了。”
Most of the maniples went into battle as separate blocks of men in a square formation that looked something like a checkerboard from above.
大多数“战团”投入战斗的时候,会独立形成一个个方阵,看上去好象一幅国际象棋棋盘的样子。However you fold the square, the cards that end up in a given position will all face the same way: either all up or all down.
无论怎么折叠这个方阵,最终落在某个指定位置上的纸牌朝向也都相同:要不都面朝上,要不都面朝下。By using the given methods, the general problem of solving the power of a matrix can be basically solved.
运用所给方法,基本上可以解决一般方阵的方幂求解问题。She was in the Jedi Temple the night that Darth Vader descended upon the sanctuary with a phalanx of clone troopers.
当达斯·维德带领一个方阵的克隆人士兵降临圣堂时,莎克·蒂就在绝地圣殿之中。President Barack Obama last week warned banks not to challenge the new tax with a "phalanx of lobbyists . . . or an army of lawyers" .
巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)总统上周警告银行不要用“游说者方阵……或律师军团”来挑战新税种。The array here has the same number of rows as columns , and is called square .
这里的数表有同样的行数与列数,因而叫方阵。Or you could buy your very own copy to hang on the wall and admire without having to purchase a phalanx of $1, 000 monitors.
或者,你可以购买复制品,挂在墙上,而不必购买1000个显示器组成的方阵来欣赏它。The square on the extreme right, the most exposed of all, being in the air, was almost annihilated at the very first shock.
极右的那个方阵,暴露在外面,是最没有掩护的一个,几乎一经接触便全部被消灭了。A proof that any row-column-finite infinite matrix over a sfield is normal equivalent with an unique classical form is given.