







汉语拼音:xǐng mù








  1. 谓睁眼不眠。

    宋 梅尧臣 《永叔赠酒》诗:“一夕復一夕,醒目常不眠。”

  2. 显眼,引人注目。

    清 程麟 《此中人语·神船》:“遂登舟,伏船头上舱中眺望,模糊不甚醒目。” 陈残云 《山谷风烟》第三八章:“代表们都穿上新分的较为醒目的衣裳。” 魏巍 《东方》第五部第四章:“这里插着一个很大的木牌,写着醒目的大字。”

  3. 谓使眼目清新。

    郭小川 《中国的秋天》诗:“面对这无限风光,怎能不醒目动心!”

  4. 即醒木。

    清 范述祖 《杭俗遗风》:“大书,一人独説,不用傢伙,惟有醒目一块,纸扇一把。”参见“ 醒木 ”。



  1. Stand out in hand-made carpets used in part or to highlight the design.

  2. A leg of cured ham is on display right by the front entrance, and a black-and-white French movie is projected onto a wall in the back.

  3. Yellow has good visibility and is often used as a color of warning.

  4. A recent article in a weekly newspaper, was headed with a striking caption of a lady in a state of considerable distress.

  5. These dramatic events did not close that chapter, but they did put a fresh and emphatic stamp on the U. S. response to global terrorism.

  6. You were supposed to see a vivid, restless clockwork of sharply defined plant cells.

  7. Unfortunately for him, upon striking the shoreline and being ejected from the boat, he landed back end first on an old fence post.

  8. It took an army of workers a week or more to set up all this firepower and the results are impressive.

  9. He took up painting, selling his boldly signed, Matisse-influenced canvases through galleries and stores.


  1. 醒目的广告

    display advertisement

  2. 写字粗大醒目

    to write a bold hand.

  3. 醒目而清楚的字体

    bold, legible handwriting

  4. 深的颜色显得醒目。

    Deep colors advance.

  5. 比萨斜塔非常醒目。

    The Leaning Tower of Pisa is easy to recognize.

  6. 他写的字很醒目。

    He writes a bold hand.

  7. 你认为你是醒目仔吗?

    Do you think you a smart person?

  8. 醒目保安屡擒贼匪

    Smart security guard catches another thief

  9. 以醒目广告刺激消费者

    to sloganize consumers

  10. 黑天鹅也不少,更醒目。

    There have some black swans, even more outstanding.

  11. 货车上的名字非常醒目。

    The name on the van stood out clearly.

  12. 货车上的名字非常醒目。

    The name on the van stood out clearly.

  13. 报纸上的标题十分醒目。

    The headline in the newspaper stands out well.

  14. 我们看见山的醒目的轮廓。

    We saw the bold outlines of the mountain.

  15. 我们看见山得醒目得轮廓。

    We saw the bold outlines of the mountain.

  16. 海报上的字体非常醒目。

    The lettering on the poster is very eyecatching.

  17. 她是个非常醒目的女人。

    She is a very striking woman.

  18. 这被很醒目地展示出来。

    This was strikingly demonstrated.

  19. 为新产品草拟醒目广告语

    to sloganeer for a new product

  20. 制图板上有醒目的类型。

    The distinct types are on the drawing board.

  21. 凸,醒目,真,我亲爱的战友。

    Bold, cautious, true, and my loving comrade.

  22. 为醒目起见, 请排黑体字。

    In order to make it stand out clearly, please print it in boldface type.

  23. 在旗帜上饰上醒目的十字

    emblazon a cross on a banner.

  24. 醒目地列出产品或服务名称。

    Lists the product or service name prominently.

  25. 戴着醒目的红色贝雷帽的士兵

    The soldiers wearing their distinctive red berets

  26. 所有出口都要有醒目标志。

    All the exit doors need to be clearly marked in large signs for all.

  27. 红梅衬着白雪十分醒目。

    Red plums stand out against the white snow.

  28. 紫色是王室的色调, 华贵, 醒目。

    Purple is sumptuous, bold, the colour of royalty.

  29. 绿色植物是画中最醒目的。

    Greens predominated in the picture.

  30. 有醒目画面的一场广告运动

    An ad campaign with striking visuals


  1. 问:醒目拼音怎么拼?醒目的读音是什么?醒目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:醒目的读音是xǐngmù,醒目翻译成英文是 eye-catching

  2. 问:醒目地拼音怎么拼?醒目地的读音是什么?醒目地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:醒目地的读音是,醒目地翻译成英文是 outstandingly

  3. 问:醒目性拼音怎么拼?醒目性的读音是什么?醒目性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:醒目性的读音是,醒目性翻译成英文是 highlighting

  4. 问:醒目的拼音怎么拼?醒目的的读音是什么?醒目的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:醒目的的读音是,醒目的翻译成英文是 obvious

  5. 问:醒目云母蛤拼音怎么拼?醒目云母蛤的读音是什么?醒目云母蛤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:醒目云母蛤的读音是xǐngmùyúnmǔhá,醒目云母蛤翻译成英文是 Yoldia notabilis

  6. 问:醒目显示选项拼音怎么拼?醒目显示选项的读音是什么?醒目显示选项翻译成英文是什么?

    答:醒目显示选项的读音是xǐng mù xiǎn shì xuǎn xiàng,醒目显示选项翻译成英文是 highlight option



“醒目”是个多义词,它可以指醒目(词语释义), 醒目(碳酸饮料), 醒目(粉丝团名称)。