


分量小,与“重(zhòng )”相对:~重。~型。~便(biàn )。~于鸿毛。~尘栖弱草(喻人生渺小短暂)。程度浅,数量少:年~。工作~。用力小:~放。~声。~闲。~描淡写。负载少,装备简省:~装。~骑。~锐(轻装的精锐部队)。认为容易,……





汉语拼音:qīng kuáng








  1. 放浪轻浮。

    宋 苏轼 《定风波·感旧》词:“薄倖只贪游冶去,何处?垂杨繫马恣轻狂。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷七:“ 东老 坐间看见户椽傍边立着一个妓女,姿态恬雅,宛然闺阁中人,絶无一点轻狂之度。” 徐迟 《牡丹》:“ 姚黄 在这里接近于风骚旦,有着妖冶的眼色,轻狂的举止,挑逗的歌声。”



  1. At least a few kids that grow up to young friends, the friendship.

  2. After years of washing people sash slowly honed, refining its stand a few of spirit, extremely frivolous and impulsive.

  3. To my dismay, there were times where my teenage hormones spoke differently. But my mother continued to love me ever so gently.

  4. He watched his mother without making a sound. The picture of his mother made him want to cry.

  5. Frivolous the youth have been oneself as north of the fish, waiting for the moment to kun peng.

  6. However, the juvenile told, and no one can deny that the decision not to make a lifetime of careful choices?

  7. Thank you to my tolerance has been for me, the compromise, accept my make public, rebellious, and young frivolous! ! ! ! !

  8. Really have to SOB the passage of time, the year the years have been less frivolous is gone.

  9. You are innocent, is I is not too sensible, I have been too selfish, too frivolous, heartfelt speaks one in here me to you: Good girl!


  1. 轻狂的举动

    extremely frivolous behavior.

  2. 长夜漫漫,年少轻狂

    The night is young and so are we.

  3. 我并不是有意轻狂。

    I do not mean it as a liberty.

  4. 我骄傲,我轻狂,因为我年轻。

    I am proud, I am frivolous, because I was young.

  5. 我不喜欢轻狂与虚荣。

    I don't like fuss and feather.

  6. 因我无趣而轻狂的生活?

    Per laride follie del viver mio

  7. 微风特别柔和,小马格外轻狂。

    Le vert est si doux, le cheval content.

  8. 再见。我的青春悲剧, 你的年少轻狂。

    Goodbye. The tragedy of my youth, you young and frivolous.

  9. 这星期的天气预报是孟浪轻狂。

    And crazy is forecast all week.

  10. 这星期得天气预报是孟浪轻狂。

    And crazy is forecast all week.

  11. 梦想忽隐然后忽现, 青春暗淡并且轻狂。

    Dreams suddenly and then disappears. youthhood is dim and crazy.

  12. 后来, 才知道, 自己想的只是太过于轻狂。

    Later, only know that they too would like to only extremely frivolous.

  13. 我一定会把他们打的片甲不留。因为我年少轻狂。

    I will blow them out of the water.

  14. 生活磨掉我们年少轻狂的棱角,时间督促我们成长。

    Life grind our young frivolous edges and corners, we grow. Time urged.

  15. 我觉得她给人一种自以为是的轻狂,令人厌恶。

    It seems to me to show an abominable sort of conceited independence.

  16. 小默多克沉溺于这种年少轻狂是不明智的。

    Mr. Murdoch was unwise to indulge in adolescent hyperbole.

  17. 那些日子里,我们用青春做赌注,年少轻狂,无忧无虑。

    In those days, we used to do youth gamble extremely frivolous young, carefree.

  18. 还有很多年少轻狂的梦想和对未来的美好憧憬。

    I had many ambitious dreams and beautiful longings.

  19. 这是你们年少轻狂时所种下的种子 开花结果。

    It is the flowering of the seeds you planted in earlier, headier days.

  20. 年幼轻狂的我,为爱付出了代价,泪水划过了我的脸庞。

    But I was young and foolish, and now im full of tears.

  21. 那些青葱的岁月和年少的轻狂已晃然间随风飘逝。

    These shallot's years and young frivolous shook however flutter wind pass.

  22. 那些青葱得岁月和年少得轻狂已晃然间随风飘逝。

    These shallot's years and young frivolous shook however flutter wind pass.

  23. 至少要有几个哥们, 找到年少轻狂时共同成长的友谊。

    At least a few kids that grow up to young friends, the friendship.

  24. 噢,回想起我们年少时的轻狂,只有你和我的世界里。

    Oh, thinking about all our younger years, there was only you and me.

  25. 葛福临现在感到很后悔, 因为他年轻时, 既轻狂又叛逆!

    Franklin Graham regrets it now, but in his youth he was wild rebellious.

  26. 人不轻狂亡少年,但是这个轻狂的代价也未免太大了吧?

    Person not frivolous perishing youth, but this frivolous price rather too has been also big?

  27. 总得来说,她是个大方友善的人,只不过偶尔有点轻狂。

    On the whole she is generous and friendly exceptthat she is a little frivolous from time to time.

  28. 我那位睿智的老师表现得有礼有节,和善地应对我的年少轻狂。

    My wise teacher gently replied to my adolescent outrage with reasoned and moderate responses.


  1. 问:轻狂拼音怎么拼?轻狂的读音是什么?轻狂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:轻狂的读音是qīngkuáng,轻狂翻译成英文是 wayward

  2. 问:轻狂地拼音怎么拼?轻狂地的读音是什么?轻狂地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:轻狂地的读音是,轻狂地翻译成英文是 flightily



“轻狂”是个多义词,它可以指轻狂(汉语词语), 轻狂(图书)。