







汉语拼音:měng dǒng








  1. 亦作“ 懵董 ”。糊涂;迷糊。

    宋 许月卿 《上程丞相元凤书》:“人望顿轻,明主增喟,懵董之号,道傍揶揄。” 元 乔吉 《扬州梦》第二折:“又不是痴呆懵懂,不辨个南北西东。”《醒世恒言·杜子春三入长安》:“我 杜子春 聪明一世,懵懂片时。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致曹聚仁》:“此画家似亦颇懵懂。” 沙汀 《还乡记》八:“她转身就跑,直到撞到对面的竹篾巴了,她才懵懂的停下来。”



  1. In dreams expect to see you, one day really in my eyes, I have always trying to escape. Out of a friendship, or an ignorantness?


  2. From then on, my feeling is no longer MengMengDongDong, all day oneself imprisoned in set themselves up "cage" .


  3. It had been raining from yesterday night to this morning. In the coolish air, my long-confused heart freshened much more all at once.


  4. Walking along the Hisense Plaze to the Church, I found a lot of people who don't understand Xmas so much walk on Nanjing Road.


  5. The band organized a showcase in Dublin and soon representatives of every major record label were offering the bewildered boys contracts.


  6. To combat this for better sex, have a lesson session in which you don't think you know it all, and are at eachother's mercy as teacher.


  7. Not the age of innocence, the flower is no longer a dream.


  8. Even after Page and Brin flipped on the light switch, most companies continued to wear blindfolds.


  9. remembering the attending of this school six years ago , we were all ignorant kids , and we were unfamiliar with everything.


  1. 懵懂的梦想, 青春期的, 青少年的。

    You can't have all these adolescent dreams.

  2. 让我懵懂的心豁然开朗。

    Let me ignorant heart suddenly see the light.

  3. 历史的惯性与盛世的懵懂

    The Inertia of History and Nescience in Flourishing Age

  4. 我已不是那个懵懂的女孩

    I am not that young and ingenuous girl

  5. 他们懵懵懂懂地胡乱抓了好一阵。

    They struggled stupidly under it for a few seconds.

  6. 我学会了, 不再象年轻懵懂时代

    To look on nature, not as in the hour

  7. 当我还是一个懵懂的女孩

    When I was a young and ingenuous girl

  8. 你不能再有这么多懵懂的梦想。

    You can't have so much ignorant dreams any more.

  9. 即将成年, 告别懵懂的青春期, 走向成熟。

    Soon grows up, says goodbye to the ignorant puberty, moves toward maturely.

  10. 不是懵懂的年纪。也不再是做梦的花季

    Not the age of innocence, the flower is no longer a dream.

  11. 她把事情搞得一塌懵懂。短小精干。

    She make a large numquite possibly ber of things.

  12. 他常常是在威士忌的懵懂醉意中度过的。

    He often lives in a haze of whisky.

  13. 但是我, 年轻又懵懂, 不肯赞同她的话。

    But I, being young and foolish, with her would not agree.

  14. 但那时我年轻又懵懂, 而今潸潸泪满眶。

    But I was young and foolish, and now am full of tears.

  15. 尝是垂髫懵懂子, 俱成满腹经纶骄。

    It was a muddleheaded son in early childhood to taste why, All become full of ideas for state policy or programs to cry.

  16. 我正在做甜饼,听到了最懵懂的一声。

    I was making cookies, and Iheard the most sickening thud.

  17. 当我第一次见到你时, 我们还都很懵懂。

    We were both young when I first saw you.

  18. 但是悲剧在这个开心女孩的懵懂年纪发生了。

    But tragedy rocked the world of this bubbly girl at a young age.

  19. 他们烦闷不安、反社会、懵懂地寻找着某种激情。

    They are bored, restless, antisocial and vaguely in search of some kind of intensity.

  20. 人生在世,不能无所事事,蒙懵懂懂而虚度一生。

    We should not idle away our time, and drift in frivolous thoughts.

  21. 懵懂的青春,才智易狂妄,这种叛逆也就占有一定地位。

    With the intellectual impudence of budding youth this revolt also found a place.

  22. 当我懵懵懂懂地晓事时, 我才发现, 除了我, 别的小伙伴都有娘。

    When I knew better ignorantly, I found that except for me, other kids had own mother.

  23. 我被她们互相抵牾的意见弄懵懂了,不知如何去做才是。

    I was so bewildered by their conflicting advice that I did not know how to act.

  24. 正是这种精神鼓舞着一届又一届的微软人从懵懂走向成熟。

    It is the spirit that inspired Microsoft from ignorant becoming maturate a session of a session.


  1. 问:懵懂拼音怎么拼?懵懂的读音是什么?懵懂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:懵懂的读音是měngdǒng,懵懂翻译成英文是 muddled; ignorant; muddleheaded



“懵懂”是个多义词,它可以指懵懂(汉语词语), 懵懂(黄雅莉演唱歌曲)。