




包含,盛(chéng):~器。~量(liàng )。~积。~纳。无地自~。对人度量大:~忍。宽~。让,允许:~让。不~人说话。相貌,仪表,景象,状态:~止。~颜。~光。~貌。仪~。军~。市~。阵~。姿~。或许,也许:~或。姓。……



汉语拼音:zhèn róng








  1. 作战队伍的组合方式、排列形式。

    姚雪垠 《李自成》第一卷第八章:“ 祖大弼 见官兵的阵容已乱,拨马便逃。”

  2. 喻指人力配备及所显示的力量。

    郭沫若 《沸羹集·新文艺的使命》:“促进国家力量的动员,巩固作家团结与民族团结的阵容,以争取民族解放与人类解放的胜利。” 徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想》四:“人人握灵蛇之珠,家家抱 荆山 之玉,风靡云蒸,阵容齐整。”



  1. Acura has only five models which, considering the model lineup of the other carmakers, is nothing but just a drop in the bucket.


  2. The press have speculated that Amauri could consider his options if he continues to be left out of the line- up.


  3. He was one of the few players from that squad to keep his place in the national team after Menezes took over.


  4. Midfield is a minefield . I want to put Giggsy in there, but I think he might be a great substitute option.


  5. In my years of experience it is best to be without a top player to leave the squad calm in the dressing room.


  6. The dub of each characters is all the battle array according to original work, acoustic quality side is higher than original work.


  7. Despite his tender years he hasn't looked out of place and is clearly hoping he can force his way into the Arsenal starting line up.


  8. Many in Pittsburgh have remarked upon the size and sophistication of China's delegation compared to any other participant barring the US.


  9. Juventus-owned Fabrizio Miccoli is ready to leave Benfica if he fails to regain his spot in the starting line-up.


  1. 阵容还不错嘛

    That's a nice group.

  2. 初始阵容怎么决定

    How do you choose your initial squad

  3. 如这般庞大的阵容!

    If such an ample battle array!

  4. 优秀的数学教授阵容

    an excellent mathematics faculty

  5. 阿根廷队阵容简介

    Argentine team battle formation synopsis

  6. 我们恢复最强阵容了

    We're back to full strength.

  7. 这个水球队阵容很强。

    This water polo team is a strong one.

  8. 我在考虑调整首发阵容

    Listen, I'm thinking about changing the starting line up.

  9. 没有卡特的最强阵容

    Or as strong as we can be without Carter.

  10. 用当前的阵容肯定不行!

    Not with the current roster.

  11. 最佳防守阵容是吃干饭的啊!

    Jordan is the best! Kobe s defence is bad!

  12. 那刀叉的阵容叫他心惊胆战。

    But at last he had made it, and was seated alongside of Her.

  13. 到1919年仲夏,阵容已相当明显。

    A fairly distinct alignment was already evident by midsummer of 1919.

  14. 这出戏得演员阵容非常强。

    The cast of the play was very strong.

  15. 这出戏的演员阵容非常强。

    The cast of the play was very strong.

  16. 奥地利队阵容强,很可能赢。

    Austria has a good side, and should win.

  17. 它需要小型车来扩充它的阵容。

    It needs to add small cars to the lineup.

  18. 这就是可以组成的最佳阵容吗

    Is this the best offensive lineup ever assembled

  19. 我们肯定都能进入首发阵容的

    Hey, we are both going to be in that starting lineup.

  20. 曼联则阵容齐整,没有伤病名单。

    United have no fresh injury worries.

  21. 这里没有该飞机得飞行员得演出阵容。

    There was no lineup of pilots for that airplane.

  22. 这里没有该飞机的飞行员的演出阵容。

    There was no lineup of pilots for that airplane.

  23. 最佳角色球员阵容, 有意见得进来提!

    The role player battle array, coming in an idea carry the best!

  24. 他的阵容强大,而且求胜心极强。

    He has a good team around him but the desire and hunger comes from within.

  25. 只有马刺能接近小牛阵容的深度。

    Only the Spurs can approach the depth of the Mavericks roster.

  26. 这是自三冠以来最好的阵容吗?

    Is this as good a squad since the Treble team

  27. 最佳角色球员阵容,有意见的进来提!

    The role player battle array, coming in an idea carry the best!

  28. 但无论如何, 阵容深度就是湖人的优势。

    In any case, the depth of field is the Lakers advantage.

  29. 小派说这样的阵容让人精神振奋。

    Pettitte said the promise of that staff was spirited.

  30. 你知道么, 我进足球队的首发阵容了。

    You know what ? I just made first string on the soccer team.


  1. 问:阵容拼音怎么拼?阵容的读音是什么?阵容翻译成英文是什么?

    答:阵容的读音是zhènróng,阵容翻译成英文是 battle formation


①作战时队伍的组合配备、整体情况:阵容不乱。 ②人力的配备:科技界各学科、各专业人才济济,阵容强大。郭沫若 《沸羹集·新文艺的使命》:“促进国家力量的动员,巩固作家团结与民族团结的阵容,以争取民族解放与人类解放的胜利。”徐迟 《哥德巴赫猜想》四:“人人握灵蛇之珠,家家抱 荆山 之玉,风靡云蒸,阵容齐整。”