




1. 魄 [pò]魄 [pò]指依附形体而存在的精神:魂~。丢魂落~。魂飞~散。精神,精力:~力。气~。体~。古同“霸”,月始生或将灭时的微光。古同“粕”,糟粕。古同“珀”,琥珀。……



汉语拼音:qì pò









  1. 气概,魄力。

    唐 殷璠 《河岳英灵集·薛据》:“ 据 为人骨鯁有气魄,其文亦尔。” 明 康海 《粉蝶儿·贺登科》套曲:“气魄如 南阳 卧龙,精神似 渭水 非熊。”

  2. 气势,气派。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致郑振铎》:“该校气魄远不如燕大之大。”

  3. 指心神,气色。

    清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·续黄粱》:“疏上, 曾 闻之气魄悚骇,如饮冰水。”



  1. After whole body is uneasiness, I step back to open his to say, he said a words: "The good boldness of vision of over Mr. Yan. "


  2. Some of baroque architecture over the pursuit of luxury boldness, even to the point of tedious piling up.


  3. Swinburne's masochism was a way for him to step out of stereotypical gender roles.


  4. It is amazing that such a small piece of pottery can convey so much vigor and boldness.


  5. Such a group of ancient grand verve, the long time preservation, the famous at home and abroad, the famous intact.


  6. This article from the style of its architectural art form as the breakthrough point, Analysis of the Byzantine-style architecture features.


  7. Micron shine, bursts of cheers, Zhang Jie on such a display in honor of the King's vision, the battle of Chinese music!


  8. she wanted the power, the fire, the originality of her sister, but was well endowed with quiet virtues of her own.


  9. It was really a wonder that the Kunming Lake, which originally held man's vision, now only looked like a basin of clear water.


  1. 他有心胸, 有气魄。

    He is a man of vision with high ambitions.

  2. 他有心胸,有气魄。

    He is a man of vision with high ambitions.

  3. 这是真正的斗士的气魄。

    That is the true gladiator feeling.

  4. 这是真正得斗士得气魄。

    That is the true gladiator feeling.

  5. 缺乏赶尽杀绝的勇气或是气魄么?

    Dont have the vim or the verve to drive home the killing blow

  6. 你的话很有气魄,朱迪思。

    These are brave words, Judith.

  7. 你要的个性,气魄,还有幽默呢?

    What happened to personality, verve and humor?

  8. 表现出心胸宽大和通情达理的气魄

    exhibit a spirit of liberality and reasonableness

  9. 麦德龙的巨人气魄与独特性格

    METRO Groups Gigantic Verve and Unique Character.

  10. 这首诗歌颂了黄河的伟大气魄。

    This poem praises the grandeur of the Yellow River.

  11. 我对他的军人气魄甚表敬佩。

    I quickly formed a great respect and admiration for his soldierly qualities.

  12. 我对他得军人气魄甚表敬佩。

    I quickly formed a great respect and admiration for his soldierly qualities.

  13. 我们钦佩他的气魄, 创造力和激情。

    We admired his spirit, his creativity and his passion.

  14. 他是一个具有大气魄的聪明人。

    He is a clever person with verve.

  15. 山的宏伟气魄不禁使我们深受感触。

    We could not help being impressed by the majesty of the mountains.

  16. 他表现出心胸开阔和通情达理的气魄。

    He exhibits a spirit of liberality and reasonableness.

  17. 胡军演出了忠贞的赵云大将的气魄。

    Hu Jun plays the wearied but unswerving General Zhao with verve.

  18. 我们得军队在战斗中证明出强大得气魄。

    Our soldiery exhibited great bravery in the battle.

  19. 我们的军队在战斗中证明出强大的气魄。

    Our soldiery exhibited great bravery in the battle.

  20. 再来一杯,它会使你有男子汉气魄。

    Have another drink. It'll put hairs on your chest.

  21. 它展开双翅飞翔, 比之前显得更气魄了。

    He spread out his wings. He looked a bit more masculine than before.

  22. 我们要有宁作鬼雄不做傀儡的气魄。

    We'd like to be heroes among ghosts, instead of being puppets in others'hands.

  23. 我们要有宁作鬼雄不做傀儡得气魄。

    We'd like to be heroes among ghosts, instead of being puppets in others'hands.

  24. 我们要有宁作鬼雄不做傀儡的气魄。

    We'd like to be heroes among ghosts, instead of being puppets in others' hands.

  25. 他的全身的精力和气魄,生命和智慧就不复存在。

    His body of energy and boldness of vision, wisdom and life would not exist.

  26. 你有男子汉的 气魄 去完成这项危险的任务吗?

    Are you man enough for this dangerous job ?

  27. 这是真正的斗士的气魄。你的话很有气魄,朱迪思。

    That is the true gladiator feeling. These are brave words, Judith.

  28. 尝尝桶装的黑啤酒,它会使你有男子汉的气魄的。

    Drawn from a container, esp of beer from a barrel Try some draught Guinness; it'll put hairs on your chest.

  29. 你要用力量和气魄传达我最后的命令给议院

    You will deliver my final orders to the council with force and verve.

  30. 慨然表现出他作为统帅的无畏胆识与雄大气魄。

    Generously to show him as commander in chief for the fearless courage and great spirit hung.


  1. 问:气魄拼音怎么拼?气魄的读音是什么?气魄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:气魄的读音是qìpò,气魄翻译成英文是 imposing manner


