







汉语拼音:shēng shì








  1. 亦作“ 声埶 ”。声威气势。

    汉 陈琳 《为袁绍檄豫州》:“书到, 荆州 便勒见兵,与建忠将军协同声势,州郡各整戎马,罗落境界,举师扬威,并匡社稷。” 唐 韩愈 《答吕毉山人书》:“夫 信陵 , 战国 公子,欲以取士声势倾天下而然耳。” 宋 陆游 《龙挂》诗:“ 成都 六月天大风,发屋动地声势雄。” 邹韬奋 《患难馀生记》第一章:“当时《生活周刊》风行海内外,声势日大。”

  2. 指军队间遥相呼应,互为支援。

    三国 魏 曹丕 《问雍州刺史张既令》:“试守 金城 太守 苏则 ,既有绥民平夷之功,闻又出军西定 湟中 ,为 河 西作声势,吾甚嘉之。”《三国志·魏志·张既传》:“ 既 进兵为护 羌 校尉 苏则 声埶,故 则 得以有功。”《魏书·元帝纪》:“遣征东将军 长孙道生 ,给事黄门侍郎 奚观 率精骑二万袭 冯跋 ,又命驍骑将军 延普 自 幽州 趋 辽西 为声势,帝自 突门岭 待之。”《周书·叱罗协传》:“﹝ 协 ﹞復遣大都督 裴孟尝 领百骑继进,为其声势。”

  3. 犹权势。声望与势力。

    《后汉书·窦宪传》:“ 宪 恃宫掖声埶,遂以贱直请夺 沁水公主 园田,主逼畏,不敢计。” 宋 苏轼 《答刘巨济书》:“恨僕声势低弱,不能力为发扬。”《初刻拍案惊奇》卷十:“假如当日小姐贪了上大夫的声势,嫁着 公孙黑 ,后来做了叛臣之妻,不免守几十年之寡。” 丁玲 《母亲》一:“饭当然还有得一口吃,可是声势是难了。”

  4. 特指文章的声韵气势。

    唐 元稹 《叙诗寄乐天书》:“声势沿顺属对稳切者,为律诗。” 清 纳兰性德 《渌水亭杂识》卷四:“七言歌行始於 六朝 ,其间有长短句,有换韵,音节低昂,声势稳密。”

  5. 古代对音译的十二个梵语元音的一种称呼。

    章炳麟 《国故论衡·音理论》:“韵纽者, 慧琳 《一切经音义》称梵文阿等十二字为声埶,迦等三十五字为体文。声埶者,韵;体文者,纽也。” 章炳麟 《国故论衡·音理论》:“所谓声埶者,谓韵终所收,若水之走尾閭也。”



  1. Looking back, Bryant never tried to turn his jersey change into some magnanimous gesture. He switched numbers, and that was that.


  2. China, with its own poor human rights record, can be expected to try to tone down criticism of its wayward protege.


  3. To maintain the momentum if, next Monday may be just a declaration to break box-office in Taipei billion.


  4. All sides in the conflict are trying to show strength as the apparent endgame in the war gains momentum.


  5. Whatever the dent to national bravado, or to the free-enterprise ideology, the phrase "too big to fail" suddenly carried an American accent.


  6. National crime prevention and punishment of corruption, efforts to be quite tremendous, indeed do not have a strong momentum.


  7. SAP is ramping up for the launch of its latest version of the SAP NetWeaver Process Integration platform.


  8. The most active and vocal resistance to Coca-Cola, which had arisen in France, was showing serious signs of crumbling.


  9. Despite the bravado, Mr. Prokhorov's latest ambitions seem at least partly in line with the Kremlin's plans.


  1. 帮我们筑造声势

    Help us build the momentum.

  2. 声势汹汹, 不可一世

    bluster and swagger like a conquering hero

  3. 他声势汹汹,不可一世。

    He blustered and swaggered like a conquering hero.

  4. 黄师父哇!声势可大了。

    Master Huang Wow! Sounds like a hoot!

  5. 大造声势的广告宣传活动

    a splashy advertising campaign

  6. 我咆哮和虚张声势, 虚张声势。

    I am bluster and bluff and empty show.

  7. 这次竞选运动声势浩大。

    The campaign was a blockbuster.

  8. 迅速高涨的情绪或舆论声势

    Rapidly developing general feeling or opinion

  9. 他的竞选活动逐渐形成声势。

    His election campaign is beginning to get up steam.

  10. 提高某人竞选活动的宣传声势

    raise the decibel level of sbs campaign

  11. 剧场为索票的声势所压倒

    The theater was inundated with requests for tickets.

  12. 虚张声势虚张声势的行动或事例

    The act or practice of bluffing.

  13. 这次大选的声势将非常浩大。

    This election's going to be huge.

  14. 这场运动得声势正在逐渐增大。

    The movement is gathering force.

  15. 这场运动的声势正在逐渐增大。

    The movement is gathering force.

  16. 叛军获得了声势和战术灵活性。

    The rebels have momentum and tactical agility.

  17. 他说我的竞选已始出现声势。

    There is momentum beginning to occur is my campaign, he said.

  18. 我们叫他们来参加会议以壮声势。

    We asked them to come to the meeting to swell.

  19. 一场声势浩大的广告宣传活动

    an aggressive advertising campaign

  20. 争取使他获释的斗争声势日益加强。

    The fight for his release gathers momentum each day.

  21. 群众正在进行声势浩大的示威游行。

    The crowd was demonstrating tumultuously.

  22. 造了挺大声势, 告诉我你觉得值得么?

    tell me was it worth at all of the rouse u had beneath it all

  23. 他觉得他的队伍实力坚强,声势浩大。

    He was confident of the unyielding strength and formidable superiority of his troops.

  24. 指声势, 指军队的士气和威势。气概, 勇力。

    That momentum. That the morale of the armed forces and pomp. Spirit, courage ability.

  25. 一个声势浩大的语言改革运动应运而生。

    There occurred a gigantic language reform.

  26. 比主场声势,有斯托克城或桑德兰。

    Stoke City or Sunderland on home ground noise.

  27. 必须造成强大的声势以迫使政府削减税收。

    A strong influence must be brought to bear on the government to reduce taxes.

  28. 波兰人发起了声势浩大的投资运动。

    The poles launched a tremendous investment drive.

  29. 我们将开展一场声势浩大的宣传活动。

    We shall have a great publicity campaign.

  30. 其声势之浩大,威力之猛烈,简直是所向无敌的。

    Its influence has been so great and its impact so powerful that it is invincible wherever it goes.


  1. 问:声势拼音怎么拼?声势的读音是什么?声势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:声势的读音是shēngshì,声势翻译成英文是 power and influence

  2. 问:声势浩大拼音怎么拼?声势浩大的读音是什么?声势浩大翻译成英文是什么?

    答:声势浩大的读音是,声势浩大翻译成英文是 legion



声势,即名声威望和气势 。