


1. 魄 [pò]魄 [pò]指依附形体而存在的精神:魂~。丢魂落~。魂飞~散。精神,精力:~力。气~。体~。古同“霸”,月始生或将灭时的微光。古同“粕”,糟粕。古同“珀”,琥珀。……





汉语拼音:pò lì







  1. 指临事的胆识和果断作风。

    清 恽敬 《刑部尚书金公墓志铭》:“公常语 敬 曰:‘欲知 文成 之为人乎?’ 敬 起立拱而俟。公久之曰:‘心地厚。’復久之曰:‘魄力大。’” 老舍 《四世同堂》六:“她的喜怒哀乐都是大起大落,整出整入的;只有这样说恼便恼,说笑就笑,才能表现出她的魄力与气派,而使她像 西太后 。”

  2. 气魄,气势。

    清 阮元 《小沧浪笔谈》卷三:“嗣见 赵晋斋 所藏旧本,魄力雄伟,为 北海 ( 李邕 )得意笔。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四二回:“只要记得那‘八股’的范围格局,那文章的魄力之厚薄……古文时文,总是一样的。”



  1. The constant possibility that his next day could be his last has been a powerful force in Hsieh's life.


  2. Do not use, will never grow if it wants to develop new business, there should be training new courage and vigor.


  3. But this leads me to a question about the president. Has he, at any point in his presidency so far, demonstrated much political courage?


  4. "He looks as if he had plenty of determination, " he said, "but when you come down to brass tacks he has no backbone. "


  5. I was with her usual afternoon in a meeting, as well as exchanges, let me feel the honesty and vigor, and unremittingly honest go.


  6. These days, the more ability, drive and initiative a young man had, the more likely he was to have wild ideas.


  7. you are not afraid of a strong enemy, showing his own, is the most the most vigorous and brave!


  8. Boldness is necessary. You must start when the timing comes. In the grounders community, risk is often with opportunities.


  9. Some heavy-hitting investors are beginning to move in that direction, even in their own portfolios.


  1. 相当有魄力的人

    a man with plenty of guts

  2. 有时因为他们的魄力。

    Sometimes for their daring.

  3. 他有勇气, 有见识, 有魄力。

    He had courage, insight and determination.

  4. 我们的头儿很有魄力。

    Our boss has a lot of drive.

  5. 我们的老板很有魄力。

    Our boss has a lot of drive.

  6. 他评述说我缺乏魄力。

    He described me as lacking in spirits.

  7. 智慧与魄力,如同眼与手。

    Wisdom and strength, eyes and hands.

  8. 他有魄力,压得住手下人。

    He is forceful enough to control his men.

  9. 个性开朗,积极主动,很有魄力。

    Pleasant personility with initiative and drive.

  10. 他的主人说他缺乏魄力与干劲。

    His employer described him as lacking in initiative and drive.

  11. 胆识和魄力就是她成功的基石。

    Boldness and courage are the cornerstonesof her success.

  12. 魄力,气势坚定的信念热情或者强力

    Strong feeling enthusiasm or intensity.

  13. 约翰的魄力和热情最令人难忘。

    John will be best remembered for his drive and enthusiasm.

  14. 我始终对他莫大的魄力不胜钦佩。

    I always admired his massive strength.

  15. 香港商界魄力惊人,早已成为此地特色。

    The vitality of business in Hong Kong makes this city special.

  16. 我现在正需要一个有魄力的人。

    One forceful man is what I need at the moment.

  17. 冬天的海深沉而有魄力, 颇富奇趣。

    The ocean in winter is deep and bold, and rich in unusual charm.

  18. 冬天的海深沉而有魄力,颇富奇趣。

    The ocean in winter is deep and bold, and rich in unusual charm.

  19. 要有信心。没有信心,工作无魄力,无耐性,无深度。

    Move with confidence. It give your work force and substance.

  20. 他已没有多少魄力去作进一步的钻研。

    He no longer had much incentive to studying.

  21. 他们那样去开创生意是很有魄力的。

    It's very enterprising of them to start up a business like that.

  22. 他似乎没有足够大的魄力来接替他的父亲。

    He did not seem to be a big enough personality to replace his father.

  23. 他是个过分与世无争的人物,没有足够的魄力。

    He was too retiring a person, did not have enough force.

  24. 果然是敢闯敢做,有魄力有手段的向家人!

    Indeed as expected dare to rush to dare to do, have energy resourcefully to the family!

  25. 果然是敢闯敢做,有魄力有手段得向家人!

    Indeed as expected dare to rush to dare to do, have energy resourcefully to the family!

  26. “我们爬那座山吧,”她很有魄力地说道。

    "Let's go up that mountain," she said enterprisingly.

  27. 因此,政府应该具有身先士卒、积极变革自身的魄力。

    Therefore, the government should take the lead; promote its own reforms positively.

  28. 几个有魄力的女子筹办了一项慈善步行活动。

    Some enterprising girls organized a sponsored walk.

  29. 洛丽塔是一部表现英语语言魅力和魄力的作品。

    Lolita is a work of art that shows the charm and force of the English language.

  30. 奥运精神是气度绵延的万里长城, 赋予我们勇武的魄力。

    Olympic spirit of the Great Wall is rolling bearing, gives us Yongwu vigour.


  1. 问:魄力拼音怎么拼?魄力的读音是什么?魄力翻译成英文是什么?

    答:魄力的读音是pòlì,魄力翻译成英文是 courage



魄力”就是一个人处理和对待问题时,能发挥自身能动性,忽略不重要细节对整体的影响而做出正确的决定或选择,关键是他能够显示自身才干,自身思维,自身特点。从不拖泥带水也是魄力的一个重要表现,从容,干练,有一定的鼓动性或者说是带动性。是一种人格魅力。 做到有魄力一是知识全面,这是基础;二是性格强势,干练,突出,看问题容易从整体着眼,这是先天条件;三是以上两点的优势结合。如是便不难做到有魄力。