







汉语拼音:qì shì








  1. 指军队的士气和威势。

    《韩诗外传》卷三:“勇猛强武,气势自御。”《淮南子·兵略训》:“兵有三势……有气势,有地势,有因势。将充勇而轻敌,卒果敢而乐战。三军之众,百万之师,志厉青云,气如飘风,声如雷霆,诚积踰而威加敌人,此谓气势。” 元 无名氏 《衣袄车》第二折:“灿灿银盔气势强,珊珊铁鎧带寒霜。”

  2. 指声势。

    汉 荀悦 《汉纪·武帝纪一》:“立气势,作威福,结私交,以立强於世者,谓之游侠。” 宋 司马光 《涑水记闻》卷六:“上乃命进輦,既至,登北城门楼,张黄龙旗。城下将士皆呼万岁,气势百倍。” 明 蒋一葵 《长安客话·苑家口》:“一河承受诸水,气势愤激,流沫盘涡,涛声冲撞。”

  3. 气概,勇力。

    《鬼谷子·飞箝》:“用之於人,则量智能,权材力,料气势。”《东观汉记·盖延传》:“﹝ 延 ﹞身长八尺,弯弓三百斤,以气势闻。” 元 无名氏 《小尉迟》第一折:“你道十八般武艺都晓通,卖弄你智量高,气势雄,你小可如 刘黑闥 、 王世充 。”

  4. 气焰,权势。

    宋 司马光 《请自择台谏札子》:“且条例司之害民, 吕惠卿 之姦邪,天下之人谁不知之?独陛下与 王安石 未之寤耳。岂可更为之黜逐台諫,以长其威福,成其气势,臣窃为陛下寒心。”《三国志平话》卷上:“﹝ 曹操 ﹞见 董卓 气势欺人,越有不忿之心。” 王先谦 《孙子馀凌半叔哀辞》:“用事者多贵游公卿之弟,与夫突梯滑稽窥时赴势之士,鲜衣怒马,气势烜赫。”

  5. 气象,气派。

    《东观汉记·光武帝纪》:“帝既有仁圣之明,气势形体,天然之姿,固非人之敌。” 宋 王安石 《和钱学士喜雪》:“閶闔与风生气势, 常娥 交月借光辉。” 清 侯方域 《豫省试策四》:“中原之水,皆散而无统,弱而无力,其气势无有能相挟相属,会同而入于海者。” 叶圣陶 《记金华的两个岩洞》:“在洞口抬头望,山相当高,突兀森郁,很有气势。”

  6. 指诗文的气韵或格调。

    宋 陆游 《再跋<皇甫先生文集>后》:“ 司空表圣 论诗有曰:‘愚尝览 韩吏部 诗,其驱驾气势,掀雷决电。’” 元 辛文房 《唐才子传·高蟾》:“诗体则气势雄伟,态度谐远。”

  7. 指品质,功效。

    北魏 贾思勰 《齐民要术·种椒》:“案今 青州 有 蜀 椒种……香、形、色与 蜀 椒不殊,气势微弱耳。”



  1. A lot of the students we both knew talked about Hillary as if they were a little intimidated by her. Not me.


  2. These pieces burst upon the London scene with an explosive vitality comparable to that of the American musical comedies of recent years.


  3. The impulsion is often lost, because of the rider's preoccupation with bending the horse and pushing him sideways.


  4. He must be celestial being. The common one has no such complexion and bearing and only celestial being has this particular one.


  5. That looks rather serious, he said, calmly, to his companions, a cold, commanding force coming into his eyes and voice.


  6. Certainly, there were mosquitoes around, but they were all hidden in dark corners, long since having lost any impetus to make such a sound.


  7. I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and hope you keep your heads up high and see how much your lives will change for the better.


  8. Tana River across the top of the pipeline up to two piers, the Yuanwang It is like the momentum of the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.


  9. I'm afraid of the dark, where there is no light, he was afraid, imposing manner what also have no, oneself frighten yourself.


  1. 蛮勇的气势

    valiant manner

  2. 蛮勇得气势

    valiant manner.

  3. 气势雄伟的演说

    heroic sounding speeches

  4. 黄河的磅礴气势

    the tremendous momentum of the Yellow River

  5. 以雷霆万钧的气势

    with the force of a thunderbolt

  6. 气势舞龙舞狮表演

    Power tiger and lion dance

  7. 不凡的气势已经初见端倪。

    Has already shown its initial grandeur.

  8. 他文风疏狂,以气势取胜。

    He writes unconventionally, and outshines others by his imposing manner.

  9. 他文风疏狂,以气势取胜。

    He writes unconventionally, and outshines others by his imposing manner.

  10. 我说怎么这么有气势啊!

    No wonder they all look so heroic!

  11. 气势宏伟的阿尔卑斯山。

    the majestic Alps

  12. 郭小川的组诗气势恢宏。

    The series of poems written by Guoxiaochuan has tremendous momentum.

  13. 郭小川的组诗气势恢宏。

    The series of poems written by Guoxiaochuan has tremendous momentum.

  14. 郭小川得组诗气势恢宏。

    The series of poems written by Guoxiaochuan has tremendous momentum.

  15. 气势宏伟的帕台农神庙

    the Parthenon in all its majesty.

  16. 黄河的磅礴气势使人振奋。

    The tremendous momentum of the Yellow River is inspiring.

  17. 周仓气势惊人,不怒自威。

    Zhou Cang alarming momentum, not anger from Granville.

  18. 原声音乐很有气势, 去年的。

    Original Music By James Newton Howard.

  19. 气势如虹,不愧是朕的侄儿。

    Such majestic demeanor as befits a nephew of mine.

  20. 拥有天下舍我其谁的气势。

    I am the only real world has the momentum.

  21. 无名之雪,恶魔王子,多有气势!

    I am Snow of the Nameless, Prince of Demon.

  22. 旗开得胜,那气势是很了不起的。

    This initial victory displayed the terrific momentum of our counteroffensive.

  23. 那座城堡是座气势宏伟的建筑物。

    The castle is an imposing building.

  24. 柴河风光气势博大,雄浑壮观。

    Chaihe scenery momentum of broad, powerful spectacular.

  25. 这个家伙浑身显示出恶棍得气势。

    The fellow had every appearance of a villain.

  26. 这个家伙浑身显示出恶棍的气势。

    The fellow had every appearance of a villain.

  27. 魄力,气势坚定的信念热情或者强力

    Strong feeling enthusiasm or intensity.

  28. 他的书法作品,流丽而有气势。

    His calligraphy is fluent, elegant, and full of energy.

  29. 相国寺的建筑, 金碧辉煌, 气势宏伟。

    The monastery is a magnificent, resplendent architectural complex.

  30. 一股迅猛发展的气势扑面而来。

    Were amazed by the momentum of rapid development.


  1. 问:气势拼音怎么拼?气势的读音是什么?气势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:气势的读音是qìshì,气势翻译成英文是 imposing manner

  2. 问:气势汹汹拼音怎么拼?气势汹汹的读音是什么?气势汹汹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:气势汹汹的读音是qìshìxiōngxiōng,气势汹汹翻译成英文是 truculent; overbearing; aggressive

  3. 问:气势磅礴拼音怎么拼?气势磅礴的读音是什么?气势磅礴翻译成英文是什么?

    答:气势磅礴的读音是qìshìpángbó,气势磅礴翻译成英文是 of great momentum; grand and magnificent; po...



气势momentum 指人或事物 表现出来的力量、威势;民族解放运动的磅礴气势。