


扁平物体上下两个面的距离:~度。~薄(厚度)。扁平物体上下两个面距离较大的,与“薄”相对:~纸。~重(zhòng )(a.又厚又重;b.丰厚;c.厚道而庄重)。深,重(zhòng ),浓,多:~望。不刻薄,待人好:~道(诚恳,宽容,“道”读……


1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……



汉语拼音:hòu zhòng










  1. 敦厚持重。

    汉 荀悦 《汉纪·高祖纪》:“ 周勃 厚重少文,然安 刘 氏者,必 勃 也。” 宋 王安石 《尚书屯田员外郎仲君墓志铭》:“君厚重有大志,不妄言笑。”《明史·刘仲质传》:“ 仲质 为人厚重篤实。” 鲁迅 《汉文学史纲要》第二篇:“其民厚重,故虽直抒胸臆,犹能止乎礼义。”

  2. 浑厚庄重。

    清 李斗 《扬州画舫录·草河录上》:“欲於大殿书‘大雄之殿’四字……以‘大’‘之’二字皆少笔,宜结体厚重。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷二:“作诗不可不辨者,……厚重之与笨滞也,纵横之与杂乱也:亦似是而非。” 秦牧 《茅台·花雕瓶子》:“采取独特的形式,在朴素中注意到和谐,端庄,厚重,光泽。”

  3. 厚实,有分量。

    宋 岳飞 《申省进兵渡江札子》:“今据诸处申到,番伪敌马厚重,欲分路前来侵犯。” 清 阮元 《小沧浪笔谈》卷三:“ 即墨 刀尤精鍊厚重。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致郑振铎》:“我的意思,以为季刊比月刊较厚重。”

  4. 丰厚隆重。

    唐 张鷟 《游仙窟》:“予与夫人娘子,本不相识,暂缘公使,邂逅相遇。玉饌珍奇,非常厚重,粉身灰骨,不能酬谢。”

  5. 厚待,看重。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·聂小倩》:“ 宁 欲观之,慨出相示,荧荧然一小剑也。於益厚重 燕 。”



  1. Old city gate Tall and firm old city gate seems to be grand as it used to be.


  2. And she knew that she would have to wear heavy medieval clothes and that her underwear, like her body, would be washed only once a week.


  3. Due to the facade design, the mosaic of cut stone, a strong and weighty feature, appears weightless as if floating over the parking area.


  4. ' Invited to a tribal wedding, Williams did not photograph the 'girls in bright silks and heavy coin necklaces . . . ranged against the sky.


  5. The snow walls pressed him on every side, and a great surge of fear swept through him--the fear of the wild thing for the trap.


  6. Some complained they had not been able to fire enough rounds to lighten their heavy packs.


  7. The paste is a little thick, but try to think of it as a mask for your teeth.


  8. Mr. Brown often wore a heavy coat because he was no t used to living in such a cold climate.


  9. At first I thought this would be really waxy and thick, but it turns that this was creamy and smooth.


  1. 厚重光亮丝府绸

    pongee imperial

  2. 厚重捣药铜臼

    Thick and Heavy Copper Mortar for Pounding Herb Medicines

  3. 空气是那么厚重, 那么甜蜜

    The air is heavy and sweet

  4. 他翻开厚重的圣经。

    He opened the heavy Bible.

  5. 他翻开厚重的圣经。

    He opened the heavy Bible.

  6. 厚重织物泡沫阻燃涂层

    Foam coating with flame retardant for heavy fabric

  7. 一种非常厚重的鞋子。

    a thick and heavy shoe.

  8. 适合制衣的厚重的纤维。

    a heavy fabric suitable for coats.

  9. 如果您的嘴唇厚重的话。

    If you have big lips.

  10. 具有厚重或坚硬的壳的

    Having a thick, heavy, or hardened shell.

  11. 小公牛似的厚重的肩膀。

    thick bullocky shoulders.

  12. 你指的是厚重的衣着吗

    Do you mean heavy wear clothing

  13. 风格质朴厚重,劲健秀美。

    The patterns were also drawn on the stones to add to their attraction and beauty.

  14. 变得更为厚重, 清晰和洪亮

    Become more profound and more clear and loud

  15. 底妆更亚光,但不厚重。

    Bottom makeup more inferior smooth, but not massiness.

  16. 男人总是穿着死板厚重的西装。

    Men always wore stiff heavy suits.

  17. 我穿着一件很厚重的大衣。

    I was wearing a heavy coat.

  18. 踏寻通州古迹感悟厚重历史

    Historic site in Tong Zhou

  19. 镶在厚重的金底座上的红宝石

    a ruby in a heavy gold setting

  20. 她厚重的翅膀将压垮你的精神

    Her heavy wings will warp your mind

  21. 我们年轻的生命能有多厚重?

    Our young life can have much decorous?

  22. 厚重的外套似乎将他压垮了。

    The heavy coat seemed to bear him down.

  23. 这些厚重的窗帘是温暖的杏黄色。

    The heavy curtains were a warm apricot.

  24. 厚重的衣服影响了攀登者的移动。

    Heavy clothing hampered the movements of the climbers.

  25. 相反地, 它们可是非常厚重狂暴的。

    Au contraire, they are massive and tempestuous.

  26. 我走着,如同穿过厚重的织物。

    I walk as if I moved through heavy cloth.

  27. 人们在秋雨中渐渐变得厚重。

    People in the autumn of massiness gradually become.

  28. 用绳绒线织成的厚重的纤维织品

    A heavy fabric woven with chenille cord

  29. 书架被厚重的书压得凹陷下去。

    The shelf is yielding under the heavy books.

  30. 空气厚重,有着某种溶剂的味道。

    The air was thick with a solvent smell.


  1. 问:厚重拼音怎么拼?厚重的读音是什么?厚重翻译成英文是什么?

    答:厚重的读音是hòuzhòng,厚重翻译成英文是 thick; extravagant; dignified


