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1. 增 [zēng]增 [zēng]加多,添:~加。~多。~添。~益。~生(a.同“增殖”;b.古代科举制度中生员名目之一)。~产。~长(zhǎng )。~援。~殖。~辉。~减。~删。……
1. 长 [cháng]2. 长 [zhǎng]长 [cháng]两端的距离:~度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:~短。~空。~短句(词的别名)。~夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。~风破浪(喻志趣远大)。~歌代哭(以歌代哭……
汉语拼音:zēng zhǎng
《后汉书·桓帝纪》:“六月, 彭城 泗水 增长逆流。” 宋 苏轼 《议学校贡举状》:“而欲使此等分别注疏,粗识大义,而望其才能增长,亦已疎矣。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二二回:“从此没事时,就到 伯述 那里谈天,倒也增长了许多见识。” 毛泽东 《<中国农村的社会主义高潮>的按语》八:“现在全国农村中,社会主义因素每日每时都在增长。”
He told me that with the background of a growing world population, farmers could be doing more to cut down on waste.
他告诉我在世界人口不断增长的大背景下,农民可以做更多事来减少浪费。Gorbachev also recognized that the Soviet economy needed fundamental reforms, as it had not posted positive growth in nearly a decade.
戈尔巴乔夫认为苏联的经济需要作根本的改革,因为它在近十年里没有创造出正的增长。Contrary to what you often hear, the large deficit the federal government is running right now isn't the result of runaway spending growth.
与您被经常灌输的相反,目前联邦政府出现的巨额赤字并不是失控的支出增长造成的。But grant that this is true. Then the best policy is to slow the long-term growth in spending on age-related programmes.
但让我们假设其属实,那么眼下的最佳政策就是减缓在老龄化相关项目上开支的长期增长。Firms tracking the money companies withhold for tax purposes warn that job growth seems to have stopped.
追踪企业税项拨备的公司警告称,这种就业增长似乎已经停止。The news is still bitter, though, because we have yet to see the gains of economic growth translated into the still-decrepit labour market.
然而这一消息仍然令人痛苦,因为劳动力市场依旧低迷,我们还没看到经济增长在劳动力市场上有所反映。Yes. Why do you think the rise in pocket money is often higher than inflation?
是的。你认为为什么零花钱的增长率会高于通货膨胀率?But bad loans can be written off and a few years of even mid-single digit GDP growth will absorb most of the investment excess.
但是,坏债可以被注销,而且即便是5%左右的GDP增长,也只需几年就可吸收大部分的过度投资。Unfortunately, on the eve of the charging zone's extension westward, doubts about how much it has achieved are growing.