


1. 拉 [lā]2. 拉 [lá]拉 [lā]牵,扯,拽:~车。~网。~下马(喻使某人下台)。用车载运:~货。使延长:~延。~伸。排泄粪便:~屎。联络:~拢。~帮结伙。摧折:摧枯~朽。带领转移:把部队~出去。牵引乐器的某一部分使乐器发出声……


1. 长 [cháng]2. 长 [zhǎng]长 [cháng]两端的距离:~度。长度大,与“短”相对,指空间,亦指时间:~短。~空。~短句(词的别名)。~夜(a.漫长的黑夜;b.喻黑暗的日子)。~风破浪(喻志趣远大)。~歌代哭(以歌代哭……



汉语拼音:lā cháng









拉长 [lā cháng]
  1. 延长。




  1. Once upon a time, there was a black cat called Ali. He hung himself on the clothesline and wanted to make his ears longer.


  2. I feel as if time has somehow been stretched. The distance between Monday and Friday feels greater, but the weekends seem longer too.


  3. With an elongated nose like that of a fighter jet, it was clearly designed with speed in mind.


  4. Why the long face all the time? You're not the only one who failed the final exam.


  5. The reporter MADE his speech longer By padding it out with a few humorous jokes.


  6. When I told him that he would have to pay for all the damage out of his own pocket, he made a long face.


  7. Opening the outer hips and lengthening the spine tends to help deepen and improve twists.


  8. Drag the bottom of the table to make it longer and easier to see all of the fields in the table.


  9. The haunted, Aphex Twin-sampling "Blame Game" bottoms out with a verse in which Kanye's voice is sped up, slowed down and stretched out.


  1. 拉长橡皮筋

    to stretch a rubber band.

  2. 拉长调说话。

    drawl ones words.

  3. 橡皮筋可以拉长。

    Rubber bands stretch.

  4. 拉长了的战线

    an extended battle line.

  5. 他们拉长了战线。

    They made an extended battle line.

  6. 我把腿拉长了

    I had my legs lengthened.

  7. 部署,拉长战线,展开

    To be or become deployed.

  8. 小女孩拉长橡皮筋。

    The little girl stretched her rubber band.

  9. 拉长在程度上加长

    To lengthen in extent.

  10. 不断地拉长反复地拉伸

    To stretch repeatedly.

  11. 一块橡皮可以拉长。

    A piece of rubber can be elongated by streching.

  12. 开放式拉长细管法

    Open pulled straw

  13. 你为什么拉长个脸啊?

    Why are you pulling a long face?

  14. 南方人拉长调子的话音

    A Southern drawl.

  15. 拉长的影子融入薄暮。

    Lengthening shadows coalesce into dusk.

  16. 橡皮圈能被拉长的特性

    the capacity of elastic to be stretched.

  17. 他拉长了脸来找我。

    He came to me with a very long face.

  18. 她拉长花腔以讨好听众。

    She dragged out the florid run to impress her audience

  19. 他们试图把电线拉长一点。

    They were trying to stretch the wire longer.

  20. 根状茎拉长,给12厘米直径。

    Rhizomes elongate, to 12 cm in diam.

  21. 迎面而来的月光拉长身影,

    Cold moon reflecting my body and my soul

  22. 拉长你的尾骨向地板方向。

    Lengthen your tailbone toward the floor.

  23. 拉长, 使脱节或毁伤受害者。

    stretches, disjoints or mutilates victims.

  24. 不要倾斜,扭曲或拉长标志。

    Do not italicize, skew or stretch the logo.

  25. 拉长或操作法行关节松解

    Arthrolysis by stretching or manipulation

  26. 这条橡皮筋可被拉长两倍。

    The rubber band can be stretched out.

  27. 你可将这橡皮拉长许多倍。

    You can stretch this rubber out to many times its length.

  28. 我用了大量引文把答案拉长。

    I padded out my answer with plenty of quotations.

  29. 罗温莉莉安,干嘛拉长个脸啊?

    Rowan Why the long face, Lillian.

  30. 他们的脸容拉长, 并且是椭圆形。

    Their faces were elongated and oval.


  1. 问:拉长声音拼音怎么拼?拉长声音的读音是什么?拉长声音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拉长声音的读音是lācháng shēngyīn,拉长声音翻译成英文是 hold a note

  2. 问:拉长拼音怎么拼?拉长的读音是什么?拉长翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拉长的读音是lā cháng,拉长翻译成英文是 elongate

  3. 问:拉长岩拼音怎么拼?拉长岩的读音是什么?拉长岩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拉长岩的读音是,拉长岩翻译成英文是 labradite

  4. 问:拉长的拼音怎么拼?拉长的的读音是什么?拉长的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拉长的的读音是lā cháng de,拉长的翻译成英文是 oblong

  5. 问:拉长石拼音怎么拼?拉长石的读音是什么?拉长石翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拉长石的读音是lā cháng shí,拉长石翻译成英文是 labradorite

  6. 问:拉长战线拼音怎么拼?拉长战线的读音是什么?拉长战线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拉长战线的读音是lā zhǎng zhàn xiàn,拉长战线翻译成英文是 Over-Extend a Front

  7. 问:拉长交货期拼音怎么拼?拉长交货期的读音是什么?拉长交货期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拉长交货期的读音是lā cháng jiāo huò qī,拉长交货期翻译成英文是 Stretch out

  8. 问:拉长声信号拼音怎么拼?拉长声信号的读音是什么?拉长声信号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拉长声信号的读音是lá cháng shēng xìn hào,拉长声信号翻译成英文是 prolonged sound symbol

  9. 问:拉长安山岩拼音怎么拼?拉长安山岩的读音是什么?拉长安山岩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拉长安山岩的读音是lā cháng ān shān yán,拉长安山岩翻译成英文是 alboranite