


1. 沧 [cāng]沧 [cāng]暗绿色(指水):~海。~浪。~海遗珠(喻被埋没的人才)。~海桑田。~海一粟。寒,冷:“日初出,~~凉凉,及其日中,如探汤”。……





汉语拼音:cāng sāng








  1. “沧海桑田”的略语。

    明 汤显祖 《牡丹亭·缮备》:“乍想起琼花当年吹暗香,几点 新亭 ,无限沧桑。” 清 唐孙华 《偕夏重至国学观古槐》诗:“劫火烧残变陵谷,浮云閲尽经沧桑。”《儿女英雄传》第三十回:“这一年之中,你我各各的经了多少沧桑,这日月便如落花流水一般的过去了。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第十七章:“这位饱经沧桑的老工友,什么样的人全见过。”

  2. 指朝代更迭。

    清 沉永令 《赠檗庵禅师》诗序:“ 崇禎 壬癸间,建言廷杖詔狱,沧桑后遂为僧。”参见“ 沧海桑田 ”。



  1. The dragon face vicissitudes of life dragon is often in quilt appearing as our this the nation symbol thing, lots and lots of place.


  2. after the breeze, it shows more lofty and steep spirit as if it tells the people about the history of the thousand temples.


  3. Look at the moon touched my long hair, how much time varying vicissitudes!


  4. Facing the dark blue lake, like an aged man, the age-old snow-clad trees are recalling ups and downs of their past years.


  5. Gone with the vicissitudes of the years is still bleak, but I was in the long years changed its appearance.


  6. But the laugh does not reach his eyes. When he looks at you, the eyes of an old man stare out of a young face.


  7. The flowing, or character or strong text, so I seem to have gotten to the bottom of the vicissitudes of history.


  8. Turned to look back to the vicissitudes of that, only to find themselves too far out of the far, far less than in the past has returned.


  9. Each of the two cultures has its own traditional operas and ballads, recording a thousand years of Fujian's history.


  1. 领带的沧桑

    The Necktie through Thick and Thin

  2. 眼角无限沧桑!

    I notice that my wrinkled canthus is so long!

  3. 眼角无限沧桑!

    I notice that my wrinkled canthus is so long!

  4. 测海楼沧桑

    Long history of Cehai Mansion.

  5. 沧桑灵动时尚。

    A new comes from an old, a fashion comes from a tradition.

  6. 谈龟话沧桑

    Talking the Tortoise and the Vicissitudes of Life.

  7. 历尽沧桑一美人

    Elena et Les Hommes

  8. 人世沧桑, 听其自然。

    Menu English Sentence Let the world slide.

  9. 人世沧桑,听其自然。

    Menu English Sentence Let the world slide.

  10. 人世沧桑就是如此。

    So the world wags.

  11. 百年弄堂话沧桑

    Talking about vicissitudes from centuries lane

  12. 六十年话沧桑

    My First Sixty Years in China.

  13. 光阴荏苒, 世事沧桑。

    Time flies by, and a world of changes has occurred.

  14. 光阴荏苒,世事沧桑。

    Time flies by,and a world of changes has occurred.

  15. 百年电信话沧桑

    The telecom of a century sighed at the time that brings great changes to the world

  16. 经历了这些人事沧桑。

    Such a change had come to pass.

  17. 百年沧桑湖广会馆

    Hunan and Guangdong Gild Halls Great Changes of A Century.

  18. 他已经历尽人间沧桑。

    Hes run the whole gamut of human experience.

  19. 五台名刹画沧桑

    The Famous Monastery Witnesses Vicissitudes

  20. 天一阁440年沧桑风雨

    440 Years History of Tianyi Pavilion

  21. 这些思想历经沧桑。

    These thoughts have survived many vicissitudes.

  22. 百年沧桑话地戏

    Talk About the Earth Play of A Hundred Years

  23. 我听懂了什么是沧桑

    I hear what is the deep blue

  24. 看看这些历尽沧桑的梦想。

    Look at these dreams so beaten and so battered.

  25. 沧桑沈园,亘久的爱情。

    We love therefore we are.

  26. 青春不老是你沧桑得脸,

    Forever young is your vicissitudinary face

  27. 对着晨曦笑叹人生沧桑

    Face to morn laugh and feel that life is hard

  28. 青春不老是你沧桑的脸,

    Forever young is your vicissitudinary face

  29. 一种历史沧桑感 啊。

    What a feeling of vicissitudes of history?

  30. 我忧郁,因为我历经沧桑!

    I am melancholy, because I have experienced various vicissitudes of life!


  1. 问:沧桑拼音怎么拼?沧桑的读音是什么?沧桑翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沧桑的读音是cāngsāng,沧桑翻译成英文是 all that life has to offer



“沧桑”是个多义词,它可以指沧桑(长江文艺出版社出版图书), 沧桑(汉语词语), 沧桑(歌曲名)。