




1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……



汉语拼音:chí zhòng








  1. 谓主持丧祭或宗庙社稷祭祀之事。

    《仪礼·丧服》:“何以不贰斩也?持重於大宗者,降其小宗也。” 胡培翚 正义:“持重,谓主持宗庙祭祀之重。”《汉书·师丹传》:“陛下既继体先帝,持重大宗,承宗庙天地社稷之祀,义不得復奉 定陶共皇 祭入其庙。” 刘义庆 《世说新语·德行》“ 邓攸 始避难” 刘孝标 注引《晋阳秋》:“七岁丧父母及祖父母,持重九年。”

  2. 担负重大任务。

    《史记·魏其武安侯列传》:“ 魏其 者,沾沾自喜耳,多易。难以为相持重。”《后汉书·李固杜乔传论》:“ 李固 据位持重,以争大义,确乎而不可夺。”《三国志·魏志·荀彧传》:“天子拜 太祖 大将军,进 彧 为 汉 侍中,守尚书令,常居中持重。”

  3. 举重物。

    《史记·扁鹊仓公列传》:“ 宋建 曰:‘…… 黄氏 诸倩见 建 家京下方石,即弄之, 建 亦欲效之,效之不能起,即復置之,暮,要脊痛,不得溺,至今不愈。’ 建 病得之好持重。”

  4. 稳重;谨慎。

    《史记·韩长孺列传》:“ 张羽 力战, 安国 持重,以故 吴 不能过 梁 。”《三国志·魏志·王基传》:“将军持重是也,停军不进非也。” 宋 欧阳修 《为君难论下》:“新进之士喜勇鋭,老成之人多持重。” 茅盾 《喜剧》三:“想起我们同学的时候,你是多么持重,总不肯乱走一步。”



  1. Miss Glover entered, and throwing off all her reserve in her overwhelming sympathy clasped Bertha to her heart.


  2. He was a serious young man, not rakish or loud-voiced like the others.


  3. An elite and powerful fighting order of well trained knights wearing heavy mail or plate armour and armed with a lance.


  4. He carried out his duties with great delicacy and understanding.


  5. Therefore, the translation of such terms should be especially cautious and discreet.


  6. All the majesty was gone , or it did but lurk and flicker faintly through her laughing eyes, like lighting seen through sunlight .


  7. In spite of his low voice and careful and discreet behaviour his speech and habits were those of cooper.


  8. Offensive and defensive is the important part of ethnic relationship thoughts.


  9. Moral and emotion conflict, steady and naive contradiction, everywhere has in theirs life.


  1. 他的谈吐老成持重

    an adultness in the quality of his dialogue

  2. 否则宁可退让,持重待机。

    Otherwise we should rather fall back and carefully bide our time.

  3. 他是一个持重的年轻人。

    He is a serious young man.

  4. 我和你是一样老成持重的。

    I am as steady as you are.

  5. 一个很持重有道德的人。

    A very sober, moral sort of man.

  6. 岁月使这兄弟俩老成持重了。

    The years have mellowed the two brothers.

  7. 他老成持重未免过分,我可不欣赏。

    He's a bit too respectable for my tastes.

  8. 不要装得老成持重 你是怎麽样就怎麽样。

    Don't try to act sophisticated just be yourself.

  9. 这个工作需由老练持重的人去做。

    This job call for a man with a great deal of maturity.

  10. 它们的思想似乎属于比较老成持重的一类。

    their thoughts seem to be of the more sober kind.

  11. 他以极其持重练达的作风完成了任务。

    Used to be only eaten by Aboriginal people, but now a local delicacy.

  12. 持重的人和渊博的学者起初看了觉得好笑。

    Staid men and good scholars at first expressed mirth.

  13. 他说我到了这年纪,应该变得老成持重了。

    He says that age should have mellowed me.

  14. 这个工作需由老练持重得人去做。

    This job call for a man with a great deal of maturity.

  15. 这位女士, 持重, 谨慎, 保守了无可非议的品行。

    That lady, prudent and reserved, maintained an irreproachedable demeanour.

  16. 这位女士, 持重, 谨慎, 保守了无可非议得品行。

    That lady, prudent and reserved, maintained an irreproachedable demeanour.

  17. 持重与稳健是张謇性格中最突出的特征。

    Steadiness and firmness were the most outstanding characters of Zhang Jian.

  18. 持重与稳健是张謇性格中最突出得特征。

    Steadiness and firmness were the most outstanding characters of Zhang Jian.

  19. 持重得人和渊博得学者起初看了觉得好笑。

    Staid men and good scholars at first expressed mirth.

  20. 多元周期函数分数次积分的持重范数不等式

    Weighted Norm Inequalities for the Fractional Integrals of Periodic Functions of Several Variables

  21. 他的身体长得结结实实,一副老成持重的模样。

    He is very healthy, and he has a look of being experienced and prudent.

  22. 否则宁可退让,持重待机。给我全薪让我退休了。

    Otherwise we should rather fall back and carefully bide our time. I was retired on full pay.

  23. 韦维尔以安祥持重的态度接受了这项决定。

    Wavell received the decision with poise and dignity.

  24. 韦维尔以安祥持重得态度接受了这项决定。

    Wavell received the decision with poise and dignity.

  25. 大学委员会称对此报告的真实性持重大怀疑。

    The university committee said It'strongly questions the truthfulness of that report.

  26. 因而, 翻译这一类词语时应尤为慎重和持重。

    Therefore, the translation of such terms should be especially cautious and discreet.

  27. 他们的性格已经完全形成,两人都是非常持重的孩子。

    Their characters are fully formed and they are both very stable children.

  28. 颜色为独玉绿白, 酱紫及天蓝, 色泽持重, 大气庄重。

    Color alone white jade green sky blue and Jiangzi, color pragmatic, solemn atmosphere.

  29. 颜色为独玉中最常见的黑白玉料, 色泽持重, 大气稳重。

    Jade color alone the most common blackandwhite jade expected, pragmatic color, atmospheric poise.

  30. 礼与情的冲突, 持重与真率的矛盾, 在他们的生活中所在皆是。

    Moral and emotion conflict, steady and naive contradiction, everywhere has in theirs life.


  1. 问:持重拼音怎么拼?持重的读音是什么?持重翻译成英文是什么?

    答:持重的读音是chízhòng,持重翻译成英文是 prudent; cautious


