


安定,固定:~步。~定。~固。~健。~重(zhòng )。安~。站~。~如泰山。……


1. 当 [dāng]2. 当 [dàng]3. 当 [dang]当 [dāng]充任,担任:充~。担(dān )~。~之无愧。掌管,主持:~家。~权。~政。正在那时候或那地方:~时。~代。~初。~今。~即(立即)。~年。~街。~院。面对着……



汉语拼音:wěn dang









  1. 稳妥恰当。

    唐 韩愈 《答侯生问<论语>书》:“此説甚为稳当,切更思之。” 宋 朱熹 《答范伯崇书·子贡问士》:“ 子贡 所以请问其次者,盖谓自省见得有未稳当处。” 毛泽东 《论十大关系》六:“对于汉族和少数民族的关系,我们的政策是比较稳当的,是比较得到少数民族赞成的。”

  2. 安稳;稳定。

    《西游记》第四二回:“他的身躯小巧,比你还坐得稳当。” 瞿秋白 《赤都心史》六:“ 华 工会中,有人告诉我, 莫斯科 暗中正在戒严状态之中;共产党中有反对改变政策的,居民庸众同时却秘密的阴谋,所以形势不大稳当。” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第二十章:“ 北原 、 汤河 、 黄堡镇 、 下堡村 ,房屋和树木,统统地在颤动,他脚底下的土地,也很不稳当地晃荡着。”



  1. He looked at the boy, who sat facing him from a front-row desk, his elbows splayed out for a steadier aim.

  2. He gave her no orders; he was quite sure that she would guard him better than he should guard himself.

  3. You slice and dice and repackage high-risk loans into securities that seem to be solid.

  4. Later, you dig a hole beneath the boulder and lift out a pair of Surefooted Boots.

  5. Torres had hardly taken his seat when the space he had been filling was assumed by Villa, a hithero peripheral figure out on the left.

  6. But De Laet looked assured at right-back and made a comfortable switch to centre-half. Carrick was also excellent.

  7. I don't understand why you can't just live at the house for a while, just to get on your feet.

  8. But he would have to make the camel kneel before mounting it and that would mean further delay which he couldn't afford. Time was money.

  9. Constructing robust vertical race tracks on silicon chips at a commercially viable cost may be a significant challenge.


  1. 稳当的办法

    a reliable method.

  2. 门已闩稳当了。

    The door is secured with bolts.

  3. 把梯子扶稳当。

    Hold the ladder steady.

  4. 做事稳当, 不会失手

    a sure hand on the throttle.

  5. 稳当些就更好了。

    If I could be steady, it would be better.

  6. 独木舟是不稳当的船。

    A canoe is a ticklish craft.

  7. 独木舟是不稳当得船。

    A canoe is a ticklish craft.

  8. 他上山慢,但很稳当。

    He made his way up the mountain slowly but surely.

  9. 太年轻以至于不能去稳当

    Too Young To Go Steady

  10. 他开起车来很快,稳当。

    He drove fast and well.

  11. 稳当且自如地移动或旅行

    to move or travel in a steady but easy manner

  12. 勤劳为成功最稳当的途径。

    Hard work is the surest avenue to success.

  13. 他走得很慢,但却很稳当。

    He walked slowly but surely.

  14. 平顺且稳当地使用煞车。

    Use your brakes smoothly but firmly.

  15. 稳稳当当可不够快

    Slow and Steady Isn't Fast Enough

  16. 这钓索很稳当,老人对它说。

    It's steady, the old man told him.

  17. 你会明白我在恢复,慢却稳当

    you'll know I'm recovering slowly but surely.

  18. 我们不能冒险, 我们最好来稳当的。

    We mustn't take chances, we'd better play safe.

  19. 我敢打赌,巴尼的做法一定很稳当。

    I'll pround it that Barney's managing properly.

  20. 我敢打赌,巴尼得做法一定很稳当。

    I'll pround it that Barney's managing properly.

  21. 沈著稳当地处理困难的局面

    Carried off the difficult situation with aplomb

  22. 它能进行大批处理,既从容又稳当。

    It does a quiet smooth job with large number.

  23. 他声称该计划稳当, 但事实却不然。

    He represented the plan as safe, but it was not.

  24. 他声称该计画稳当,但事实却不然。

    He represented the plan as safe, but it was not.

  25. 难度2,靠左打稳当一些,右边全是水。

    Index 2, there is a river cut through the fairway.

  26. 工行的头把交椅似乎坐得很稳当。

    Its grip on the top spot looks strong.

  27. 这样办固然稳当些,可就是要慢一些。

    No doubt it would be safer to do it that way, but it would be slower.

  28. 内在的光芒是唯一稳当 穿越暗质的管道

    Lit from within is the sole secure way to traverse dark matter.

  29. 聂荣臻同志提出步子要稳当, 我赞成。

    Comrade Nie Rongzhen has said that we must go forward on a solid footing. I agree.

  30. 游泳时最好稳当一些,不要离岸太远。

    When you are swimming, it's best to play it safe and not go too far from the shore.


  1. 问:稳当拼音怎么拼?稳当的读音是什么?稳当翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稳当的读音是wěndang,稳当翻译成英文是 steady; reliable



读音:wěn dang 基本解释 1. [reliable;secure]∶牢靠妥当 稳当的办法 2. [safe]∶稳固妥当 把梯子放稳当 详细解释 1. 稳妥恰当。 唐韩愈 《答侯生问书》:“此说甚为稳当,切更思之。” 宋 朱熹 《答范伯崇书·子贡问士》:“ 子贡 所以请问其次者,盖谓自省见得有未稳当处。” 毛泽东 《论十大关系》六:“对于汉族和少数民族的关系,我们的政策是比较稳当的,是比较得到少数民族赞成的。” 2. 安稳;稳定。 《西游记》第四二回:“他的身躯小巧,比你还坐得稳当。” 瞿秋白 《赤都心史》六:“ 华 工会中,有人告诉我, 莫斯科 暗中正在戒严状态之中;共产党中有反对改变政策的,居民庸众同时却秘密的阴谋,所以形势不大稳当。” 柳青 《创业史》第一部第二十章:“ 北原 、 汤河 、 黄堡镇 、 下堡村 ,房屋和树木,统统地在颤动,他脚底下的土地,也很不稳当地晃荡着。”