







汉语拼音:zhì qì








  1. 孩子气。

    唐 陆龟蒙 《<怪松图>赞》:“虽稚气初折,而正性不辱。”《醒世恒言·佛印师四调琴娘》:“﹝ 谢瑞卿 ﹞只为一时稚气,遂欣然不辞。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四二回:“这是他的天真,也是他的稚气,以为做了这一点点的事,值不得这样恭维。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致萧军、萧红》:“稚气的话,说话并不要紧,稚气能找到真朋友,但也能上人家的当,受害。”



  1. Tears came to his eyes as he remembered her childlike look, and winsome fanciful ways, and shy tremulous grace.


  2. Logo is designed by the way of children drawing, outlines prototype of a foot, with a childlike in random, but can serve as beauty.


  3. Short of the east fence, chrysanthemum opened, like an innocent little face Zhang, stretch a childish smile.


  4. Looking at her somewhat childish face, I believe she tricked me, that is the truth.


  5. All this looks bad for Britain's Conservatives and their neotenous leader, David Cameron.


  6. And as he read the childish writing, the old man began to cry.


  7. But in terms of love, Scarlett, something like a child full of childlike.


  8. When I looked around at the fear and uncertainty on the young faces in that room, I know exactly what I had to do: my best.


  9. A sealed letter with a different frame of mind, coming from all directions, then slightly childish words, are telling an enduring topic.


  1. 稚气的小伙子

    a boyish young man

  2. 所有我稚气的梦想。

    Of all my boyish dreams.

  3. 爱有稚气, 其他感情有小气。

    Love has its childishness, other passions have their pettinesses.

  4. 他的字迹清晰带几分稚气。

    He had clear, childish handwriting.

  5. 当然 一些人比孩子还要稚气。

    Of course, Some were more childish than others.

  6. 瑞奇是一个稚气少年,铁石心肠。

    Ricky was a young boy heart of stone.

  7. 瑞其是一个稚气少年, 铁石心肠。

    Ricky was a young boy, He had a heart of stone.

  8. 童年相爱,半是稚气老年相爱,爱得深沉。

    Calf love, half love old love, cold love.

  9. 孩子们的绘画中充满了稚气和坦诚。

    There was a rawness and honesty in the children's paintings.

  10. 幼稚愚蠢的稚气的行为或性格不成熟

    Foolishly juvenile behavior or character immaturity.

  11. 有的女孩子稚气地爱着一个老师。

    Some of the girls have a crush on one of the teachers.

  12. 有得女孩子稚气地爱着一个老师。

    Some of the girls have a crush on one of the teachers.

  13. 那会儿我还是个孩子, 她也未脱稚气。

    I was a child and she was a child.

  14. 我一脸的稚气,但姐姐还是被我说服了。

    I look to the childish, but I was still convinced his sister.

  15. 我一直没听见她那稚声稚气的尖嗓门。

    I haven't heard her young screechy voice.

  16. 旧的幼嫩稚气的桌面被商业友好的桌面取代了。

    Old young tender babyish desktop was replaced by the desktop with friendly commerce.

  17. 当他读着稚气的字迹,老人开始不能自己。

    And as he read the childish writing, the old man began to cry.

  18. 于是她装出一副稚气的想要和解的样子来。

    She pulled her face into a placating and childlike expression.

  19. 随着时间得推移,他变得老成持重,身上得稚气不见了。

    Time has mellowed his youthful temper.

  20. 这些刚走出校门得毕业生仍是满脸稚气。

    These graduates who are freshly out of school still show childishness on their faces.

  21. 这些刚走出校门的毕业生仍是满脸稚气。

    These graduates who are freshly out of school still show childishness on their faces.

  22. 那瘦瘦得稚气得脸上嘴巴咧得大大得,做出一副傻笑。

    His young bony face spread in a great grin.

  23. 随着时间的推移, 他变得老成持重, 身上的稚气不见了。

    Time has mellowed his youthful temper.

  24. 时间犹如疾驰的列车,带走了我们的稚气,迎来了我们的青春。

    Time to gallop like a train, take away our childishness and ushered in our youth.

  25. 随著时间的推移,他变得老成持重,身上的稚气不见了。

    Time has mellowed his youthful temper.

  26. 那瘦瘦的稚气的脸上嘴巴咧得大大的, 做出一副傻笑。

    His young bony face spread in a great grin.

  27. 但在爱情方面, 斯佳丽又像是个充满稚气的的孩子。

    But in terms of love, Scarlett, something like a child full of childlike.

  28. 他的身形憔悴疲惫, 然而其中还是带有某种稚气的柔嫩。

    His features wet drawn and haggard, though there was still a certain boyish softness to them.

  29. 双子的伙伴有时可能稚气,但她不愿被控制或光顾。

    The Gemini partner may be childlike at times, but she hates being patronised or controlled.

  30. 这原是痛苦的特点, 苦极往往使人儿时的稚气重现出来。

    It is the property of grief to cause the childish side of man to reappear.


  1. 问:稚气拼音怎么拼?稚气的读音是什么?稚气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稚气的读音是zhìqì,稚气翻译成英文是 childish

  2. 问:稚气的拼音怎么拼?稚气的的读音是什么?稚气的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稚气的的读音是,稚气的翻译成英文是 babyish



孩子,儿童的气质、神态;孩子气、幼稚的气息,中性词。 幼稚弥漫在孩子中间。