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安定,固定:~步。~定。~固。~健。~重(zhòng )。安~。站~。~如泰山。……
1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……
汉语拼音:wěn zhòng
宋 韩琦 《柳絮》诗:“一春情绪空撩乱,不是天生稳重花。”《红楼梦》第一一八回:“况且 鶯儿 也稳重。” 杨朔 《<雪花飘飘>后语》:“那青年坐在炕边上,笑着点点头,显得又稳重,又自信。”
元 无名氏 《举案齐眉》第四折:“小姐稳重,有老相公同老夫人在於门首,你接待他去咱。”
Though this Knicks game had to make you a bit nervous towards the end, there remained an air of calm about the team.
虽然这场对尼克斯的比赛最后时刻让人很紧张,不过可以看出这支湖人队表现的是如此的稳重。It is not your own prudence or judgement that has enabled you to keep your place in the trade.
你能够在买卖上维持你的地位,并不是靠你的谨慎稳重或者深谋远虑。He was gray also, from his long beard to his rough boots, and he looked stern and solemn, and rarely spoke.
从他的长须直到他粗糙的鞋子,也全是灰色的,他显得稳重而且严肃,很少说话。Four years of college and four years work experience, let me clear aim, mature, high efficiency to deal with things.
四年的大学学习和四年的工作经验,让我成熟稳重,目标明确,处理事情效高效。First, the concept of "you attract what you think of" is very true, and you'll automatically be drawn to the woman of your dreams.
首先“吸引力来源于思想”这句话非常准确如果你思想成熟气质稳重不自觉地那些你梦想中的女孩子就会被你吸引了。I'm a bit of a neurotic, so I need a stable man -- preferably with a beard and nice jawline.
我自己有那么一点的神经质,所以我需要一个成熟稳重的男人,最好就是能有络腮胡子和一个漂亮的下巴。He was composed on the ball had an excellent delivery with his left foot and was technically very able.
他处理球十分稳重,而且左脚能力十分了得,技术也很棒。He is whip-smart, to be sure, but the equanimity with which he approaches politics seems the bigger asset during a crisis era.
可以确定地说,他很聪明,他在经济危机时期所表现出的沉着与稳重看起来是更重要的资本。Four thousand a year is a pretty estate, and he seems a very genteel, steady young man, so I hope Miss Julia will be very happy.